Download .bmp format wallpaper here. (1.7MB)
Prophet (James Fudge) at GameShark.com awarded Digital Eel's Big Box of Blox a rating of 8/10 in his review today. He calls the game "weird, crazy, cool and fun" and "devilishly clever." Prophetic words? Play the Big Box of Blox demo and decide for yourself!
Our thanks to Prophet and all at GameShark.com for your kind words and support!
Dr. Blob's Organism wins Game Tunnel award for Best Sound
From the Game Tunnel website:
"There are few things that can establish the feeling of a game like the sound ... This years finalists each had a sound that was all its own, and the scores of each show that it was a hard pick for our reviewers ... there was a lot of good music."
You can view the winners in the Best Sound category here.
Our heartfelt thanks to Game Tunnel for the recognition. We're honored that Dr. Blob's Organism was chosen among so many great-sounding games!
Adrenaline Vault has posted their Top 20 Shareware Games of 2003 picks, and guess what? Dr. Blob's Organism made the cut! Avault's Bob Mandel has done the hard work for you by playing dozens and dozens of shareware games over the last year. You don't just pull a list like this out of a hat. Finally, he's chosen the 20 best, any one of which will tickle your hard drives and make you giggle.
Thanks Bob, and all at Avault, for your attention, encouragement and support!
IGF Finalists Announced! Dr. Blob's Organism is in the mix!
The Independent Games Festival has chosen 20 games, including Dr. Blob's Organism, as finalists in next year's GDC-sponsored awards event. This is Digital Eel's second nomination so as you can imagine we're all pretty excited to be heading to San Jose again in 2004.
It is a privilege to be included on a roster with so many other terrific games. Be sure to head over to the IGF website and check 'em out!
Web/Downloadable category:
Beesly's Buzzwords
Billiard Boxing
Chomp! Chomp! Safari
Dr. Blob's Organism
Dungeon Scroll
Space Station Manager
Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates
Open Category:
acmi {{park}}
Anito: Defend A Land Enraged
Fashion Cents
Fuzzee Teevee
Savage: The Battle for Newerth
Take Command: 1861 The Civil War
If you are interested in making mods for Strange Adventures in Infinite Space we encourage you to visit the SAIS Federation group online. It's a great place to meet other gamers who like to talk shop and share information about creating mods for the game. Lord Rylex runs a tight ship and supplies mod makers with plenty of resources to get started as well as a message board for inquiries and general banter.
There have been some terrific mods released so far (The Mizendar Galaxy; Megamod; Dogfight; AlStar's SAIS mod; Renegade; Target Rich Environment; Q) and we all want to see and play more, so start poking around in those SAIS .ini files, head on over to the SAIS Federation group site, hobnob with the community and make that cool idea that you're thinking about happen!
Happy holidays! Hope your Day of Thanks was as grand as ours. This year, Dr. Blob whipped up a sumptuous Mystery Kitchen buffet with all of the trimmings -Flaming Peelout cocktails, snailopus under glass, steamed crab monster ala Mucron, poached spider bat with neon sprinkles, chicken-fried lummox tongue, Primordius' famous primordial cheese soup with groink clusters (hooray!) and sled pie (traditional style with real sled); mmm, them's sure good eats! The good doctor also opened a crate of rare Tiberian Moonshine much to the delight of all present. Serpent vine cigars and after dinner powerups concluded the festive dinner.
Grandma's Old-fashioned Sled Pie
1 pre-made graham cracker pie crust
16 oz. Maraschino cherries
1 tub of your favorite dessert topping
1 42" sled (Flexible Flyer or eq.)
Combine cherries and sled in a mixing bowl.
Beat until smooth.
Pour cherry and sled filling into pie crust.
Place in refrigerator for 30 minutes to chill and set.
Remove, add topping and serve.
Cool mod news! Wydraz has just released a swanky new Strange Adventures in Infinite Space mod called The Mizendar Galaxy. (Congrats, Wydraz!) It presents an alternate universe where you possess not a starship but an Aethership -a fanciful star galleon. You can choose from three ship variations, Hunter, Destroyer and Explorer. Each one offers different weapon and ship system configurations. They're all fun and with three weapon hardpoints, deadly. This mod is designed for hardcore SAIS players who prefer the hardest difficulty setting. Mizendar also adds some tasty art to the game. The new star field background (which might just be cooler than ours, shhh!) is terrific, and there are a few other nice touches too. Be sure to check out The Mizendar Galaxy. It's a classy mod that you'll definitely want to have in your SAIS mod collection.
You can download The Mizendar Galaxy here, here or here.
