ab Hugh, Dafydd
HNom NNom | nt | 1990 | The Coon Rolled Down and Ruptured His Larinks, a Squeezed Novel by Mr.
Skunk |
Abbott, E A
[k] | n | 1884 | Flatland |
Abernathy, Ralph
nt | 1942 | Heritage | |
Recommended by arl | |||
[a] | nt | 1954 | Pyramid |
[a] | s | 1953 | The Rotifers |
Ackroyd, Peter
[k,Pf] | n | 1985 | Hawksmoor |
Adams, Douglas
n | Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency | ||
A subtle uchronia. Better SF than Hitchhiker --
cjh | |||
[i] | n | 1979 | Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the |
Hitchhiker trilogy 1 | |||
n | 1982 | Life, the Universe, and Everything | |
Hitchhiker trilogy 3. Downhill from the first book --
arl | |||
n | 1980 | The Restaurant at the End of the Universe | |
Hitchhiker trilogy 2. Downhill from the first --
arl |
Adams, Richard
n | 1974 | Shardik | |
Better in many ways than Watership Down --
arl | |||
[Pf] | n | 1972 | Watership Down |
Aldiss, Brian W.
[g] | nt | 1962 | A Kind of Artistry |
n | An Island Called Moreau | ||
Recommended by jr | |||
n | 1969 | Barefoot in the Head | |
nf | 1973 | Billion Year Spree | |
HNom | nv | 1978 | Enemies of the System |
n | 1973 | Frankenstein Unbound | |
[Psf] | n | 1964 | Greybeard |
NNom | n | 1982 | Heliconia Spring |
n | 1993 | Heliconia Summer | |
NNom | n | 1985 | Heliconia Winter |
[f] | nt | 1961 | Hothouse |
Included in 'The Long Afternoon of Earth' | |||
Hugo | se | Hothouse series | |
A few Hugos were given out for a series of
stories | |||
[f] | s | 1957 | Let's Be Frank |
HNom NNom | s | 1966 | Man in His Time |
[Psf] | n | 1958 | Non-Stop |
[f] | s | 1958 | Poor Little Warrior! |
n | 1958 | Starship | |
[i,Psf] | n | 1962 | The Long Afternoon of Earth |
Includes 'Hothouse' | |||
[Pf] | n | 1976 | The Malacia Tapestry |
Neb | nv | 1965 | The Saliva Tree |
HNom NNom | nt | 1968 | Total Environment |
nf | Trillion Year Spree | ||
Updating of 'Billion Year Spree' Recommended by mh | |||
s | 1958 | Who Can Replace a Man? | |
Recommended by jam and arl |
Aldiss, Brian W. and David Wingrove
Hugo | nf | 1986 | Trillion Year Spree |
Aldiss, Brian W. and Harry Harrison
nf | 1975 | Hell's Cartographers | |
a | The Astounding-Analog Reader |
Aldridge, Mary C.
NNom | s | 1989 | The Adinkra Cloth |
Aldridge, Ray
NNom | nt | 1991 | Gate of Faces |
NNom | nv | 1993 | The Beauty Addict |
Alexander, Lloyd
n | 1967 | Taran Wanderer | |
Part of the 'Prydain' series | |||
n | 1960 | The Black Cauldron | |
Part of the 'Prydain' series | |||
n | 1964 | The Book of Three | |
Part of the 'Prydain' series | |||
n | 1966 | The Castle of Llyr | |
Part of the 'Prydain' series | |||
n | 1968 | The High King | |
Part of the 'Prydain'
series |
Allen, Roger Macbride
n | 1988 | Orphans of Creation | |
Recommended by eac | |||
n | 1990 | The Ring of Charon | |
A superscience story in the tradition of Campbell's Arcot,
Wade and Morey -- arl |
Allen, Steve
[g] | s | 1955 | The Public Hating |
Amis, Kingsley
nf | 1960 | New Maps of Hell | |
[k,Psf] | n | 1976 | The Alteration |
[k,Pf] | n | 1969 | The Green Man |
Anderson, Chester
HNom | n | 1967 | The Butterfly Kid |
Anderson, Kevin J. and Doug Beason
NNom | n | 1992 | Assemblers of Infinity |
Anderson, Poul
nv | 1958 | A Bicycle Built for Brew | |
Also titled "The Makeshift Rocket". Recommended by mlo.
Minor -- arl | |||
n | 1974 | A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows | |
n | 1961 | After Doomsday | |
Recommended by jr | |||
n | 1954 | Brain Wave | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
nt | 1959 | Brave to Be a King | |
Contained in "The Time Patrol". Excellent --
arl | |||
[c,f] | nv | 1957 | Call Me Joe |
nt | 1962 | Critique of Impure Reason | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
[f] | nt | 1955 | Delenda Est |
Incorporated in "The Time Patrol" | |||
nv | 1962 | Epilog | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
HNom | n | 1974 | Fire Time |
Hugo Neb | nt | 1972 | Goat Song |
[f] | nt | 1961 | Hiding Place |
Part of "Trader to the Stars" | |||
n | 1973 | Hrolf Kraki's Saga | |
Hugo | nt | 1978 | Hunter's Moon |
nt | 1992 | In Memorium | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
[f] | nv | 1962 | Kings Who Die |
NNom [g] | s | 1968 | Kyrie |
HNom | nt | 1965 | Marque and Reprisal |
Contained in "The Star Fox" | |||
n | 1974 | Midsummer Tempest, A | |
Recommended by mlo & po | |||
n | 1977 | Mirkheim | |
Hugo [f] | nt | 1963 | No Truce with Kings |
n | 1971 | Operation Chaos | |
n | 1961 | Orbit Unlimited | |
n | 1983 | Orion Shall Rise | |
HNom [i,Psf] | n | 1970 | Tau Zero |
HNom NNom | n | 1989 | The Boat of a Million Years |
[a,i,k,Pf] | n | 1954 | The Broken Sword |
Excellent fantasy -- arl & mlo. Current edition
substantially re-written in 70s | |||
NNom | n | 1971 | The Byworlder |
n | 1965 | The Corridors of Time | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
n | 1972 | The Dancer from Atlantis | |
A fine time-travel novel -- po | |||
HNom | n | 1958 | The Enemy Stars |
Originally titled "We Have Fed Our Sea" | |||
NNom | nv | 1970 | The Fatal Fulfillment |
The Helping Hand | |||
An analysis of the effects of foreign aid --
arl | |||
HNom | n | 1960 | The High Crusade |
[f] | s | 1958 | The Last of the Deliverers |
Hugo | nt | 1960 | The Longest Voyage |
[f,l] | nt | 1956 | The Man Who Came Early |
[i] | n | 1958 | The Man Who Counts |
Also titled "War of the Wing-Men" | |||
HNom NNom | n | 1973 | The People of the Wind |
Hugo Neb | nt | 1971 | The Queen of Air and Darkness |
Hugo Neb | nv | 1981 | The Saturn Game |
Hugo NNom | nt | 1968 | The Sharing of Flesh |
n | 1966 | The Star Fox | |
A fix-up novel. Not his best -- arl | |||
c | 1991 | The Time Patrol | |
NNom | nt | 1979 | The Ways of Love |
HNom | n | 1972 | There Will Be Time |
[k,Pf] | n | 1962 | Three Hearts and Three Lions |
Superb fantasy -- mlo & arl | |||
c | 1964 | Time and Stars | |
c | 1966 | Trader to the Stars | |
n | 1961 | Twilight World |
Anderson, Poul and F. N. Waldrop
[e] | nt | 1947 | Tomorrow's Children |
Expanded into 'Twilight World'. Recommended by
mlo |
Anderson, Poul and Gordon R. Dickson
c | 1957 | Earthman's Burden | |
Classic collection of humorous SF. These are the original
'Hoka' stories. |
Anthony, Piers
n | 1977 | A Spell for Chameleon | |
First in the interminable Xanth seris. Stop after this one
-- po | |||
HNom NNom | n | 1967 | Chthon |
HNom | nt | 1968 | Getting Through University |
Contained in 'Prostho Plus' | |||
HNom | n | 1969 | Macroscope |
Except the last 20 pages -- jds | |||
n | 1968 | Omnivore | |
Recommended by kp | |||
n | 1970 | Orn | |
Recommended by kp. Starring a *Diatryma! --
po | |||
n | 1976 | Ox | |
Recommended by kp | |||
n | 1973 | Prostho Plus | |
Recommended by kp |
Anvil, Christopher
[f] | s | 1962 | Gadget vs. Trend |
[f] | nt | 1960 | Mind Partner |
[f] | s | 1963 | Not in the Literature |
[b] | nt | 1956 | Pandora's Planet |
The novelette, *not* the novel --
mlo |
Armer, Karl Michael
[g] | nt | 1986 | On the Inside Track |
Arthur, Robert
[a,f] | s | 1941 | Evolution's End |
[f] | s | 1940 | Postpaid to Paradise |
Ashwell, Pauline
NNom | nv | 1991 | Man Opening a Door |
Written as by 'Paul Ash' | |||
HNom [l] | nt | 1960 | The Lost Kafoozalum |
HNom | nt | 1958 | Unwilling to School |
Asimov, Isaac
[f] | nt | 1951 | "Breeds There a Man--" |
[f] | s | 1957 | A Loint of Paw |
Just a bad pun -- arl | |||
[a,b] | nt | 1953 | Belief |
[e,f] | nt | 1945 | Blind Alley |
One of the very few Asimov stories with intelligent
aliens | |||
[a,f] | s | 1955 | Dreaming Is a Private Thing |
[f] | s | 1946 | Evidence |
[f,i] | n | 1942 | Foundation |
[i] | n | 1952 | Foundation and Empire |
Hugo NNom [i] | n | 1982 | Foundation's Edge |
Hugo | nt | 1991 | Gold |
s | 1957 | I'm in Marsport without Hilda | |
[i] | c | 1950 | I, Robot |
A collection of the best of the Robot
stories | |||
Hugo | nf | 1994 | I. Asimov |
Asimov's autobiography. Excellent -- mlo | |||
[f] | s | 1941 | Liar! |
[f] | nt | 1947 | Little Lost Robot |
[f] | s | 1950 | Misbegotten Missionary |
[b,c,d,f] | nt | 1941 | Nightfall |
[i] | n | 1950 | Pebble in the Sky |
n | 1988 | Prelude to Foundation | |
Recommended by po | |||
HNom NNom | s | 1986 | Robot Dreams |
n | 1953 | Second Foundation | |
[f] | s | 1940 | Strange Playfellow |
[f] | s | 1957 | Strikebreaker |
HNom | nt | 1974 | That Thou Art Mindful of Him |
Hugo Neb | nt | 1976 | The Bicentennial Man |
[a,i] | n | 1954 | The Caves of Steel |
One of the best SF detective stories ever written --
arl | |||
HNom | nv | 1945 | The Dead Hand |
incorporated in Foundation and Empire | |||
[g] | nv | 1956 | The Dead Past |
[Psf] | n | 1955 | The End of Eternity |
[f] | s | 1958 | The Feeling of Power |
Hugo Neb | n | 1972 | The Gods Themselves |
a | 1962 | The Hugo Winners Vol 1 | |
a | 1971 | The Hugo Winners Vol 2 | |
a | 1971 | The Hugo Winners Vol 3 | |
a | 1985 | The Hugo Winners Vol 4 | |
[f,g] | s | 1956 | The Last Question |
[a,c,f] | nv | 1952 | The Martian Way |
HNom [a] | nv | 1945 | The Mule |
Incorporated in "Foundation and Empire" | |||
[i] | n | 1957 | The Naked Sun |
[f] | nt | 1949 | The Red Queen's Race |
HNom | n | 1983 | The Robots of Dawn |
n | 1951 | The Stars Like Dust | |
nv | 1958 | The Ugly Little Boy | |
[f] | nt | 1939 | Trends |
[g] | nt | 1970 | Waterclap |
[f] | s | 1961 | What Is This Thing Called Love? |
Atheling, William
ps | Pseudonym of James Blish used for critical work |
Attanasio, A. A.
