Attention all moon mutants and interstellar aliens! Be sure to stop by and like the brand new Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space Facebook page. Why, you may ask? Shouts, space news & lots more! (New players: get Weird Worlds for Win, iPad & Android here.)

Seasons greetings from Digital Eel! When there's a nip in the air, snowflakes on your nose and you hear the sound of Santa's sleighbells, you know it's either time to have your head examined or time for the Steam Holiday Sale! (Thankfully, it's the latter.)
Beginning today, Thursday, December 18, and continuing until Friday, January 2nd, INFINITE SPACE III: SEA OF STARS (Early Access), WEIRD WORLDS: RETURN TO INFINITE SPACE (space!), DATA JAMMERS: FASTFORWARD (arcade!) and BRAINPIPE: A PLUNGE TO UNHUMANITY (??!!) are each available for less than the cost of a Back in the Box hanguber--and yum yum. They taste better too!
Please note that ALL Digital Eel games are alien-tested and approved for KIDS, TEENS, ADULTS and REPTILOIDS from Bellatrix IV. Feeling festive? Who the heck isn't! Remember: Digital Eel games make perfectly silly and surprising virtual stocking stuffers. Happy Krimble!
Ripcord out.
The lunch break roguelike of interstellar adventure!

Interstellar News: Weird Worlds for Mac is Back!
The long awaited day has finally arrived. Digital Eel is pleased to announce that Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space is available once again for the Mac. This release brings the Mac version up to date with the PC version, and it runs on OS X 10.9 Mavericks or greater.
In celebration of this special event, Weird Worlds for Mac will be available on Steam at a 50% discount. Now everyone can return to Infinite Space, and we hope to see new explorers as well! Also, three Kawangi honks for Henry Kropf whose effort and TLC made this release possible. Thanks Henry!
Ripcord out.

Venture to Infinite Space via Bundle Stars!
Sail the high Sea of Stars early with a little help from our friends at Bundle Stars. For a limited time you can get Infinite Space III: Sea of Stars and five other Steam Early Access games for the introductory price of $3.49. Bundles are a great deal and this one's no exception. Check out the Early Access Evolution bundle HERE.
Ripcord out.
Sea of Stars is an IndieCade Featured Selection!
We're pleased to announce that Infinite Space III: Sea of Stars Early Access has been hand-picked by IndieCade's curators as an Official Selection of IndieCade 2014. Sea of Stars will be featured in this year's IndieCade Festival of Independent Games and will be elligible for Developer's Choice, Audience Choice and Media Choice awards. Our admiration and best wishes to all of the 1000 or so entrants and finalists. It's a worthy achievement to get a game ready to submit. IndieCade happens in Culver City, California from October 9 through October 12, 2014. Hope to see some of you there!
Ripcord out.