Sam Gibson of the hyperfabulous Ferrago game site stopped by the mystery kitchen recently to grill, interrogate and otherwise query us about all manner of subjects over and under the sun (except pontoons, abnormally large comic book villains and string theory). Sam's got a way with words so we responded in kind and the result of this exchange can be experienced here in living html. (Alternate reading choice: this week's school lunch menus.) Thanks from Iikka, Phos and mice elf to Sam and all at Ferrago for a fun little jam!

Mac in the Box!
Good news! Cheapass Games and Digital Eel are very happy to announce the release of the Mac OS X version of Digital Eel's Big Box of Blox on Halloween! Ed Z, of Digital Eel East, got the blox boxed and ready to go, including the demo, so that Mac users can enter the Asylum, visit the Mushroom King and spin the Wheels of Fortune with Digital Eel's Big Box of Blox!
Digital Eel's Big Box of Blox is a psychedelic puzzle game with easy-going yet challenging gameplay, groovy sounds and music, and trippy art by Digital Eel artist, Phosphorous! You've never played a blox & columns game like this before!
The Mac OS X version of Digital Eel's Big Box of Blox is available to purchase and download for the low low price of $10US via the Digibuy secure e-commerce system. Stop by the official Digital Eel's Big Box of Blox website or CLICK HERE to get the game right now!
Phosphorous just dropped by with a brand new Digital Eel desktop image. Strange stuff indeed so be sure to check it out. You can view a .jpg version by clicking the thumbnail or you can download a Windows-friendly .bmp image, zipped for your convenience, here. You can also download more cool Digital Eel desktop images by Phosphorous if you are brave enough to click here and here.
News flash: In her quick review (and description) for Home of the Underdogs, Sarinee Achavanuntakul gave Dr. Blob's Organism a Top Dog recommendation! She also refers to DBO as "One of the most unique arcade games to come along in ages." Given Sarinee's extensive background playing and cataloging over two decades of computer games, that's quite a compliment. Humbled thanks, from all at Digital Eel and Cheapass Games, to Sarinee and all at Home of the Underdogs for your kind words and support.
Nice shootin', Tex! A couple of weeks ago Iikka managed to track the elusive Phosphorous, with digital camera in hand, all the way back to his lair. The result of this trek and rare photo op is a new feature for the Digital Eel news page called Inside Digital Eel. In this first installment we take you (rather abruptly via hyperlink) to Toad Hall on Raven Hill, where Phosphorous bids you welcome into his workshop, and into his mind...
Chocks away! Ripcord O'Reilly tells me that not only has Oliver "Ffnard" Hulme launched the SAIS Federation website, he has released a cool new mod for SAIS called Black Cow as well. Wow, this guy's on top of it! Here's what he has to say:
This site was originally set up to provide a centralised place where people could meet and discuss "Strange Adventure In Infinite Space" by Digital Eel and Cheapass Games. In addition to being a useful companion during those long cold (SAIS induced) nights in front of your computer, hopefully this site will also become the place to distribute, discuss and create new MODS for the game!
SAIS Federation is looking good. There's useful content there already (and spoilers) and it has a lot of potential. So stop in, peruse the site and swell the ranks! And while you're at it, check out Black Cow too.
Thanks, from Digital Eel and Cheapass Games, to Ffnard for helping to make Strange Adventure In Infinite Space a bit more infinite!
Here's the scoop: It's the 1st MacBlob review! Kit Pierce posted his excellent (in our opinion) MacGamer review of the Mac OS X version of Dr. Blob's Organism yesterday. Kit says, "(DBO is) a fun arcade game, and the price is right," and then he goes on to compliment DBO's style, layout and gameplay elements. Wow! I guess this is the point when I should just shut up and offer heartfelt thanks from Digital Eel and Cheapass Games to Kit and all at MacGamer for taking a little time to spin the dish.
Look inside the Big Box of Blox! Kyle Ackerman of Frictionless Insight posted a groovy review of Digital Eel's Big Box of Blox today. Kyle gave each game variant, from Asylum Cubez to Mushroom King, a thorough going-over. Definitely check out his comments to learn all kinds of cool details about the game.
Many Eelish thanks to Kyle and all at Frictionless Insight for the illuminating (I almost said insightful) critique!
Hangin' out at Toad Hall: Jamil Matheny of Pregaming.com posted a rare picture of us standing next to the legendary Blue Joker along with his Strange Adventures in Infinite Space interview feature article. -Now this is cool. Not only do you get to see what we look like during the day (yikes!) but you get to read all about Splurp, Strange Hunters of the Purple Void and THE BIG QUESTION. Don't miss it!