NNom | n | 1981 | Radix |
Atwood, Margaret
NNom | n | 1986 | The Handmaid's Tale |
Bailey, Dale
NNom | nt | 1995 | The Resurrection Man's Legacy |
Bailey, Dennis and David Bischoff
NNom | s | 1976 | Tin Woodsman |
Baker, Anton Lee
HNom | s | 1958 | They've Been Working On.... |
Ballard, J. G.
s | 1961 | Billennium | |
Recommended by arl | |||
[g] | s | 1963 | Cage of Sand |
[g] | nt | 1960 | Chronopolis |
[Psf] | n | 1973 | Crash |
Recommended by arl | |||
[Psf] | n | 1975 | High-Rise |
NNom | nt | 1982 | Myths of the Near Future |
[g] | s | 1971 | Prima Belladonna |
s | 1964 | Terminal Beach | |
n | 1964 | The Burning World | |
s | 1967 | The Cloud Sculptors of Coral D | |
[k,Psf] | n | 1966 | The Crystal World |
Ballard is an acquired taste which I've never acquired...
-- mlo | |||
[Pf] | n | 1987 | The Day of Creation |
[Psf] | n | 1962 | The Drownded World |
[f] | s | 1962 | The Insane Ones |
[Pf] | n | 1979 | The Unlimited Dream Company |
[f] | nt | 1960 | The Voices of Time |
Balmer, E. and Phillip Wylie
n | 1934 | After Worlds Collide | |
For completeists. A letdown from When Worlds Collide -- arl
& mlo | |||
[i] | n | 1932 | When Worlds Collide |
Banks, Iain
n | 1993 | Against a Dark Background | |
Recommended by kp | |||
n | 1988 | Consider Phlebas | |
[Pf] | n | 1986 | The Bridge |
n | 1990 | The Player of Games | |
n | 1992 | Use of Weapons | |
Recommended by kp |
Banks, Raymond E.
[f] | s | 1955 | The Short Ones |
Barjavel, Rene
[a] | n | 1943 | Ashes, Ashes |
n | 1970 | The Ice People | |
Threshold of the Stars |
Barnes, John
NNom | n | 1992 | A Million Open Doors |
HNom NNom | N | 1994 | Mother of Storms |
n | 1996 | One for the Morning Glory | |
A quirky, funny, and interesting fantasy --
mlo | |||
NNom | n | 1991 | Orbital Resonance |
Barrett Jr., Neal
HNom NNom | nt | 1988 | Ginny Sweethips' Flying Circus |
n | 1971 | The Leaves of Time | |
Recommended by arl |
Barton, William
HNom | nt | 1996 | Age of Aquarius |
Bass, T. J.
NNom | n | 1971 | Half Past Human |
NNom | n | 1974 | The Godwhale |
Batchelor, John Calvin
[Psf] | n | 1983 | Birth of the People's Republic of Antarctica |
Bates, Harry
[d] | nv | 1934 | A Matter of Size |
[a,d,f] | nt | 1940 | Farewell to the Master |
Adapted into the movie "The Day the Earth Stood
Still" |
Baum, L. Frank
se | Oz Series | ||
[i] | n | 1900 | The Wizard of Oz |
Baxter, Stephen
n | 1992 | The Raft | |
n | 1994 | The Ring | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
HNom | n | 1995 | The Time Ships |
Bayley, Barrington J.
[l] | s | 1965 | All the King's Men |
Beagle, Peter S.
[Pf] | n | 1960 | Fine and Private Place, A |
n | 1986 | The Folk of the Air | |
[Pf] | n | 1968 | The Last Unicorn |
Bear, Greg
NNom | n | 1985 | Blood Music |
Hugo Neb | nt | 1983 | Blood Music |
n | 1985 | Eon | |
HNom Neb | nv | 1983 | Hardfought |
HNom Neb | n | 1993 | Moving Mars |
NNom | s | 1982 | Petra |
HNom | n | 1990 | Queen of Angels |
NNom | nt | 1989 | Sisters |
Hugo Neb [g] | s | 1986 | Tangents |
HNom NNom | n | 1987 | The Forge of God |
n | 1984 | The Infinity Concerto | |
n | 1986 | The Serpent Mage |
Beaumont, Charles
The Howling Man | |||
Recommended by sj | |||
[f] | s | 1955 | The Vanishing American |
Beerbohm, Max
s | 1920 | Enoch Soames |
Bell, M. Shayne
HNom | s | 1994 | Mrs. Lincoln's China |
Bellairs, John
c | 1966 | St. Fidgeta and Other Parodies | |
Humor | |||
n | 1969 | The Face in the Frost | |
One of the best fantasies ever -- mlo,
arl |
Bellamy, Edward
n | 1897 | Looking Backward |
Benet, Stephen Vincent
s | 1937 | By the Waters of Babylon |
Benford, Gregory
HNom | nv | 1977 | A Snark in the Night |
NNom | n | 1983 | Against Infinity |
HNom NNom | nt | 1969 | Deeper Than the Darkness |
HNom NNom | s | 1975 | Doing Lennon |
[g] | s | 1982 | Exposures |
NNom | n | 1988 | Great Sky River |
HNom | nv | 1996 | Immersion |
NNom | n | 1976 | In the Ocean of Night |
NNom | nt | 1992 | Matter's End |
NNom | nv | 1986 | Newton Sleep |
[g] | s | 1982 | Relativistic Effects |
NNom | nv | 1994 | Soon Comes Night |
NNom | nv | 1981 | Swarmer, Skimmer |
n | 1989 | Tides of Light | |
Neb [i,Psf] | n | 1980 | Timescape |
Benson, D. R.
