Dunjon Of Dûm
Thanks for playing Dunjon Of Dûm!

Here's what folks are saying about it:

Probably the most complex online roguelike game in existance...It's quite difficult to explain the depth and sheer sphincter-gripping gameplay of this online game...

- Rogue-Like News

Tell me, do the monsters ever win if you attack them first? And how about picking up some of that glorious treasure you have lying all over the place?...The more variety the longer the novelty lasts...

- Ken St. Andre

And here I was thinking I'd been so clever when I won.

- James Sterrett

Please die of a horrible disease that makes you scream in agony as (your) bones rot while you still live. Also, please let there be a cure for (this) disease, and may you never get it, but come very close multiple times. Please. Should you stop making cruel jokes about online roguelikes, I might reconsider my decision to forever boycott your site.

- Olli-Pekka Paljakka

* * *

DOD is a gag. It's like a random hack'n'slash Mad Lib. It's also a variation of the tried and true "little twisty maze" puzzle from text adventure games.

DOD randomizes words and bounces you around via some very lite html. I tried to parody the basic location|item|monster description of a text adventure dungeon crawl, but it's dirt simple and very dumb. That's why it was originally titled "for dummies". (Because only a real dummy would actually be "fooled" by it...I hope.)

I was fooled by it a couple of times... ; )

Btw, DOD's "quest" ends either with the adventurer's death (by being killed by monsters or traps) OR by finding the secret passage to the surface. This is fairly easy as there are really only four "locations".

- Zdim 03.18.01