News Bits: First, to the mighty Fearless Testers, thank you for playtesting Digital Eel's Big Box of Blox and for taking the time to share your comments and criticisms with us. Your keen observations and honest suggestions help us make better games. James Ernest, Joe Pallai, Jim Price, Colton Sears, Corbin Sears, James Sterrett and Ed Zavada, you guys are the best. Also, a belated thanks to Andrew S. Bub, and all at GamerDad, for posting a nifty review of Dr. Blob's Organism yesterday!
A big box of news from Digital Eel!
We're very happy to announce the release of our brand new PC game called Digital Eel's Big Box of Blox. Digital Eel's Big Box of Blox is a psychedelic puzzle game with great gameplay, cool sounds and music, and trippy art by Digital Eel artist, Phosphorous!
You'll find the free demo here -be sure to check it out! Digital Eel's Big Box of Blox is available right now for the low low price of $10US. You can purchase and download Digital Eel's Big Box of Blox at the official B3 website via the Digibuy secure e-commerce system. The CD-ROM version of Digital Eel's Big Box of Blox will be released by Cheapass Games ASAP (as will as the Mac version and Mac demo).
Enter the Asylum, dance with the Mushroom King and spin the Wheels of Fortune with Digital Eel's Big Box of Blox!
We're also very pleased to let Mac gamers know that the Mac OS X version of Dr. Blob's Organism is ready to ooze its way onto your hard drives and into your hearts. (Yuck!)
Dr. Blob's Organism is a lightning-fast shooter game where players blast feisty one-celled organisms as they try to escape from a petri dish. Dr. Blob's Organism is a whole bunch of fun and it features great graphics and gameplay as well as moist squishy sound effects and off-beat music.
Check out the free Mac demo -click here now! You can purchase and download the Mac OS X version of Dr. Blob's Organism via the Digibuy secure e-commerce system for $10US at the official DBO site. Happy blasting, Mac gamers!

New PC and Mac OS X games! TOMORROW!
Jason, the multitalented Chainmail Straightjacket Enterprises dude, has released a new mod for Strange Adventures in Infinite Space called Dogfight. Dogfight includes everything from Jason's first SAIS mod, Megamod, but utilizes the game's smaller and faster ships for, as Jason says, "more intense combat." We like it! Thanks to Jason for the heads up. Keep the cool mods coming, cappy!
New reviews! Kit Pierce of MacGamer posted a rave review of the Mac version of Strange Adventures In Infinite Space today. I think Kit really nails the strong points of the game well. Be sure to check out his article here. IndieGamer posted a cool review of Dr. Blob's Organism in its August Edition. It's a mixed review which leans toward the positive side. I think Dr. Blob's Organism is growing on them. (Figuratively, I mean.) Go here to read all about it.
Thanks from Cheapass Games and Digital Eel to Kit and all at MacGamer and to the folks at IndieGamer for taking the time to play and critique our mighty strange games!
What's in the box?
A treasure map? A clockwork detonator? Pandora's demons? A magic talisman? A giant ruby? An ancient curse? A jack in the box? A severed head? ....More boxes?All will soon be revealed.
Escape from the Ordinary
Blast feisty one-celled organisms before they getcha!
Boldly blow up stuff where no one has blown up stuff before!
The disturbingly addictive worm game.
You may remember Ancil Anthropy from the Dr. Blob's Organism launch contest. Ancil was one of the prize winners (for knowing way too much about Digital Eel). As it turns out Ancil's a game maker who has just unleashed a puzzly turn-based fruit-gobbler called Piquin. It's cute and colorful (the game art is nifty) and easy to learn and fun to play -and it's free! (You can donate to "the cause" from the website if you wish.) Be sure to stop by Full Belly Games for more details and info and check out Piquin right away!
Coming in just under the wire today, Steve Fulton posted a glowing review of Strange Adventures in Infinite Space on GamerDad, a helpful family-oriented site which reviews games for kids of all ages. Steve thinks that SAIS is appropriate for 10-12 year old gamers. We agree. SAIS is a great way to introduce young people to space science. Maybe some will go on to reach for the stars themselves!
James Fudge is back at it again with a brand spankin' new review of Dr. Blob's Organism for PC Gamer/GameShark.com. In his article James says neat things like "The game is a lot of fun and levels are light enough that one or two can easily be played in a ten minute lunch break." and "Digital Eel is obviously comfortable creating games about anything that strikes their fancy...." and "If you fancy shoot 'em ups then you'll want to give this game a try." Wow. On top of that he gave DBO an 8/10 rating! James, flattery will get you everywhere just tell us where to send the check!
Thanks from Cheapass Games and Digital Eel to Steve and James and all at GamerDad and PC Gamer/GameShark.com for the cool reviews and for recommending SAIS for kids!
Update: The broken links to the Diceland Space SAIS tabletop combat sets (Terrans vs. Urluquai and Garthans vs. Muktians) have been fixed here and on the Strange Adventures in Infinite Space site. The Dr. Blob's Organism Buy page CD link has been fixed as well. Sorry for any inconvenience or confusion!