n | 1978 | ...And Having Writ |
Berryman, John
[g] | nt | 1939 | Special Flight |
Bester, Alfred
[a,d,f] | s | 1941 | Adam and No Eve |
[a,c,f] | s | 1954 | Fondly Fahrenheit |
[a] | nv | 1942 | Hell Is Forever |
[a,f] | s | 1952 | Hobson's Choice |
[f] | s | 1950 | Oddy and Id |
[a] | s | 1951 | Of Time and Third Avenue |
NNom | nt | 1972 | The Animal Fair |
HNom | n | 1975 | The Computer Connection |
Also known by the following titles... 'Golem 100', "The
Indian Giver", "Minotaur in a Mushroom Maze" | |||
Hugo [a,i,Psf] | n | 1952 | The Demolished Man |
HNom | s | 1974 | The Four-Hour Fugue |
HNom [g] | s | 1958 | The Men Who Murdered Mohammed |
HNom [f,g,l] | nt | 1959 | The Pi Man |
[f] | nt | 1942 | The Push of a Finger |
[a] | nt | 1954 | The Starcomber |
[i,Psf] | n | 1956 | The Stars My Destination |
[f] | nt | 1963 | They Don't Make Life Like They Used To |
[a,f] | nt | 1953 | Time Is the Traitor |
Bethke, Bruce
ss | 1987 | It Came from the Slushpile | |
Recommended by arl |
Bettelheim, Bruno
nf | 1976 | The Uses of Enchantment |
Bierce, Ambrose
s? | 1891 | Occurrence at Owl Creek | |
Recommended by dgg |
Biggle Jr., Lloyd
HNom | nt | 1961 | Monument |
nt | 1961 | The Still, Small Voice | |
Expanded into the novel 'The Still, Small Voice of the
Trumpets' in 1968. | |||
[f] | nv | 1957 | The Tunesmith |
n | 1966 | Watchers of the Dark |
Binder, Eando
c | 1937 | Anton York, Immortal | |
Of historical interest only -- mlo | |||
[a,f] | s | 1939 | I, Robot |
Bishop, Michael
HNom NNom | nt | 1985 | A Gift from the Graylanders |
NNom | nv | 1991 | Apartheid, Superstrings and Mordecai Thubana |
HNom | N | 1994 | Brittle Innings |
HNom | s | 1974 | Cathadonian Odyssey |
n | 1992 | Count Geiger's Blues | |
HNom NNom | nv | 1973 | Death and Designation Among the Asadi |
s | 1986 | Facetti's Tomorrow | |
NNom | nv | 1983 | Her Habiline Husband |
NNom | s | 1992 | Life Regarded as a Jigsaw Puzzle of Highly Lustrous Cats |
Neb [Psf] | n | 1982 | No Enemy But Time |
NNom | nv | 1974 | On the Street of the Serpents |
HNom | s | 1975 | Rogue Tomato |
NNom | nv | 1983 | The Gospel According to Gamaliel Crucis |
NNom | s | 1989 | The Ommatidium Miniatures |
HNom Neb | nt | 1981 | The Quickening |
HNom NNom | nv | 1976 | The Samurai and the Willows |
HNom NNom | nv | 1973 | The White Otters of Childhood |
nt | 1973 | The Windows in Dante's Hell | |
n | 1988 | Unicorn Mountain | |
NNom | s | 1979 | Vernalfast Morning |
HNom | NV | 1994 | Vri de Coeur |
[Pf] | n | 1984 | Who Made Stevie Crye? |
Bisson, Terry
Hugo Neb | s | 1990 | Bears Discover Fire |
HNom | s | 1994 | Dead Man's Curve |
HNom NNom | s | 1993 | England Underway |
NNom | nt | 1993 | Necronauts |
HNom | s | 1991 | Press Ann |
HNom | nt | 1993 | The Shadow Knows |
NNom | s | 1991 | They're Made Out of Meat |
Bixby, Jerome
[a,c,f] | s | 1953 | It's a *Good* Life |
A classic horror tale | |||
[a] | s | 1954 | The Holes Around Mars |
Puns, puns, puns -- arl |
Blaylock, James P.
n | 1987 | Land of Dreams | |
Recommended by po | |||
NNom | s | 1985 | Paper Dragons |
[Pf] | n | 1984 | The Digging Leviathan |
Blish, James
[f] | s | 1956 | A Work of Art |
[a,g] | nt | 1954 | Beep |
NNom [k,Pf] | n | 1968 | Black Easter |
[a] | nt | 1952 | Bridge |
Incorporated into 'Cities in Flight' | |||
Hugo [i,Psf] | n | 1958 | Case of Conscience, A |
[a,f] | s | 1953 | Common Time |
n | 1964 | Doctor Mirabilis | |
[i] | n | 1955 | Earthman Come Home |
Part of "Cities in Flight" series | |||
[c] | nv | 1953 | Earthman Come Home |
Included in the novel of the same name | |||
s | 1966 | How Beautiful with Banners | |
Recommended by arl | |||
[a] | n | 1952 | Jack of Eagles |
[i] | n | 1962 | Life for the Stars, A |
Part of "Cities in Flight series" | |||
nf | 1970 | More Issues at Hand | |
written using pseudonym of William
Atheling | |||
n | 1957 | Seedling Stars, The | |
Fixup novel | |||
[a,f] | s | 1941 | Solar Plexus |
[a,c,g] | nt | 1952 | Surface Tension |
Incorporated in a radically different version in "The
Seedling Stars". Superb -- po | |||
[a] | nt | 1953 | Testament of Andros |
[a,e] | s | 1949 | The Box |
[k,Pf] | n | 1971 | The Day After Judgement |
nf | 1964 | The Issue at Hand | |
Written using pseudonym of William
Atheling | |||
[i] | n | 1958 | The Triumph of Time |
Part of "Cities in Flight" series. AKA 'A Clash of
Cymbals' | |||
[a] | nv | 1941 | There Shall Be No Darkness |
[i] | n | 1957 | They Shall Have Stars |
Part of "Cities in Flight" series | |||
[a] | s | 1941 | Tiger Ride |
[a] | s | 1955 | Watershed |
Incorporated in "The Seedling Stars" | |||
HNom | nv | 1969 | We All Die Naked |
Bloch, Robert
s | 1956 | A Way of Life | |
Minor, but funny in a fannish manner --
arl | |||
[g] | s | 1955 | I Do Not Love Thee, Doctor Fell |
Hugo | s | 1958 | That Hell-Bound Train |
s | 1951 | The Man Who Collected Poe | |
s | 1950 | The Shadow from the Steeple | |
s | 1935 | The Shambler from the Stars | |
[f] | s | 1939 | The Strange Flight of Richard Clayton |
Block, Lawrence
[f] | s | 1959 | Make a Prison |
Bond, Nelson
[a,f] | s | 1946 | Conquerer's Island |
n | 1950 | Lancelot Biggs, Spaceman | |
A fix-up novel. Suggested by arl | |||
[f] | nt | 1939 | Pilgrimage |
Bone, J. F.
[f] | s | 1961 | A Prize for Edie |
nv | Insidekick | ||
Recommended by mlo | |||
HNom [b] | s | 1958 | Triggerman |
Borges, Jorge Luis
The Garden of the Forking Paths | |||
s | 1941 | The Library of Babel | |
[g] | s | 1941 | Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius |
NNom | s | 1975 | Utopia of a Tired Man |
Boucher, Anthony
[f] | s | 1954 | Balaam |
[f] | nv | 1942 | Barrier |
[a] | s | 1945 | Mr. Lupescu |
[d,f] | s | 1943 | Q. U. R. |
n | 1942 | Rocket to the Morgue | |
Mystery set in SF writer's group with many recognizeable
people | |||
[f] | s | 1941 | Snulbug |
[a] | nv | 1942 | The Compleat Werewolf |
[a,c,f] | s | 1951 | The Quest for Saint Aquin |
[e] | s | 1952 | The Star Dummy |
[a] | s | 1943 | They Bite |
Boulle, Pierre
n | 1963 | Planet of the Apes | |
This novel was written before the movies were
made |
Bova, Ben
n | 1972 | As on a Darkling Plain | |
NNom | s | 1993 | Inspiration |
a | 1973 | SF Hall of Fame Vol 2 |
Bova, Ben and Harlan Ellison
HNom | s | 1970 | Brillo |
Brackett, Leigh
[a,f] | nt | 1943 | The Halfling |
[a] | nt | 1949 | The Lake of Gone Forever |
[Psf] | n | 1955 | The Long Tomorrow |
[k] | n | 1949 | The Sword of Rhiannon |
Classic lost Mars novel. Great! - arl | |||
[f] | nt | 1945 | The Vanishing Venusians |
[a,f] | nt | 1944 | The Veil of Astellar |
Bradbury, Ray
[Pf] | n | 1957 | Dandelion Wine |
A loose fix-up novel | |||
[a,i,Psf] | n | 1951 | Fahrenheit 451 |
Originally titled "The Fireman" | |||
[a,f] | s | 1949 | Kaleidoscope |
[a,c,f] | s | 1948 | Mars Is Heaven! |
Incorporated in "The Martian Chronicles" | |||
Something Wicked This Way Comes | |||
Recommended by jam | |||
s | 1949 | The Exiles | |
Incorporated into "The Martian Chronicles" | |||
[f] | s | 1951 | The Fire Balloons |
n | 1972 | The Halloween Tree | |
c | 1951 | The Illustrated Man | |
[i,Psf] | c | 1958 | The Martian Chronicles |
This is not a novel, but a collection of loosely-related
stories | |||
[f] | s | 1946 | The Million Year Picnic |
Incorporated in "The Martian Chronicles" | |||
[f] | s | 1952 | The Pedestrian |
[f] | s | 1952 | The Sound of Thunder |
s? | 1946 | The Veldt | |
[f] | s | 1950 | There Will Come Soft Rains |
s | 1950 | Usher II | |
[f,g] | s | 1947 | Zero Hour |
Bradbury, Ray and Leigh Brackett
[f] | nv | 1946 | Lorelei of the Red Mist |
Bradley, Marion Zimmer
n | 1964 | The Bloody Sun | |
Original version, *NOT* the 1979 re-write! --
po | |||
HNom | n | 1977 | The Forbidden Tower |
n | 1983 | The Mists of Avalon | |
HNom | n | 1961 | The Sword of Aldones |
[f] | nt | 1959 | The Wind People |
n | 1971 | The World Wreckers |
Bramah, Ernst
n | 1928 | Kai Lung Unrolls His Mat | |
c | 1922 | Kai Lung's Golden Hours | |
Recommended by kp |
Brennert, Alan
Neb | s | 1991 | Ma Qui |
Bretnor, Reginald
NNom | s | 1967 | Earthwoman |
[f] | s | 1956 | The Doorstop |
s | 1950 | The Gnurrs Come From the Voodvork Out |
Breuer, Miles J.