1st Official Early Access Screen Shots

 IndieGameStand at PAX Special Offer
Infinite Space III: Sea of Stars Early Access is being featured at PAX (Penny Arcade eXpo) this year by IndieGameStand. PAX is a public event best described as a celebration of gamer culture. So, in the spirit of meeting and welcoming new friends, we'd like to invite everyone who still desires to be a part of the development phase of Sea of Stars to go HERE for a very special offer.
Ripcord out.
Infinite Space III: Sea of Stars | Update #22 Details | Sea of Stars Forum Page
Sea of Stars Early Access Discount Offer & More
This just in via hypernoodle: For those of you who missed the previous discount period, you can still get into the weird universe of Sea of Stars Early Access and save a couple bucks by doing so here. Offer ends this week however.
Also you can listen to podcast interviews with Sea of Stars developers Iikka Keranen and Rich Carlson here and here.
Thanks to Alan and Matt at Bundlestars, Brian at Space Game Junkie and Josh
at Game Wisdom for their support!
Ripcord out.
Get ready for fun fun fun! It's the Summer Sale!
Isn't summer grand! BUT before you head out to the beach or campground, be sure to stock up on lots of Digital Eel games, and this is the very best way! Remember the old adage? He who seeks, obtains. Well, thanks to Steam, all Digital Eel games are discounted this week to make obtaining them...a snap (or a click even). Plus, they're irresistible! (Not to mention gluten-free.)
First up is Infinite Space III: Sea of Stars (33% OFF) which is a Steam Early Access game--this means it is a "work in progress," but allows you to own and help playtest the game before its full release. Also available are Sea of Stars's precursor, Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space (50% OFF), the innovative and award winning space SF roguelike hybrid, Data Jammers: FastForward (50% OFF), a retro-styled 3D racing and destruction "arcade" game, and Brainpipe: A Plunge to Unhumanity (50% OFF), the original, and award winning, mind bending psychedelic arcade game that "changed little Billy."
Thanks to Steam for putting on a heck of a sale, and thanks to you all for checking out and supporting Digital Eel games!
Ripcord out.
Sea of Stars Nooz!
Hot off the hyperwire: A mid-month Sea of Stars Early Access update has been posted with the latest additions to the game. Be sure to check it out. Also see James "Capntastic" Murff's positive early preview of Sea of Stars. We look forward to future coverage as development continues. Good things to come. Watch the skies!
Ripcord out.
This just in: For a limited time Sea of Stars Early Access will be available at a discount within the BundleStars Instense Bundle. Get all of the details here.
Share the Luv!
Hot off the hyperwire: Another thoughtful overview of Sea of Stars was posted, this one by I-Luv-Games that ties the three Infinite Space computer games together with its observations, giving some perspective. Go see.
Ripcord out.
Infinite Space III: Sea of Stars | Update #21 Details | Sea of Stars Forum Page
New Sea of Stars Video Reviews
More You Tube coverage of Infinite Space III: Sea of Stars, this time by Dad's Gaming Addiction (video) and PitFighter (video). Be sure to subscribe if you enjoy these independent videogame review channels. Also we're getting some brilliant feedback from players. Thanks, all, for your help and suggestions.
Ripcord out.
Space Game Junkie Scoops Sea of Stars
Today Brian Rubin of Space Game Junkie posted the very first Sea of Stars webpage spotlight. It's a thoughtful and pretty thorough overview (You Tube video) and should give you a good idea of where we're going with the game. Go see!
Ripcord out.

Steam Early Access Preview
It's official. The Infinite Space III: Sea of Stars Early Access preview begins today. Kickstarter backers who pledged $25 or more will get a sneak peek and receive Steam keys that will grant immediate access to the current work-in-progress version of the game. Backers in the lower tiers (we love you too) will start receiving keys after the Early Access launch next week. Engage!
Indie Developer Accepts $60 billion Social Networking Deal
After secret negotiations, and much soul searching, indie developer Digital Eel has announced that its entire catalog of games has been sold to social networking giant Facebuck for $60 billion. Titles like Brainpipe and Weird Worlds were acquired for up to $4.7 billion each.
Most noteworthy is the acquisition of several as yet unpublished games (rumored to be worth up to $1 trillion) including Dr. Blob's Revenge, Smorbler, Swamp Planet Weekend, Scrilch! and the much anticipated but as yet unseen Basilisks & Biplanes.
When asked to comment, Digital Eel co-founder Rich Carlson stated "We believed in the indie spirit and lived it from the get go. It wasn't about the money. But that was then and this is now, and now it's time to sell out, baby." Co-founder Iikka Keranen quickly added "I just bought the entire island of Bora Bora. It's awesome!"
Effective this week, Digital Eel becomes a Facebuck subsidiary and will be known as Eelface. Apparently founders Carlson and Keranen are not affiliated with the organization or its products (having since disappeared).
Eelface has announced its first two projects: Klobs: Into Darkness reintroduces the lighthearted children's puzzle game, Klobs, and plunges it into darkness. Platform Defense is a game for people who want to play games but can't make up their minds. Both games are scheduled for summer release but probably not because it's April Fools Day!
Hot news just in from the Purple Void: Get Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space, the lunchtime roguelike-like that's as much fun to play as lunch is to eat, right now for only $1.99 (.048 Altairian dollars) via Daily Royale. That's like 80% off and the lowest price EVER! Go see and pass the word!
Also watch the skies for news about the Sea of Stars Early Access Beta coming soon!
Share the news: The retail prices of Data Jammers: FastForward and Brainpipe: A Plunge to Unhumanity have been reduced by up to 75%!
Now you can get the twisted Tron-like racing destruction game and the trippy psychedelic cult obstacle game for an average price of $2.49 each. Please note that prices may vary slightly from portal to portal since each has their minimum possible price charged, and we're there!
This price change will be effective on or about March 1st at these online game outlets: Mac Game Store, Desura, IndieGameStand, GamersGate and Steam. Follow links found HERE to purchase these games from your favorite portal. (Make sure the prices have been reset before you do.)
The Universe is Expanding