In a recent (08.13.02) GameShark article titled Independent James and the Temple of Cool, James "Prophet" Fudge lists ten of his all time favorite indie games, including Strange Adventures In Infinite Space! James had kind things to say about SAIS, which we appreciate, and he managed to sum the game up in one sentence: "If you like exploring the universe on your lunch break then SAIS is the game for you." Perfect!
Be sure to check out James' article here. He chose some awesome indie games to feature and he provides appropriate links to indie developers, distributors and demos. Take a gander and find out why the indie game movement is so exciting.
Thanks from Digital Eel and Cheapass Games to James and all at GameShark for the spotlight!
Itay has updated his cool Strange Adventures in Infinite Space "spoiler" site with new content and a couple of new mods by Chainmail Straightjacket Enterprises and Alex "AlStar" Gesing. Go here to visit Itay's SAIS page. Visit the SAIS Files page for more mods and free goodies.
Russell Carroll of Game Tunnel was very kind to Dr. Blob's Organism in his recent review saying things like "the feel and look of the game is everything you could possibly ask for" and "Rarely has a game had so much production put into creating a bizarre atmosphere and having it come off so well." and most importantly "The strange-ness that emanates from Digital Eel is enough to make anyone lift an eyebrow." -Phosphorous has always existed in a world of his own devising, I used to play in disco bands and Iikka grew up in Finland. What do you expect? Thanks from Digital Eel and Cheapass Games to Russell and everyone at Game Tunnel for playing DBO!
The Mac SAIS Invasion Begins!
It's official! The Mac OS9 and OSX versions of Strange Adventures In Infinite Space have been released and are now available through the Digibuy e-commerce system for the low low (low!) price of $15US.
Thanks to the miracle of the internet (in other words, the credit card of your choice) you can purchase and download Mac SAIS faster than I can say limited vacuum collapser! So, if you absolutely can't wait another second to get your required daily space game fix... *pant* *pant* ....Click here for immediate relief.
Collectors please note: The CD-ROM version of Mac SAIS will be released by Cheapass Games and Digital Eel in September, possibly as a hybrid Mac/PC disk for the same low (low, etc.) price. Watch this site and the Cheapass Games website for further details....
Boldly blow up stuff where no one has blown up stuff before!
In his review at PC Gameworld today Scott R. Krol awarded Dr. Blob's Organism a nice fat score of 80%. We're pretty sure that means that 8 out of 10 gamers will flip when they play the game! (The other two will have to sit facing the corner and eat gruel.)
Scott says nice things like "The action is fast, it’s furious, and it has enough variation from level to level to make you want to continue on and see what type of cool powerup you’ll get next." and "Expect to give your keyboard a good workout...." so we're going to award HIM a nice fat 80% just for being so astute and groovy. Thanks to all at PC Gameworld from Cheapass Games and Digital Eel!
Exciting Dr. Blob news (direct from the mystery kitchen)! You can now purchase and download Dr. Blob's Organism through the Digibuy secure e-commerce system for the ultralow price of $10US.
Zounds! That means you could be blasting feisty organisms to smithereens within minutes!
Now, I know you're feeling compelled to buy DBO. Trust your instincts. Act on impulse. Strike while the iron is hot! The (online) store is open and all major credit cards are accepted. Sooooo easy and just a click away!
Note to collectors: The snazzy CD version of Dr. Blob's Organism is and will always be available from Cheapass Games for the same low price. Click here to order the Dr. Blob's Organism CD.
FREE STUFF! To mark the release of Dr. Blob's Organism we've decided to make something cool available for free -a special full length .mp3 format music track from the game! It's beastly, bizarre and bombastic and you can get it here.
In his Pregaming review of Dr. Blob's Organism, Jamil Matheny writes "Dr. Blob's Organism....A crazy name for a crazy game...." 'Nuff said! Thanks to Jamil and all at Pregaming for the nifty critique.
Recently Caspian Rychlik-Prince of Puppy Games posted a glowing and thoughtful review of Strange Adventures in Infinite Space. This one caught us by surprise because we hadn't seen an SAIS review in a while. Apparently the best was saved for last. Here's a snippet from Caspian's article:
SAIS is an aural and visual treat. The 2D graphics have a beautiful, unique style to them, and convey the game to you simply and attractively. It takes all of 2 minutes to forget all the advances in 3D technology and become immersed.
The sound effects and little loops are funny, catchy, clever, and cool. Everything that needs a sound has a sound, and they gel together perfectly. In fact this may be one of the few games where I've been more impressed by the sound than the graphics.