[g] | s | 1930 | The Hungry Guinea Pig |
Brewster, Kent
NNom | s | 1995 | In the Pound, Near Breaktime |
Brin, David
HNom | n | 1995 | Brightness Reef |
HNom | n | 1990 | Earth |
HNom | n | 1993 | Glory Season |
nt | 1990 | Piecework | |
Recommended by arl | |||
Hugo Neb [i] | n | 1983 | Startide Rising |
n | 1980 | Sundiver | |
Hugo | s | 1984 | The Crystal Spheres |
HNom | s | 1988 | The Giving Plague |
HNom NNom | n | 1985 | The Postman |
nv | 1982 | The Postman | |
Incorporated in the novel of the same name | |||
n | 1984 | The Practice Effect | |
Recommended by kp | |||
Hugo NNom [i] | n | 1987 | The Uplift War |
HNom | nt | 1986 | Thor Meets Captain America |
[g] | nv | 1991 | What Continues, What Fails... |
Bringsvaerd, Tor Aage
[g] | s | 1968 | Codemus |
Broderick, Damien
[Psf] | n | 1980 | The Dreaming Dragons |
Brown, Fredric
[f] | s | 1954 | Answer |
[c,e,f] | nt | 1944 | Arena |
[f] | s | 1941 | Armageddon |
[a] | nv | 1949 | Come and Go Mad |
[a,f] | nt | 1943 | Daymare |
[f] | s | 1953 | Hall of Mirrors |
[f] | s | 1948 | Knock |
[b] | s | 1949 | Letter to a Phoenix |
[a] | n | 1954 | Martians Go Home |
Expanded from earlier novella of same name | |||
c | 1961 | Nightmares and Geezenstacks | |
HNom [f] | s | 1945 | Pi in the Sky |
[a,f] | s | 1946 | Placet Is a Crazy Place |
n | 1953 | The Lights in the Sky Are Stars | |
[d,f] | s | 1942 | The Star Mouse |
HNom [a,f] | nt | 1945 | The Waveries |
[f] | s | 1951 | The Weapon |
[i] | n | 1949 | What Mad Universe |
Expanded from shorter 1948
version |
Brown, Mary
n | 1986 | The Unlikely Ones | |
A creative fantasy -- po |
Brown, Rosel George
n | 1966 | Sibyl Sue Blue | |
Recommended by arl |
Brown, Rosel George and Keith Laumer
n | 1966 | Earthblood |
Broxon, Mildred Downey
NNom | nt | 1981 | Sea Changling |
Brunner, John
HNom | nv | 1971 | Dread Empire |
Contained in "Traveller in Black" | |||
nt | 1955 | No Future in It | |
n | 1975 | Shockwave Rider | |
Hugo NNom [Psf] | n | 1968 | Stand on Zanzibar |
NNom | n | 1969 | The Jagged Orbit |
n | 1965 | The Long Result | |
NNom | n | 1972 | The Sheep Look Up |
HNom | n | 1965 | The Squares of the City |
n | 1973 | The Stone that Never Came Down | |
Suggested by cjh | |||
[f] | nt | 1963 | The Totally Rich |
c | 1966 | The Traveler in Black | |
HNom [i] | n | 1964 | The Whole Man |
n | 1969 | Times Without Number |
Brust, Steven
n | 1986 | Brokedown Palace | |
It shoulda been a contender... -- po | |||
n | 1983 | Jhereg | |
n | 1991 | The Phoenix Guards | |
Recommended by kp | |||
n | 1987 | The Sun, Moon and the Stars | |
n | 1984 | To Reign in Hell | |
Recommended by kp | |||
n | 1984 | Yendi |
Bryant, Edward
HNom Neb [g] | s | 1979 | giANTS |
NNom | s | 1977 | Particle Theory |
NNom | s | 1973 | Shark |
HNom Neb | s | 1978 | Stone |
NNom | nt | 1980 | Strata |
NNom | s | 1976 | The Hibakusha Gallery |
HNom NNom | nt | 1981 | The Thermals of August |
Budrys, Algis
s | 1975 | A Scraping of the Bones | |
NNom | n | 1992 | Hard Landing |
[Psf] | n | 1977 | Michaelmas |
[a,f] | s | 1955 | Nobody Bothers Gus |
HNom [c,Psf] | n | 1960 | Rogue Moon |
[f] | s | 1956 | Silent Brother |
HNom | s | 1958 | The Edge of the Sea |
[a,f] | nt | 1954 | The End of Summer |
[a] | nv | 1953 | The Real People |
HNom | nv | 1975 | The Silent Eyes of Time |
[f] | s | 1961 | Wall of Crystal, Eye of Night |
HNom | n | 1958 | Who? |
Bujold, Lois McMaster
Hugo NNom | n | 1991 | Barrayar |
HNom Neb | n | 1988 | Falling Free |
Dreadful! - cjh A nice old-time Astounding-style story - jam | |||
HNom | n | 1996 | Memory |
Hugo | N | 1994 | Mirror Dance |
n | 1986 | Shards of Honor | |
Hugo Neb | nv | 1989 | The Mountains of Mourning |
Hugo | n | 1990 | The Vor Game |
NNom | nv | 1990 | Weatherman |
Incorporated into ?? |
Bulgakov, Mikhail
n | 1966 | The Master and Margarita |
Bull, Emma
HNom NNom | n | 1991 | Bone Dance |
n | 1994 | Finder | |
Recommended by po & mlo | |||
nt | 1992 | Silver or Gold | |
n | 1987 | War for the Oaks | |
Perfect -- po |
Bulychev, Kirill
[g] | s | 1977 | I Was First to Find You |
Bunch, David R.
n | 1971 | Moderan | |
A collection of the Moderan stories. Recommended by
arl |
Burford, Lolah
n | 1972 | The Vision of Stephen | |
Recommended by arl |
Burger, Donys
n | 1965 | Sphereland | |
Recommended by po |
Burgess, Anthony
[i,Psf] | n | 1962 | A Clockwork Orange |
Novel was written before the movie was
made | |||
n | 1982 | The End of the World News | |
Recommended by arl | |||
[g] | s | 1964 | The Muse |
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
n | 1930 | A Fighting Man of Mars | |
n | 1922 | At the Earth's Core | |
n | 1941 | Llana of Gathol | |
Minor -- arl | |||
n | Out of Time's Abyss | ||
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1923 | Pellucidar | |
[i,k] | n | 1912 | Princess of Mars, A |
HNom | nt | 1963 | Savage Pellucidar |
n | 1935 | Swords of Mars | |
n | 1933 | Tarzan and the Lion Men | |
Excellent ending with Tarzan in Hollywood --
arl | |||
n | 1930 | Tarzan at the Earth's Core | |
[k] | n | 1912 | Tarzan of the Apes |
Seminal -- arl | |||
n | 1922 | The Chessmen of Mars | |
n | 1912 | The Gods of Mars | |
n | 1918 | The Land That Time Forgot | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1928 | The Master Mind of Mars | |
Brain transplants galore -- arl | |||
n | The People that Time Forgot | ||
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1913 | The Return of Tarzan | |
n | 1939 | The Synthetic Men of Mars | |
n | 1914 | The Warlord of Mars | |
n | 1916 | Thuvia, Maid of Mars |
Burroughs, William S.
[Pf] | n | 1981 | Cities of the Red Night |
[Psf] | n | 1964 | Nova Express |
Burstein, Michael A.
HNom | s | 1995 | TeleAbsence |
Butler, Octavia
Hugo Neb | nt | 1984 | Bloodchild |
n | 1984 | Clay's Ark | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1979 | Kindred | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1977 | Mind of My Mind | |
Recommended by po | |||
NNom | n | 1993 | Parable of the Sower |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1976 | Patternmaster | |
Hugo | s | 1983 | Speech Sounds |
NNom | nt | 1987 | The Evening and the Morning and the Night |
[Psf] | n | 1980 | The Wild Seed |
Recommended by po |
Butler, Samuel
n | Erewhon | ||
Another one of those 'classics' --
po |
Cabell, James Branch
n | 1919 | Jurgen | |
Quite controversial in its day, but hopelessly dateed today
-- it's adolescent giggling at sex -- mlo |
Cadigan, Pat
HNom NNom | s | 1987 | Angel |
HNom | nt | 1991 | Dispatches from the Revolution |
HNom NNom | nv | 1990 | Fool to Believe |
Incorporated into "Fools" | |||
NNom | s | 1986 | Pretty Boy Crossover |
NNom | n | 1991 | Synners |
NNom | s | 1990 | The Power and the Passion |
HNom | nt | 1992 | True Faces |
Cady, Jack
HNom Neb | nv | 1993 | The Night We Buried Road Dog |
Calvino, Italo
[g] | s | 1968 | A Sign in Space |
[g] | s | 1968 | The Spiral |
Campbell, John W.
ps | See also pseudonym Don A. Stuart | ||
a | 1934 | Atomic Power | |
Written as by 'Don A. Stuart' | |||
[g] | s | 1934 | Atomic Power |
Written under the pseudonym of 'Don A.
