"A casual game with fangs."
- Adam Niese, Pixelsocks
"The Digital Eel guys have done it again: another outrageously retro, tongue-in-cheek, weirdly beautiful, and very inexpensive video game. As if Brainpipe weren't enough, now it's Data Jammers: Fast Forward. What Atari might have produced if they had had a sense of humor and a better CPU. I don't normally flack video games, but these guys' imagination and polish consistently impresses me -- and there's only three of them."
- Ernest Adams, Facebook post
"Data Jammers: FastForward is reminiscent of all that is good in the world. Or at least some of the things that are good in the world, like Tempest and speeding through cyberspace."
- Adam Smith, Rock, Paper, Shotgun
"The colourful, vibrant wireframes, and hypnotic collage of abstract 3-D models screaming past at a million miles per hour is very satisfying on an aesthetic level. If ever there were calls for examples of videogames to be considered as legitimate art, Digital Eel's creations would be amongst the first I'd proffer."
- Steve Blanch, Bytten
"What makes the game a real pleasure, however, are the two things as which Digital Eel always excels; the use of code to produce trippy graphics, and the excellence of the music. Playing Data Jammers is like being at a rave, with glowing Tron-like visuals and a danceable techno score; indeed, weaving and gyrating through the game feels a lot like dance as well."
- Greg Costikyan, Play This Thing!
"Audio is superb, as we've come to expect from this developer. It's a kind of eclectic mishmash of electronica and ambient noise that is, although not quite as good as the brilliant soundtrack of Brainpipe, still light-years ahead of most of its peers."
- Steve Blanch, Bytten
"The enemies and effects are imaginative, and the controls very smooth."
- Greg Costikyan, Play This Thing!
"A lot of thought went into righting the wrongs from the arcade era, and it pays off in smooth play."
- Adam Niese, Pixelsocks
"The game has virtually no lag even when the screen is full of objects. An absolute must for a game this fast paced."
- Patrick Gibbons, GDN
"The FPS is brilliant."
- Weldaar, The Spotlight
"The gameplay is intense, immediate and chaotic... or is it? Data Jammers is definitely one of those games where you can suddenly just “feel in the zone”."
- Steve Blanch, Bytten
"Speed freaks and high score nuts alike will defiantly be able to appreciate this game."
- Patrick Gibbons, GDN
"A precision machine: well-crafted from sound principles. This is a game to get if you’re looking for a solid action title."
- Adam Niese, Pixelsocks
It didnt have enough time to-- Leave me alone! Noooooooooo. Whoa. Slow it down. Time to react... Go! Slow it down... Yeah! No idea what that was... Ahh... Slow it down. --Balls! Nooooooo! There's so many!!
- Weldaar, The Spotlight
"It's quite fun."
- Weldaar, The Spotlight

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