But riding on the audio-visuals is the most addictive game since NetHack.
You can read the Puppy Games review of Strange Adventures in Infinite Space here. Thanks to Caspian, Charlotte and all at Puppy Games for the kind words and a very positive critique.
It's official. We have not one, not two, not four, but three Dr. Blob's Organism Launch Contest prize winners! The questions were tricky but these fellows aced the test. I think they know more about Digital Eel than we do. So, it's time to celebrate. Free prizes are cool. Let's hear it for Ancil, George and Neil! Way to go guys! (Tremendous applause.)
Contest Winners & Loot:
1st Prize: Neil London
Signed copy of Dr. Blob's Organism
Kill Dr. Lucky
U.S. Patent Number 1
Light Speed
Diceland Space: Terrans vs. Urluquai
Diceland Space: Garthans vs. Muktians
2nd Prize: George Shannon
Signed copy of Dr. Blob's Organism
Diceland Space: Terrans vs. Urluquai
Diceland Space: Garthans vs. Muktians
+ Secret Bonus Prize
3rd Prize: Ancil Anthropy
Signed copy of Dr. Blob's Organism
Diceland Space: Terrans vs. Urluquai
Diceland Space: Garthans vs. Muktians
+ Secret Bonus Prize

Cheapass Games and Digital Eel are very proud to announce the release of Dr. Blob's Organism on Independence Day 2003! For those who haven't played the demo, Dr. Blob's Organism is a lightning-fast shooter game where players blast feisty one-celled organisms as they try to escape from a petri dish. The Dr. Blob's Organism CD is now available from Cheapass Games for the low, low price of $10US. For more information (and free goodies) be sure to stop by the Dr. Blob's Organism website -or just click here to purchase the game.
Thanks from Digital Eel to the Fearless Testers, James Ernest, Kevin Matheny, Duncan McPherson, Joe Pallai, John Slade, James Sterrett, Brian Uhrig and Thom Wetzel, for helping out once again, and to Liz and John at Cheapass for coolness above and beyond the call of duty.
Giant blob baffles marine scientists!
"The 12-metre-wide remains of a sea creature found by the Chilean navy are puzzling marine scientists, who think it may be a new species." Read the BBC News story here. Apparently Dr. Blob has been busy and his blobs are on the loose!
I'm posting this with the kind permission of cartoonist David Farley whose empathy for protozoans may even exceed our own. David's Doctor Fun Page features a special section called Blobs chock full of clever single panel cartoons about the life and times of not-so-lowly amoeboids. Honestly, I never knew we had so much in common; it turns out that blobs are people too.
While you wait for the official Dr. Blob's Organism release announcement, stop in at Dave's place and check out Blobs. It's more than a learning experience. Strike that. It's not a learning experience at all. Doctor Fun is just plain funny. Go see!
 We're close. Really close. So close that we're announcing the Dr. Blob's Organism Launch Contest on a Saturday! Test your knowledge of useless Digital Eel trivia! Win fabulous prizes! Click here for all of the gory details.
Erica Grossman of ESCmag posted her thoughts about Dr. Blob's Organism in an enthusiastic review yesterday. In her brisk critique Erica writes
Aside from the fact that it's fun and addictive, the game moves so fast that there is no way in hell that anyone would be able to multitask....
Erica's right and you'll find out why she thinks this is okay when you read her article. She also awarded DBO with a big fat ESCmag review score of 9 out of 10. Not bad for a pesky little game about blasting blobs. (We're happy you like it!) Thanks from Digital Eel and Cheapass Games to Erica and all at ESCmag for the nifty review!
Sam Gibson of Ferrago posted a cool pre-release review of Dr. Blob's Organism today. (Go here to see.) How did Sam get a copy of DBO so early? We think we may have slipped him one. (But don't tell us or we'll find out.) Sam has a lot to say about the game in his two page write up so if you want to learn more about DBO be sure to give it a gander. Thanks to Sam (who, like so many of us, has come to fear the word mitosis) and all at Ferrago for the terrific review!
Enkidu from Frictionless Insight stopped by the Mystery Kitchen yesterday to give Dr. Blob's Organism a twirl. Moments later he feinted saying "Mitosis.... Mitosis...." Enkidu was quickly revived whereupon he returned to the Frictionless Institute and bashed out a review of Dr. Blob's Organism -without bashing the game! That takes a lot of pluck and a lot of guts and a lot of other words with the letter "u" in them, that's for sure. Our thanks to Enkidu and all at Frictionless Insight for a smashing, and not bashing, review!
More Digital Eel art updates!
Blue Joker Nine continues into the nether beyond with two more pages of murky mirth. Phosphorous also whipped up another mysterioso desktop image -this time an alternate take from Blue Joker Nine. Click the image to the right to grab it now!