Stuart' | |||
s | 1935 | Blindness | |
Written as by "Don A. Stuart" | |||
[a,f] | nv | 1939 | Cloak of Aesir |
Written as by "Don A. Stuart" | |||
[a] | nt | 1938 | Dead Knowledge |
[d,g] | nt | 1937 | Forgetfulness |
Written as by "Don A. Stuart" | |||
n | 1961 | Invaders from the Infinite | |
Classic super science. Arcot-Wade-Morey #3 | |||
n | 1956 | Islands of Space | |
Classic super science. Arcot-Wade-Morey #2 | |||
s | 1935 | Night | |
Recommended by arl | |||
a | 1962 | Prologue to Analog | |
Excellent collection of SF from Astounding from the
50's | |||
a | 1952 | The ASF Anthology | |
n | 1953 | The Black Star Passes | |
Classic super science. Arcot-Wade-Morey #1 | |||
n | 1935 | The Mightiest Machine | |
The ultimate super-science novel of the
30's | |||
n | 1951 | The Moon Is Hell | |
Not very good -- mlo | |||
[c] | s | 1934 | Twilight |
Written as by "Don A. Stuart" | |||
[c,d] | nv | 1938 | Who Goes There? |
"Possibly the best SF story ever written." -- Isaac
Asimov |
Campbell, Ramsey
ss | 1989 | Meeting the Author | |
Recommended by arl | |||
[Pf] | n | 1986 | The Hungry Moon |
Capek, Karl
[i] | n | 1920 | R. U. R. |
The original robot story and the source of the word
'robot'. | |||
[i] | n | 1936 | War with the Newts |
An sf analogy to WW II. |
Card, Orson Scott
HNom | nt | 1989 | Dogwalker |
Hugo Neb [i] | n | 1985 | Ender's Game |
nt | 1977 | Ender's Game | |
Expanded into the Hugo-winning novel of the same
name | |||
Hugo | nv | 1987 | Eye for Eye |
n | 1983 | Hart's Hope | |
Really strange fantasy -- po | |||
HNom NNom | nt | 1986 | Hatrack River |
Incorporated in "Seventh Son" | |||
HNom NNom | s | 1989 | Lost Boys |
HNom NNom | nt | 1978 | Mikal's Songbird |
HNom NNom | n | 1989 | Prentice Alvin |
HNom NNom | n | 1988 | Red Prophet |
HNom | n | 1987 | Seventh Son |
HNom | nv | 1979 | Songhouse |
Hugo Neb | n | 1986 | Speaker for the Dead |
HNom NNom | nt | 1985 | The Fringe |
nv | 1990 | The Originist | |
The best Foundation story ever written, Asimov's included.
It keeps Asimov's feel and is much better written -- mlo | |||
HNom NNom | s | 1979 | Unaccompanied Sonata |
n | 1987 | Wyrms | |
Minor -- kp. Seriously underrated -- po | |||
HNom | n | 1991 | Xenocide |
Carlson, William K.
NNom | nv | 1975 | Sunrise West |
Carr, John Dickson
[a,k] | n | 1951 | The Devil in Velvet |
Time travel, mystery &
romance |
Carr, Terry
s | Best of the Year anthologies | ||
His whole series of Best of the Year books, both with DAW
and lone, is excellent -- mlo | |||
NNom | n | 1976 | Cirque |
HNom NNom | s | 1968 | The Dance of the Changer and the Three |
Carrere, Emmanuel
n | 1990 | Gothic Romance | |
Excellent and unjustly neglected --
arl |
Carrington, Grant
NNom | nt | 1976 | His Hour Upon the Stage |
Carroll, Jonathan
n | 1987 | Bones of the Moon | |
[Pf] | n | 1980 | Land of Laughs |
HNom | nv | 1992 | Uh-Oh City |
Carroll, Lewis
[i,k] | n | 1865 | Alice in Wonderland |
[i,k] | n | 1871 | Through the Looking Glass |
Carter, Angela
[Psf] | n | 1969 | Heroes and Villains |
[Pf] | n | 1984 | Nights at the Circus |
[k,Pf] | n | 1972 | The Infernal Desire Machine of Dr. Hoffman |
[Pf] | n | 1977 | The Passion of New Eve |
Carter, Paul A.
[f] | nt | 1946 | The Last Objective |
Cartmill, Cleve
[f] | nt | 1944 | Deadline |
A definitive (and nearly the only) example of SF's
predictive abilities -- mlo | |||
[d] | s | 1942 | The Link |
Chambers, Robert W.
n | 1895 | The King in Yellow | |
Became a cult book in the Chthulu
Mythos! |
Chandler, A. Bertram
se | Commodore Grimes series | ||
HNom [a,f] | nv | 1945 | Giant Killer |
[f] | s | 1957 | The Cage |
nt | 1969 | The Kinsolving's Planet Irregulars |
Chant, Joy
[Pf] | n | 1970 | Red Moon and Black Mountain |
n | 1977 | The Grey Mane of Morning |
Chappell, Fred
ss | 1991 | The Somewhere Doors | |
Recommended by arl |
Charnas, Suzy McKee
HNom | nt | 1996 | Beauty and the Opera or the Phanton Beast |
Hugo NNom | s | 1989 | Boobs |
NNom | nt | 1986 | Listening to Brahms |
n | 1978 | Motherlines | |
Recommended by arl | |||
NNom [Pf] | n | 1981 | The Vampire Tapestry |
Neb | nv | 1980 | Unicorn Tapestry |
[Psf] | n | 1974 | Walk to the End of the World |
Cherryh, C. J.
n | 1976 | Brothers of Earth | |
Hugo NNom | s | 1978 | Cassandra |
n | 1986 | Chanur's Homecoming | |
HNom | n | 1985 | Cuckoo's Egg |
Hugo | n | 1988 | Cyteen |
Hugo | n | 1981 | Downbelow Station |
n | 1991 | Heavy Time | |
Recommended by cjh | |||
n | 1982 | Merchanter's Luck | |
After reading this book, 'Downbelow Station' make sense --
po | |||
n | 1980 | Serpent's Reach | |
Recommended by kp | |||
HNom NNom | n | 1978 | The Faded Sun: Kesrith |
n | 1978 | The Faded Sun: Shon'jir | |
The best of that series -- po | |||
n | 1985 | The Kif Strike Back | |
Recommended by cjh The other volumes in series are Chanur's Venture and Chanur's Homecoming. | |||
HNom | n | 1982 | The Pride of Chanur |
HNom | nv | 1985 | The Scapegoat |
n | Tripoint | ||
Do you know the *whole* story? --
cjh |
Chiang, Ted
HNom Neb | nt | 1990 | Tower of Babylon |
HNom | nt | 1991 | Understand |
Chilson, Robert
n | 1989 | Men Like Rats | |
Recommended by po |
Christopher, John
n | 1971 | Beyond the Burning Lands | |
2nd in 'Prince in Waiting' series. Recommended by
po | |||
[Psf] | n | 1956 | No Blade of Grass |
AKA 'The Death of Grass' | |||
n | 1970 | Prince in Waiting | |
First in series. Recommended by po | |||
n | 1967 | The City of Gold and Lead | |
Part of the Tripods series. Recommended by
kp | |||
n | 1968 | The Pool of Fire | |
Part of the Tripods series. Recommended by
kp | |||
n | 1972 | The Sword of the Spirits | |
3rd in 'Prince in Waiting' series. Recommended by
po | |||
n | 1967 | The White Mountains | |
Part of the Tripods series. Recommended by
kp |
Clark, John D.
s | 1937 | Minus Planet | |
Not great, but the first SF story to eal with anti-matter
-- arl |
Clarke, Arthur C.
s | 1951 | "If I Forget Thee, O Earth..." | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
n | 1968 | 2001: A Space Odyssey | |
HNom | n | 1982 | 2010: Odyssey two |
HNom | n | 1962 | A Fall of Moondust |
HNom Neb [g] | nv | 1971 | A Meeting with Medusa |
[a,i] | n | 1948 | Against the Fall of Night |
Rewritten as 'The City and the Stars' | |||
s | 1961 | Before Eden | |
[a,i,Psf] | n | 1953 | Childhood's End |
Good, but overrated -- mlo | |||
[f] | s | 1961 | Death and the Senator |
n | 1955 | Earthlight | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
s | 1953 | Encounter at Dawn | |
[e,f] | s | 1949 | History Lesson |
[f] | s | 1960 | I Remember Babylon |
A prediction story which is coming true, but completely
reversed! | |||
nt | 1953 | Jupiter V | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
[e] | s | 1946 | Loophole |
Hugo Neb | n | 1973 | Rendezvous With Rama |
[e,f] | s | 1946 | Rescue Party |
n | 1951 | Sands of Mars | |
s | 1951 | Second Dawn | |
j | |||
[f] | nt | 1951 | Superiority |
[f] | s | 1946 | Technical Error |
[i,Psf] | n | 1956 | The City and the Stars |
Major re-write of 'Against the Fall of Night' and greatly
improved. Clarke's best, in my opinion -- mlo | |||
[a,f] | s | 1954 | The Deep Range |
Expanded into novel of same name | |||
[f] | s | 1947 | The Fires Within |
s | 1953 | The Forgotten Enemy | |
Hugo Neb | n | 1979 | The Fountains of Paradise |
[g] | s | 1965 | The Longest Science Fiction Story Ever Told |
[c,f] | s | 1953 | The Nine Billion Names of God |
nv | 1950 | The Road to the Sea | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
s | 1951 | The Sentinel | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
nt | 1957 | The Songs of Distant Earth | |
Later expanded into a novel of the same
name | |||
Hugo [f,g] | s | 1955 | The Star |
nt | 1949 | The Wall of Darkness | |
s | 1952 | Time's Arrow | |
s | 1949 | Transcience | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
[g] | s | 1971 | Transit of Earth |
Clayton, Jo
n | 1986 | Skeen's Leap | |
n | 1986 | Skeen's Return | |
n | 1987 | Skeen's Search |
Clement, Hal
n | 1958 | Close to Critical | |
n | 1957 | Cycle of Fire | |
Recommended by kp | |||
nt | 1952 | Halo | |
Recommended by arl | |||
[f] | nt | 1963 | Hot Planet |
n | 1953 | Iceworld | |
[i,Psf] | n | 1953 | Mission of Gravity |
The best hard SF novel ever written. -- mlo,
arl | |||
[a,i] | n | 1949 | Needle |
[a,f,g] | s | 1942 | Proof |
HNom | n | 1970 | Star Light |
Hugo | s | 1945 | Uncommon Sense |
One of the best SF problem stories ever written --
mlo |
Clifton, Mark
[f] | nv | 1956 | Clerical Error |
[f] | s | 1962 | Hang Head, Vandal! |
[a] | nt | 1955 | Sense from Thought Divide |
[a] | nt | 1952 | Star Bright |
[a,f] | s | 1952 | What Have I Done? |
[f] | nt | 1959 | What Now Little Man? |
Clingerman, Mildred
[a] | s | 1955 | Birds Can't Count |
[f] | s | 1954 | Letters from Laura |
[a] | s | 1952 | Minister Without Portfolio |
Clute, John
Hugo | nf | 1995 | Science Fiction: The Illustrated Encyclopedia |
Clute, John and Peter Nicholls
Hugo | nf | 1993 | The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction |
Cogswell, Theodore
nf | 1993 | PITFCS: Proceedings of the Institute for Twenty-First Century
Studies | |
A collected fanzine of the best writers of the
50s |
Cogswell, Theodore R.
