REQ0 <n>, REQ1 <n>, REQ2 <n>, REQ3 <n>
Required conditions. All of these must be TRUE for the event to occur. Up to
four conditions can be defined for each PAGE block, and several PAGE blocks
may use the same conditions (although the GOTO command is preferred over
fully identical condition sets).
DISP <n>
Optional command that will force the event popup to use its own window.
Normally events output into the exploration window if triggered by exploring
a star system, but setting DISP 1 overrides this behavior.
ACTN <list of actions>
A list of "flags" that determine how the PAGE will be handled.
popup - This must be set if you want to display text or images.
endquest - The quest is completed after this PAGE block. No other PAGEs will be checked.
break - Prevent further PAGEs from being evaluated during this event. Useful if you have overlapping conditions.
trade - If the event summons an alien flotilla, initiate trade.
combat - Immediately go into combat mode (never used in the default game, untested).
mercpay - If the event summons an alien flotilla into combat, require payment afterward.
GFXP <image file> [frame]
If popup action is set, display an image. If frame is undefined, uses the first frame. E.g. GFXP misc/events.jpg 12
TITL <title text>
Set the title for the popup window.
TEXT <text string>
Display a paragraph of text in the popup (or exploration) window. Note that this should be composed as maximum of 8 lines of 26 characters each. Do not use line breaks in the quest file as they won't work; instead mark line break locations with a <br> tag.
MUSC <music file>
Play music during the popup. Music must be a stereo .ogg file. E.g. MUSC music/victory.ogg
YSNO <yes page> <no page>
The popup presents a yes/no question and then goes to a different PAGE block depending on player's answer. DISP 1 must be used if this PAGE was triggered by exploration. Note that if one of the destination PAGEs is set to -1, selecting that option simply closes the popup.
GOTO <next page>
The popup switches to a different PAGE (number between 0-9) when you close this one. Useful for multi-page messages.
WISH <success page> <fail page>
The player is allowed to type in a wish for an item. Then goes to a new PAGE depending on success. A WISH may fail if player writes the name of an item that isn't known or otherwise cannot be wished for. The latter category includes items that are (for example)
structural parts of spaceships so they couldn't be "installed", as well as unique artifacts if one already exists in the world.
BOMB <yes page> <no page> <size> <timer>
Set off a Limited Vacuum Collapser device, with a confirmation. Then goes to a new PAGE depending on player approval. The player is allowed to set the timer (and the last value on this line is ignored.. please set it to -1 in case this changes).
SOND <sound file>
Play a sound effect when the event occurs. Does NOT require popup window action.
REMV <item name>
Permanently remove an item from the player's cargo bay. The name must be an exact filename from gamedata/items/, e.g. REMV dv_collapser
ITMS <n> <item flags>
Create n (one or more) items at player's current location. The names of the created items are stored in variables newitem1, newitem2 and so on. The useful flags include: life tech loot unique
ITEM <item name>
Create a specific item and add to the player's cargo bay. This ALWAYS WORKS regardless of the restrictions (e.g. uniqueness) placed on the item in question.
SHIP <race> <ship number>
Add a free new ship to player flotilla. The race must be one of the race filenames in gamedata/races and the ship number is one of the ships within that file (first ship is 0). E.g. SHIP terran 4
ALLY <race> <ship number>
Add an ally ship to player flotilla. Works like the SHIP command, except used to keep "independent" allies separate from clearly player-owned ships.
MERC <race> <ship number>
Allow the player to hire a mercenary by giving him/her a useful item. The parameters work like with SHIP and ALLY. Should probably only be used within exploration-triggered PAGEs.
FRND <race>
Instantly befriend an alien race. No more combat against them will occur. The race must be one of the race filenames in gamedata/races.
ENMY <race>
Instantly make an enemy out of an alien race. Next time you encounter them, combat will occur.
SUMN <refuse page> <fail page> <race>
Attempt to summon an alien flotilla. If they refuse to arrive or cannot be contacted, goes to another PAGE.
FIRE <weapon item> <flags>
Cause a special weapon to fire. The weapon must be defined as an item in a file in gamedata/items and is referred to by its filename. The only valid flag is autotarget which selects the hostile ship with most hull points left. If this flag is not set, the weapon fires forward from player ship (untested).
TIME <days>
Wait for a number of days in game time.
TPOS <success page> <fail page>
Use the Aethric Mirror transpose effect and go to a new PAGE depending on the outcome. If the success or fail page is set to -1, no new PAGE is displayed.
THIF <success page> <fail page>
A thief attempts to steal something valuable from the cargo hold. If nothing can be stolen, goes to the failure page. Only works if triggered by exploration.
SABT <success page> <fail page>
A saboteur attempts to destroy player's ship systems. If nothing can be broken, goes to the failure page. Only works if triggered by exploration.
NOVA <star> <timer> <radius> <new star> <new planet>
Trigger a supernova explosion at one of the quest-specified STARs (0-3), after set number of days. Radius is given in lightyears. The star and planet type are changed in the event, typically to a neutron star and a devastated system.
SVAR <variable name> <value>
Set a user variable to a new value.
SCOR <value> <score class>
Give the player some points. For example, SCOR 200 exploring will result in 200 star bucks in the exploration score class (modified by the mission type). Valid score classes from distribution.ini: other, starships, exploring, strategic, lifeforms, artifacts, technology.
GOVT <long game over text>
Message that will be displayed in the game over screen. Usually a paragraph or two.
GOVR <short game over message>
End the game, and set the text that will be shown in the highscore list. E.g. GOVR Sucked into a black hole
GOVP <image file> [frame]
An image that will be displayed in the game over screen. Frame number is optional. E.g. GOVP misc/sucked.jpg
XPLR <star> <value>
Explore or "unexplore" (revert to unexplored) a star system defined in a STAR block. The value can be between 0-2:
0: Set a STAR unexplored.
1: If unexplored, set to "semi-explored", like a black hole when it's first found.
2: Set to fully explored.
UNPR <star>
"Unprotect" a star. You should generally do this once a "protected" star in the
quest is no longer needed but the quest still remains active. For example, once
the player gets Damocles (in damocles.ini), the star it was at becomes unprotected.
INIT <star>
Initialize a quest star system. This creates the items and fleets in the STAR
entry and sets variables. May misbehave if it modifies an actual star system
and the map is already explored (so a planet you've visited might be changed).
INCV <variable> <number>
Increments a user variable by an integer (or subtracts if the number is negative).
CHNG <star> <param> <value>
Change a star system's parameter to a new value. Only allows changing PLNT, PLNN, STRT, STRN.
ADDT <days>
Add a number of days to the game's deadline.