Digital Eel art updates: The saga of Blue Joker Nine continues with two more images. Phosphorous' ongoing web-toon remains as inscrutable as ever. Be sure to czech it out! Also, we posted a fantabulous new desktop image by Phosphorous on the Strange Adventures in Infinite Space Files page. Zorg with Staff is one of Phos' coolest SAIS images, so grab it while you can!
S. Monte Augenstein of Eye Talk Now has posted the very first www review of Dr. Blob's Organism. In his critique Monte claims that DBO is "pure thoughtless fun." We agree -and after all isn't that the best kind? Monte didn't care for Strange Adventures in Infinite Space but he likes DBO better. So be it. We're happy that he's enthusiastic about our new game! Thanks from Digital Eel and Cheapass Games to Monte and all at Eye Talk Now for taking the time to preview the Dr. Blob's Organism!
The full version of Dr. Blob's Organism will be released sometime this month as soon as the cd's have been manufactured. This takes a couple of weeks so in the meantime be sure to check out the Dr. Blob's Organism DEMO. It's the bee's knees!

Wow, that was quick! Dr. Blob's Organism is GOLD! At last, everything is finished so we burned a couple of cd masters of the game and made it official. Hey, they're still warm! What this means is that while the cd's are being manufactured, you can play the DBO demo, get all goofy over it and start saving up your $10 to purchase the full game! See how this works?
The Dr. Blob's Organism CD-ROM will be available via Cheapass Games in June, ASAP. Watch the sites. Watch the skies. And watch that blob! It might stick to your face!
Our thanks to Cheapass Games, of course, and to the Fearless Testers, James Ernest, Kevin Matheny, Duncan McPherson, Joe Pallai, John Slade, James Sterrett, Brian Uhrig and Thom Wetzel, who each helped polish this game with keen observations, important criticism and first rate suggestions. You guys rock. Thanks for going the distance with us one more time!
As promised, the Dr. Blob's Organism DEMO has been released. Head on over to the DBO Files page for more information and a download link. Just think, you could be blasting blobs with your plasma prongs in mere minutes! Who can resist? Have fun!
Digital Eel wishes everyone a happy and safe holiday. Time to throw some blobs on the barby!

Diceland: Space is the Place! Big news from Cheapass Games: "Finally, after months of waiting, Diceland: Space is shipping. Subscribers should have already received their copies, and local retailers will have it soon. Diceland: Space comes in two flavors: Terrans vs. Urluquai and Garthans vs. Muktians. All together, that's 50 new dice to mix and match any way you like. The Space set features new army construction rules, a host of new powers, and exceptional artwork from Strange Adventures in Infinite Space. While you're at it, check out the computer game!" (We couldn't agree more!)

Diceland: Space allows you to customize your own tabletop battle flotilla from a wide and versatile selection of Terran, Urluquai, Zorg, Klakar, Garthan, Muktian, Tan Ru and Yellow Kawangi starships. If you have played Strange Adventures in Infinite Space before, then you are familiar with these alien races and many of their ship types (some SAIS examples). If you haven't, rest assured that there are enough new ships, special powers and other surprises to humble anyone who thinks they know it all!
Today the saga of Blue Joker Nine continues as Phosphorous reveals more of the ongoing strange adventure. Click here to see!
Join Plasmaworm, Blob and the inscrutable Phosphorous on a rollicking journey through the space-time continuum....if you dare!
We have updated the Dr. Blob's Organism official website Files page and added a cool new DBO wallpaper by Phosphorous and three music excerpts from the DBO demo. Free downloadables can't be bad. Enjoy!
Word is that the demo release of Dr. Blob's Organism will happen sometime this weekend or early next week. Czech in daily for the latest info and get ready to blast some blobs!
3... 2... 1... Blast a blob! Cheapass Games and Digital Eel are proud to announce that the Dr. Blob's Organism website is officially online. Feeling blob-deprived? Hankerin' fer a slime hunt? Fret no more as DBO pits you against Dr. Blob's most dangerous organisms. The official website is where you'll want to be for all of the latest Dr. Blob's Organism release information. Wondering when the Dr. Blob's Organism demo will be available? Bookmark this page!
We are very happy to announce the release of the Strange Adventures in Infinite Space demo for Macintosh OS 9 and OS X. Pending the release of the full version, we ask that you try out the beta and let us know what you think. Head over to the SAIS files page for more information then download the demo and go where no Mac gamer has gone before!
Our thanks to Ed Zavada for helping out with the Mac ports!
We are pleased to announce that our latest game, Dr. Blob's Organism, will be released in a few short weeks by our good friends at Cheapass Games. who also published Plasmaworm and Strange Adventures in Infinite Space for us. You can view a preview page of the game with screenshots here. Check back often over the next couple of weeks for more updates. It's time to blast some blobs!