HNom | nf | 1993 | PITFCS: The Proceedings of the Institute for Twenty-First Century
Studies |
A reprinting of a classic 50's professional
fanzine | |||
[a,c] | nv | 1952 | The Spectre General |
Super! -- arl | |||
[a,f] | nt | 1953 | The Wall Around the World |
Cole, E. B.
n | 1961 | The Philosophical Corps | |
A fix-up novel |
Compton, D. G.
NNom | n | 1970 | The Steel Crocodile |
n | 1974 | The Unsleeping Eye | |
Recommended by arl |
Coney, Michael
n | 1982 | Cat Karina | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1984 | Gods of the Greataway | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1975 | Jaws that Bite, the Claws that Catch | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1989 | King of the Sceptered Isle | |
Recommended by po | |||
NNom | nt | 1995 | Tea and Hamsters |
n | 1973 | The Hero of Downways | |
Recommended by po |
Many anthologies... |
Conner, Mike
Neb | nt | 1991 | Guide Dog |
Cooper, Edmund
n | 1958 | Deadly Image | |
Recommended by arl | |||
n | 1969 | Sea-Horse in the Sky | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1972 | The Overman Culture | |
Recommended by po |
Cooper, Susan
n | 1974 | Greenwitch | |
n | 1965 | Over Sea, Under Stone | |
n | 1977 | Silver on the Tree | |
n | 1973 | The Dark is Rising | |
n | 1975 | The Grey King |
Coppel, Alfred
n | 1960 | Dark December | |
Recommended by po |
Coupling, J. J.
ps | Pseudonym of John R. Pierce | ||
[a,f] | s | 1948 | Period Piece |
Cowper, Richard
HNom NNom | nv | 1976 | Piper at the Gates of Dawn |
HNom | nv | 1975 | The Custodians |
NNom | n | 1979 | The Road to Corlay |
n | 1974 | The Twilight of Briareus | |
Recommended by po |
Crook, Compton
ps | See pseudonym Stephen Tall |
Crowley, John
[Pf] | n | 1987 | Aegypt |
[i,Psf] | n | 1979 | Engine Summer |
HNom | s | 1996 | Gone |
NNom | nv | 1989 | Great Work of Time |
HNom NNom [i,Pf] | n | 1981 | Little, Big |
HNom NNom | s | 1985 | Snow |
Cummings, Ray
n | 1922 | The Girl in the Golden Atom | |
The original each-atom-is-a-solar-system
story |
Curtis, Betsy
HNom | s | 1968 | The Steiger Effect |
Daley, Brian
n | 1983 | A Tapestry of Magics | |
Recommended by po |
Daniel, Tony
HNom | s | 1995 | Life on the Moon |
Dann, Jack
NNom | s | 1978 | A Quiet Revolution for Death |
NNom | nv | 1981 | Amnesia |
NNom | nt | 1984 | Bad Medicine |
NNom | nt | 1983 | Blind Shemmy |
NNom | nt | 1979 | Camps |
Neb | nv | 1995 | Da Vinci Rising |
NNom | s | 1981 | Going Under |
NNom | nv | 1973 | Junction |
NNom | n | 1984 | The Man Who Melted |
Davidson, Avram
nf | 1993 | Adventures in Unhistory | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
NNom | nv | 1966 | Clash of the Star Kings |
NNom | nv | 1983 | Eszterhazy and the Autogondola-Invention |
Hugo [f] | s | 1957 | Or All the Seas with Oysters |
[g] | s | 1955 | The Golem |
[Pf] | n | 1969 | The Phoenix and the Mirror |
[l] | nt | 1961 | The Sources of the Nile |
NNom | nv | 1980 | There Beneath the Silky Trees and Whelmed in Deeper Gulphs Than Me |
NNom | n | 1987 | Vergil in Averno |
NNom | nv | 1984 | Young Doctor Esterhazy |
Davidson, Avram and Ward Moore
n | 1971 | Joyleg |
Davis, Chan
[f] | s | 1959 | Adrift on the Policy Level |
[f] | s | 1947 | Letter to Ellen |
de Camp, L. Sprague
a | 1958 | An Elephant for Aristotle | |
Actually, this is historical fiction | |||
s | 1958 | Aristotle and the Gun | |
[a] | nv | 1949 | Cosmic Manhunt |
nv | 1939 | Divide and Rule | |
s | 1956 | Gun for Dinosaur, A | |
[e] | s | 1938 | Hyperpilosity |
Funny but minor -- arl | |||
[a] | s | 1955 | Judgment Day |
[a] | n | 1941 | Land of Unreason |
[a,i] | n | 1939 | Lest Darkness Fall |
[a] | s | 1939 | Nothing in the Rules |
[d,f] | nt | 1939 | The Blue Giraffe |
[a] | nv | 1951 | The Continent Makers |
[b,f] | s | 1940 | The Exalted |
[a,f] | s | 1939 | The Gnarly Man |
n | 1968 | The Goblin Tower | |
[a] | n | 1950 | The Hand of Zei |
[k] | n | 1951 | The Tritonian Ring |
[a] | n | 1942 | The Undesired Princess |
[f] | s | 1940 | The Warrior Race |
[a] | nv | 1940 | The Wheels of If |
Hugo | nf | 1996 | Time and Chance |
de Camp, L. Sprague and Fletcher Pratt
[a,Pf] | n | 1941 | Castle of Iron |
[a,k] | n | 1941 | Land of Unreason |
[a,i] | n | 1940 | The Incomplete Enchanter |
A collection of the first 3 'Enchanter'
stories | |||
n | 1953 | The Wall of Serpents |
de Lint, Charles
n | 1987 | Jack the Giant Killer | |
Recommended by cjh | |||
n | 1984 | Moonheart | |
n | 1989 | Svaha | |
Cyberpunkish fantasy -- po | |||
n | 1991 | The Little Country | |
n | 1986 | Yarrow |
Dean, Pamela
n | 1991 | Tam Lin | |
Superior fantasy transposition --
dms |
del Rey, Lester
[a] | s | 1951 | ...And It Comes Out Here |
[a,f] | s | 1940 | Dark Mission |
[a,f] | s | 1939 | Day Is Done |
[a] | nv | 1954 | For I Am a Jealous People! |
Humanity vs. God! -- arl | |||
[c] | s | 1938 | Helen O'Loy |
[f] | s | 1941 | Hereafter, Inc. |
[a,e] | s | 1952 | Instinct |
HNom [a,f] | nt | 1945 | Into Thy Hands |
[f] | s | 1944 | Kindness |
[c,d,f,i] | n | 1942 | Nerves |
[b] | s | 1949 | Over the Top |
[a,f] | s | 1942 | The Wings of Night |
nv | 1951 | Wind Between the Worlds | |
Good! -- arl |
Delaney, Joseph H.
HNom | nv | 1982 | Brainchild |
HNom | nv | 1983 | In the Face of My Enemy |
Delany, Samuel R.
HNom [g] | s | 1967 | Aye, and Gomorrah |
HNom Neb | n | 1966 | Babel-17 |
NNom | n | 1975 | Dhalgren |
The most famous unread novel in the field --
mlo | |||
NNom | s | 1967 | Driftglass |
HNom NNom | nv | 1968 | Lines of Power |
HNom [i,Psf] | n | 1968 | Nova |
Old-time space opera by one of SF's major stylists --
arl | |||
HNom | nt | 1977 | Prismatica |
[i] | n | Stars in My Pocket like Grains of Sand | |
n | 1965 | The Ballad of Beta-2 | |
An underrated piece -- po | |||
HNom Neb | n | 1967 | The Einstein Intersection |
Hugo | nf | 1988 | The Motion of Light in Water |
HNom | nv | 1967 | The Star-Pit |
NNom | nv | 1979 | The Tale of Gorgik |
Hugo Neb | nt | 1969 | Time Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones |
NNom | n | 1976 | Triton |
Denton, Bradley
HNom NNom | nv | 1988 | The Calvin Coolidge Home for Dead Comedians |
HNom NNom | nv | 1992 | The Territory |
Deutsch, A. J.