Just in: Blue Joker Nine Unveiled! Phosphorous presents the saga of Blue Joker Nine, a new and exclusive web-toon set within the strange universe of Digital Eel. The first episode, Goin' Fishin', is a visual adventure which will unfold week to week so be sure to check in here, here (Phosphorous' website) or here (The Blue Joker Nine front page.) to watch the story progress.
Amidst all of the pre-release hoopla (Did I say pre-release? Yes, I sure did.), SAIS artist Phosphorous has been busy out at Toad Hall on Raven Hill cooking up a weirdly cool web-gift for everyone who stops by. I've seen a couple of images but Phos hasn't revealed just exactly what "Project X" (working title) is.
Meanwhile, here's a brief glimpse of what he's up to. (Authorized by Phos.) Stay tuned for further details!
SPOILER WARNING! Still looking for the cosmic ducks? No problem. Call us crazy but we've
decided to just go ahead and make the Plasmaworm level passwords public.
Just think, now you can fight the dreaded Plasmangler whenever you're in the
mood to get tentacular! Go here to see.
Game designer James Ernest who founded Cheapass Games in 1997 was recently interviewed by Hubert Vigilla of The Daily Aztec. In the article, Hubert asks James about the formation of Cheapass Games, among other things, and why he chose to make and sell cheap board and card games. You can read the interview article here.
Cheapass Games distributes the cd versions of Plasmaworm and Strange Adventures in Infinite Space.
Something very strange is going on in the Digital Eel Mystery Kitchen. Pulsing emanations spill from the windows at night illuminating the overhanging willows with eerie green light. Unsettling squishy noises, diabolical laughter and the crackling sound of raw electricity pierce the stillness of the after hours frightening passersby and disturbing nearby residents from their sleep. Rumors of unlabeled crates and canisters being delivered by dark-suited men driving unlicensed black vans even now circulate among local barflies and conspiracy seekers.
What can it mean?
Alas, the Denny's UFO sighting has turned out to be a hoax. After careful analysis, top experts agreed unanimously that the image file had been digitally altered. After pointing fingers at each other all morning we can only conclude that someone or something may have influenced us by mass hypnosis or other means to either fabricate or obfuscate the perpetration of this hoax. We know that orbital and ground-based corporate mind control lasers have been in use for two decades and can only suggest that this is one of the possible explanations.
For more information, click here to view a list of the Top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes of All Time.
We were surprised upon receiving email from a number of site visitors who wrote in to point out an unusual object visible in one of the Digital Eel GDC Mystery Tour 2003 images. Sure enough, while it could be a rare cloud formation, a wayward weather balloon or a speck of dust on the camera lens, we had to agree that something that looks like a UFO is definitely there!
The image was photographed with an Olympus C-2100 camera outside of a Denny's restaurant on March 5.
The Advantica Restaurant Group, Inc. has requested that the franchise location not be disclosed. (I would think that any publicity would be good publicity but apparently they disagree.)
Digital Eel is cooperating with SETI, The Center for the Study of Life in the Universe, Rense.com and many leading investigative publications to verify the legitimacy of this controversial image. We're as curious (and as skeptical) as you probably are about its meaning and implications, if any. Suffice to say that we will keep you updated regarding an explanation or any further information.
We're quite happy to announce that the Strange Adventures in Infinite Space demo has been updated to v1.4. Go to the SAIS Files page for more information or click here if you just want the 4.75MB demo file. Enjoy!
Roll up for the Digital Eel GDC Mystery Tour 2003! Ever wonder what it's like to hop in Eel Pod 1 and head off down the highway? Here's your chance!
Via the miracle of digital photography, you can experience the sights, the sounds and even the smells of a real live road trip with Digital Eel to the GDC in San Jose. Well, okay, maybe just the sights.
You arrive at Lextor Mucron's private spaceport. He greets you jovially and tallies his costs versus the profits of your voyage. Mucron chortles greedily and hands you a cred chip. Your payment is 8330 star bucks. You accept Mucron's generosity and assume a new lifestyle as a Space Bureau minister, a position more appropriate to your experience, status and wealth.
As James Cook completed what would become the winning game in the Strange Adventures In Infinite Space high score contest at the Game Developers Conference, we knew his star buck tally would be difficult to beat. Sure enough, at 6pm on Friday March 7th, with the closest contender only 800 star bucks behind, the contest concluded and James took the prize officially. Here, the ever-scintillating Phosphorous awards James with a deluxe Battlefish trophy.
Congratulations from Digital Eel to James Cook. Well done! Doubtless the denizens of the Purple Void fear your captain's name.