[a,e,f] | s | 1950 | A Subway Named Mobius |
Di Filippo, Paul
s | 1993 | Campbell's World | |
A bit of a gimmick story, but enjoyable --
mlo | |||
NNom | s | 1987 | Kid Charlemagne |
NNom | s | 1992 | Lennon Spex |
DiChario, Nicholas A.
HNom | s | 1992 | The Winterberry |
Dick, Philip K.
[a] | nt | 1955 | Autofac |
[a] | s | 1952 | Beyond Lies the Wub |
[f] | s | 1955 | Captive Market |
n | 1975 | Confessions of a Crap Artist | |
Not SF | |||
NNom [Psf] | n | 1968 | Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep |
[Psf] | n | 1965 | Dr. Bloodmoney |
[i] | n | Eye in the Sky | |
HNom | nt | 1967 | Faith of Our Fathers |
HNom NNom | n | 1974 | Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said |
[a] | s | 1954 | Foster, You're Dead |
[f] | s | 1963 | If There Were No Benny Cemoli |
[a,f] | s | 1953 | Imposter |
[i,Psf] | n | 1964 | Martian Time Slip |
[a,g] | nt | 1953 | Second Variety |
[l] | s | 1963 | Stand-by |
[a,f] | s | 1954 | The Father-Thing |
[a] | nt | 1954 | The Golden Man |
[g] | s | 1953 | The Indefatigable Frog |
Hugo [i,Psf] | n | 1962 | The Man in the High Castle |
One of the best alternate histories -- arl | |||
NNom | n | 1982 | The Transmigration of Timothy Archer |
s | 1964 | The Waterspider | |
[Psf] | n | 1965 | Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch |
Not to everyone's taste -- mlo | |||
[Psf] | n | 1959 | Time Out of Joint |
n | 1969 | Ubik | |
nv | 1966 | We Can Remember It for You Wholesale |
Dickens, Charles
[k] | nv | 1843 | A Christmas Carol |
Dickson, Gordon R.
[a,f] | s | 1954 | Black Charlie |
HNom Neb | nt | 1966 | Call Him Lord |
[g] | s | 1964 | Dolphin's Way |
HNom [i] | c | 1959 | Dorsai! |
Also titled "The Genetic General" | |||
HNom | nt | 1970 | Jean Dupres |
Hugo NNom | nv | 1980 | Lost Dorsai |
[f] | nt | 1962 | Roofs of Silver |
n | 1971 | Sleepwalker's World | |
Recommended by po | |||
Hugo [i] | nt | 1964 | Soldier, Ask Not |
nt | 1984 | Steel Brother | |
Hugo | nt | 1980 | The Cloak and the Staff |
Incorporated into 'The Way of the Pilgrim' | |||
[Pf] | n | 1976 | The Dragon and the George |
n | 1985 | The Final Encyclopedia | |
[i] | n | 1970 | The Tactics of Mistake |
n | 1987 | The Way of the Pilgrim | |
Recommended by jr | |||
HNom | n | 1977 | Time Storm |
n | 1968 | Wolfling |
Disch, Thomas M.
NNom [Psf] | n | 1974 | 334 |
[g] | s | 1974 | Angouleme |
NNom | nt | 1970 | Asian Shores |
[i,Psf] | n | 1968 | Camp Concentration |
[l] | s | 1964 | Now is Forever |
HNom NNom [i,Psf] | n | 1979 | On Wings of Song |
nt | 1967 | Problems of Creativeness | |
Origin of 334, recommended by arl | |||
HNom NNom | nv | 1980 | The Brave Little Toaster |
[k,Pf] | n | 1984 | The Businessman |
HNom | nt | 1978 | The Man Who Had No Idea |
NNom | nt | 1982 | Understanding Human Behavior |
NNom | s | 1988 | Voices of the Kill |
n | A Dark and Hungry God Arises | ||
Gap#3 | |||
[Pf] | n | 1977 | Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever |
A rotten series -- mlo I liked it -- jam | |||
nv | 1984 | Daughter of Regals | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | Forbidden Knowledge | ||
Gap#2 | |||
n | The Real Story: The Gap Into Knowledge | ||
Gap#1 |
Doyle, Arthur Conan
[k] | n | 1912 | The Lost World |
n | 1913 | The Poison Belt |
NNom | s | 1970 | A Dream at Noonday |
HNom NNom | nt | 1972 | A Kingdom by the Sea |
HNom NNom | nv | 1971 | A Special Kind of Morning |
HNom NNom | nv | 1973 | Chains of the Sea |
s? | Descending | ||
Recommended by dgg | |||
NNom | s | 1981 | Disciples |
NNom | s | 1971 | Horse of Air |
Neb | s | 1984 | Morning Child |
HNom NNom | nv | 1974 | Strangers |
HNom NNom | s | 1983 | The Peacemaker |
Dozois, Gardner, Jack Dann and Michael Swanwick
NNom | s | 1985 | The Gods of Mars |
Duane, Diane
n | 1983 | So You Want to Be a Wizard | |
Pleasant YA -- po | |||
n | 1979 | The Door into Fire |
Dunsany, Lord
c | 1972 | Beyond the Fields We Know | |
n | 1922 | Don Rodriguez: Chronicles of Shadow Valley | |
c | 1959 | Gods, Men and Ghosts | |
Late collection which includes most of the Pegana
stories | |||
n | 1926 | The Charwoman's Shadow | |
[i,k] | n | 1924 | The King of Elfland's Daughter |
Duntemann, Jeff
HNom | s | 1980 | Cold Hands |
HNom | s | 1980 | Guardian |
Dyer, S. N.
NNom | nt | 1992 | The July Ward |
Eager, Edward
[i] | n | 1954 | Half Magic |
n | 1956 | Knight's Castle | |
Fine YA fantasy -- po |
Eddings, David
n | 1982 | Pawn of Prophecy | |
First of looong series after which they start to degrade --
po |
Eddison, E. R.
[a] | n | 1941 | A Fish Dinner in Memison |
Widely held to be unreadable -- mlo &
kp | |||
n | Mistress of Mistresses | ||
Recommended by jam | |||
[k] | n | 1926 | Worm Ouroboros |
Edmondson, G. C.
n | 1981 | To Sail the Century Sea | |
Recommended by arl |
Edwards, Dolton
[b,f] | s | 1946 | Meihem in ce Klasrum |
Effinger, George Alec
HNom | n | 1989 | A Fire in the Sun |
HNom | s | 1971 | All the Last Wars at Once |
HNom | nt | 1989 | Everything But Honor |
NNom | nv | 1989 | Marid Changes His Mind |
Hugo Neb | nt | 1988 | Schrodinger's Kitten |
NNom | s | 1984 | The Aliens Who Knew, I Mean *Everything* |
HNom | nt | 1973 | The City on the Sand |
s | 1979 | The Pinch Hitters | |
Recommended by arl | |||
NNom | n | 1972 | What Entropy Means to Me |
HNom NNom | n | 1987 | When Gravity Fails |
Egan, Greg
HNom | nt | 1994 | Cocoon |
HNom | nt | 1995 | Luminous |
HNom | nt | 1995 | Tap |
Eisenstein, Phyllis
HNom NNom | nv | 1981 | In the Western Tradition |
HNom | nt | 1982 | Nightlife |
[Pf] | n | 1979 | Sorcerer's Son |
Eklund, Gordon
NNom | nt | 1970 | Dear Aunt Annie |
Eklund, Gordon and Gregory Benford
Neb | nt | 1974 | If the Stars Are Gods |
Elgin, Suzette Hagin
n | 1981 | Twelve Fair Kingdoms |
Elliott, H. Chandler
n | 1955 | Reprieve from Paradise | |
Recommended by arl |
Ellison, Harlan
Hugo Neb | s | 1965 | 'Repent, Harlequin!' Said the Ticktockman |
HNom Neb | nv | 1969 | A Boy and His Dog |
Hugo | nt | 1974 | Adrift Just Off the Islets of Langerhans |
a | 1972 | Again, Dangerous Visions | |
HNom | nv | 1980 | All the Lies That Are My Life |
F&SF version is abridged - full version is in
"Shatterday" | |||
HNom NNom | nt | 1972 | Basilisk |
HNom | s | 1978 | Count the Clock That Tells the Time |
HNom | s | 1975 | Croatoan |
a | 1967 | Dangerous Visions | |
HNom | s | 1966 | Delusion for a Dragon Slayer |
nf | How You Stupidly Blew a Chance.... | ||
Ellison's resignation letter to SFWA (found in 'Strange
Wine'. Recommended by jr | |||
Hugo | s | 1967 | I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream |
Hugo Neb | s | 1977 | Jeffty Is Five |
HNom NNom | nv | 1993 | Mefisto in Onyx |
NNom | s | 1972 | On the Downhill Side |
Hugo NNom | nt | 1985 | Paladin of the Lost Hour |
HNom NNom | nt | 1967 | Pretty Maggie Moneyeyes |
NNom | s | 1975 | Shatterday |
NNom | s | 1969 | Shattered Like a Glass Goblin |
Hugo | s | 1968 | The Beast That Shouted Love at the Heart of the World |
Hugo NNom | nt | 1973 | The Deathbird |
HNom | nt | 1988 | The Function of Dream Sleep |
NNom | s | 1993 | The Man Who Rowed Christopher Columbus Ashore |
nt | 1978 | The New York Review of Bird | |
The 'Strange Wine' version - the 'Weird Heros' version has
deletions. | |||
HNom NNom | nv | 1970 | The Region Between |
Emshwiller, Carol
[f] | s | 1959 | Day at the Beach |
[f] | s | 1957 | Hunting Machine |
Erlich, Max
n | 1949 | The Big Eye | |
Recommended by arl |
Ernst, Paul
[e] | s | 1935 | The 32nd of May |
Recommended by arl |
Eskridge, Kelley
NNom | s | 1995 | Alien Jane |
Farley, Ralph Milne
[e] | nt | 1936 | Liquid Life |
Recommended by arl. Empathy with an intelligent
virus. |
Farmer, Philip Jose
[i,Pf] | n | 1969 | A Feast Unknown |
NNom | s | 1974 | After King Kong Fell |
n | 1960 | Flesh | |
n | 1957 | Green Odyssey | |
Good adventure -- po | |||
n | 1968 | Image of the Beast | |
n | 1964 | Inside Outside | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1970 | Lord Tyger | |
recommened by David Grubbs | |||
[a] | nt | 1953 | Mother |
HNom | nt | 1960 | My Sister's Brother |
Originally titled "Open to Me My Sister" | |||
n | 1966 | Night of Light | |
Recomended by arl | |||
Hugo NNom | nv | 1967 | Riders of the Purple Wage |
n | 1983 | River of Eternity | |
recommended by David Grubbs | |||
[a,f] | s | 1952 | Sail On! Sail On! |
HNom [f] | nt | 1959 | The Alley Man |
HNom | nt | 1965 | The Day of the Great Shout |
n | 1971 | The Fabulous Riverboat | |
[i] | n | 1952 | The Lovers |
See also novel version in 1962 | |||
n | 1965 | The Maker of Universes | |
[Psf] | n | 1980 | The Unreasoning Mask |
Hugo | n | 1971 | To Your Scattered Bodies Go |
Farnsworth, Duncan Wright
[a] | s | 1940 | All Roads |
Faulkner, William
[a] | n | 1950 | A Fable |
Feeley, Gregory
nt | 1996 | The Weighing of Ayre | |
Scientific warefare in an alternate 17th century --
mlo |
Fehrenback, R. R.