By the way, be sure to check out Linden Lab to see what James and his cohorts are up to. Their 3D online world project, Second Life, promises to be "a new medium for creative self-expression, social interaction, and fun, where you can be or do almost anything." It's exciting stuff and if it peaks your curiosity you can enroll in the Second Life beta test here.
We returned late Sunday night from the Game Developers Conference in San Jose -and there is much to tell- but after driving through California and Oregon, we're going to take a breather and then post a couple of special features beginning on Tuesday. We also have a winner for the SAIS high score contest. I'll go into more details with a late post tomorrow. The competition was close but the Battlefish has been claimed by a very deserving winner!
You can now download the SAIS v1.4 Patch.
This patch is for the full (CD) version of
Strange Adventures In Infinite Space and won't
work with the free demo. It includes the following changes:
Changed combat retreat to turn off if all enemies flee.
Fixed being able to sell non-salable systems to Klakar (in mods).
Fixed a crash bug in failed escape from LVC.
Fixed fleeing behavior if all explored systems are destroyed.
Go to the Strange Adventures Files Page
for more information.
More news! Ryan Coy posted his GameDev.net Interview with Digital Eel yesterday. Ryan somehow managed to get the three of us online at the same time for an IRC gab session that turned out to be a lot of fun. This interview is the result. Phosphorous has all the good lines.
This just in from the folks at DIY Games:
"In an effort to bring our readers new and exciting content, DIY Games is happy to bring you our first ever 'Game Pads' article. What is Game Pads? It's what you get when you send an independent developer a disposable camera and tell them to take us on a tour of their life."
"When we sent a disposable camera to (Digital Eel) we weren't sure what to expect when we got the photos developed. Would the police be waiting for us at the photomat?"
More likely, the fellows in white coats from the Happy Hills rest home would be there with their nets. Nevertheless, we encourage everyone to stop in at DIY Games and take the tour. This is a rare opportunity to see living game designers in their natural habitat!
Marvel at Digital Eel's fabulous state of the art game development facility! Guffaw as you match names with faces! Be amazed by trick cats with superpowers! Behold the dreaded refrigerator+3! Spot the Phosphorous! This is your chance to experience Digital Eel unplugged. Enter the Game Pad of High Danger here.
Strange Adventures in Infinite Space: The Movie! Okay, so I'm exaggerating a little. Okay, a lot. Actually, this is a short 30 second .avi clip (640x480; 33.9MB) which features scenes from Strange Adventures in Infinite Space and new music. While you are waiting for the multimillion dollar Hollywood version to begin production click here to download the SAIS clip now.
If you are planning to attend the Game Developers Conference in San Jose, California we invite you to stop by the Digital Eel pod and enter the SAIS high score contest. All you need to do is play Strange Adventures in Infinite Space -and impress everyone with your fabulous high score. The winner will receive a mounted Battlefish crafted by Phosphorous. (Digital Eel psychic force.)
Further details will be available on site. Hope to see you there!
Behold the NEW Home of the Underdogs!
Affectionately known as HOTU, Home of the Underdogs has provided a haven for classic, shareware and abandoned games for over four years. Recently, Sarinee Achavanuntakul, who maintains HOTU with diligent thorough tender loving care, informed us that the site has been revamped with a new look and new features, among them the new HOTU online store.
On the HOTU front page Sarinee writes "This is the third incarnation of the site; we hope you like it as much as we had fun making it. It's been a long 6 months, but we hope it's well worth the wait." I'll spill the beans. The new site looks great.
Sarinee also asked if we would like to distribute Strange Adventures in Infinite Space and Plasmaworm via the HOTU online store. Not being ones to miss an opportunity to turn a buck, we jumped at the opportunity.
Seriously, we hope you will visit the Home of the Underdogs site and patronize the HOTU store. Preserving classic, forgotten, free and shareware games is a good cause, and HOTU has one of the largest cross-referenced collections anywhere. Czech it out -and good luck, Sarinee!
For collectors: Remember, you can always purchase the snazzy CD versions of both Plasmaworm and Strange Adventures in Infinite Space from Cheapass Games.
Vote for Strange Adventures in Infinite Space! SAIS was chosen as one of five nominees in the Best Strategy Game category by readers of the Game Industry News website. Mind you, I've never heard of the other nominees so I'm not sufficient to comment about them but I urge you to stop by and cast your vote for the only logical choice.Vote Urluquai, and vote often!
The SAIS Galactic Guidebook has been updated. In part four of chapter three, It's Life But Not As We Know It, two more weird new lifeforms are introduced, reaffirming our ongoing commitment to tentacled creatures everywhere. And by the way, the SAIS Galactic Guidebook is a Mucron Enterprizes production.