[f] | s | 1961 | Remember the Alamo |
Finney, Charles G.
[k] | n | 1953 | The Circus of Dr. Lao |
Finney, Jack
[a,f] | s | 1951 | I'm Scared |
[Pf] | n | 1970 | Time and Again |
Florance-Guthridge, George
HNom NNom | s | 1981 | The Quiet |
Flynn, Michael F.
HNom | nv | 1986 | Eifelheim |
n | 1996 | Firestar | |
Great near-future SF -- mlo | |||
n | 1990 | In the Country of the Blind | |
[g] | nv | 1990 | Mammy Morgan Played the Organ Her Daddy Beat the Drum |
HNom | NV | 1994 | Melodies of the Heart |
HNom | nv | 1987 | The Forest of Time |
Ford, John M.
n | 1989 | Casting Fortune | |
Recommended by cjh. Collection of several related Liavek
stories. | |||
[g] | nt | 1994 | Chromatic Aberration |
NNom | nt | 1996 | Erase/Record/Play |
NNom | nv | 1987 | Fugue State |
n | 1993 | Growing Up Weightless | |
[g] | s | 1984 | Heat of Fusion |
n | 1987 | How Much for Just the Planet? | |
A Star Trek novel and one of the funniest SF books written
-- mlo | |||
[i] | n | 1983 | The Dragon Waiting |
n | 1988 | The Scholars of the Night | |
Historical thriller Recommended by cjh, dms and mlo | |||
n | 1980 | Web of Angels | |
Early cyberpunk? -- po |
Forster, E. M.
[c] | nv | 1928 | The Machine Stops |
Forward, Robert
n | 1980 | Dragon's Egg |
Forward, Robert L.
[g] | s | 1979 | The Singing Diamond |
Foster, Alan Dean
n | 1973 | Bloodhype | |
n | 1990 | Cyber Way | |
Navaho detective fantasy | |||
n | 1974 | Icerigger | |
Recommended by kp | |||
n | 1986 | Into the Out Of | |
n | 1989 | Quozl | |
Wonderful aliens -- po | |||
n | 1972 | The Tar-Aiym Krang |
Fowler, Karen Joy
NNom | s | 1990 | Lieserl |
NNom | n | 1992 | Sarah Canary |
NNom | s | 1991 | The Dark |
HNom NNom | s | 1987 | The Faithful Companion at Forty |
Fowles, John
[Pf] | n | 1965 | The Magus |
Frank, Pat
[i,Psf] | n | 1959 | Alas, Babylon |
Recommended by kp |
Franson, Robert Wilfred
n | 1983 | The Shadow of the Ship | |
Exceptionally interesting 'space' travel -- po &
mlo |
Frayn, Michael
[Pf] | n | 1973 | Sweet Dreams |
Friedberg, Gertrude
n | 1966 | The Revolving Boy | |
Recommended by po |
Friend, Oscar J.
[a,f] | s | 1940 | The Impossible Highway |
Friesner, Esther
n | Elf Defense | ||
Recommended by cjh |
Friesner, Esther M.
HNom Neb | s | 1995 | A Birthday |
NNom | s | 1992 | All Vows |
Neb | s | 1994 | Death and the Librarian |
A most moving story -- mlo | |||
n | 1988 | Druid's Blood | |
An excellently silly alternate history --
mlo | |||
NNom | nt | 1994 | Jesus at the Bat |
n | 1986 | New York by Knight | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1993 | Yesterday We Saw Mermaids | |
Subdued and sad -- po |
Fyfe, H. B.
[a] | s | 1950 | In Value Deceived |
[a] | nv | 1952 | Moonwalk |
[a,b] | s | 1951 | Protected Species |
Gaiman, Neil and Terry Pratchett
n | 1990 | Good Omens |
Gallun, Raymond Z.
[e,g] | s | 1935 | Davy Jones' Ambassador |
An early sympathetic alien story -- arl | |||
s | 1934 | Old Faithful | |
Recommended by arl | |||
[d] | nt | 1938 | Seeds of the Dusk |
Galouye, Daniel F.
HNom | n | 1961 | Dark Universe |
Gardner, John
[Pf] | n | 1971 | Grendel |
Gardner, Martin
[f] | s | 1948 | Thang |
Garfinkle, Richard
n | 1996 | Celestial Matters | |
Recommended by mlo |
Garner, Alan
[k] | n | 1973 | Red Shift |
Recommended by po | |||
[Pf] | n | 1967 | The Owl Service |
Recommended by po |
Garnett, David
HNom | s | 1986 | Still Life |
Garrett, Randall
ps | See also pseudonym Mark Phillips | ||
s | 1978 | Backstage Lensman | |
Superb pastiche of Doc Smith's Lensman series which was
hugely enjoyed by Doc Smith -- mlo | |||
HNom | s | 1977 | Lauralyn |
NNom | nt | 1975 | The Final Fighting of Fion MacCumhaill |
[f] | nv | 1961 | The Highest Treason |
[f] | nt | 1954 | The Hunting Lodge |
[g] | s | 1954 | Time Fuze |
HNom | n | 1966 | Too Many Magicians |
Superb fantasy detective novel --
mlo |
Garrett, Randall and Lin Carter
s | 1957 | Masters of the Metropolis | |
Marvellous parody of 30's stf yarns --
arl |
Garrett, Randall and Robert Silverberg
[b] | nt | 1956 | Sound Decision |
n | 1959 | The Dawning Light | |
Written under the pseudonym of Robert
Randall | |||
n | 1957 | The Shrouded Planet | |
Written under the pseudonym of Robert
Randall |
Gernsback, Hugo
n | Ralph 124C41+ | ||
Dreadful writing but influential on a generation of sf
writers -- arl |
Gerrold, David
NNom | nt | 1972 | In the Deadlands |
NNom | n | 1976 | Moonstar Odyssey |
n | 1972 | Space Skimmer | |
Recommended by kp | |||
HNom NNom [i] | n | 1973 | The Man Who Folded Himself |
Hugo Neb | NT | 1994 | The Martian Child |
HNom NNom | n | 1972 | When Harlie Was One |
Gerrold, David and Larry Niven
n | 1971 | The Flying Sorcerers | |
Good SF which is also funny --
mlo |
Geston, Mark
n | Lords of the Starship | ||
Recommended by arl |
Gibson, William
NNom | s | 1982 | Burning Chrome |
HNom NNom | n | 1986 | Count Zero |
NNom [g] | s | 1981 | Johnny Mnemonic |
HNom NNom | n | 1988 | Mona Lisa Overdrive |
Hugo Neb [Psf] | n | 1984 | Neuromancer |
HNom NNom | nt | 1986 | The Winter Market |
HNom | n | 1993 | Virtual Light |
Gibson, William and Bruce Sterling
NNom | n | 1991 | The Difference Engine |
Gilman, Carolyn
NNom | nt | 1992 | The Honeycrafters |
Gilman, Greer
n | 1991 | Moonwise | |
Somewhat indescribable fantasy --
po |
Godwin, Parke
HNom NNom | nt | 1981 | The Fire When It Comes |
Godwin, Tom
[c,f,g] | s | 1954 | The Cold Equations |
An important story marred by a forced situation and
dreadful engineering design -- arl | |||
n | 1958 | The Survivors |
Goingback, Owl
NNom | s | 1995 | Grass Dancer |
Gold, H. L.
[a,e] | nt | 1938 | A Matter of Form |
[a,f] | s | 1954 | Man of Parts |
[a] | s | 1953 | The Man with English |
[a,f] | s | 1939 | Trouble with Water |
Goldin, Stephen
NNom | s | 1971 | The Last Ghost |
Golding, William
nt | 1956 | Envoy Extrordinary | |
Recommended by arl | |||
[Pf] | n | 1956 | Pincher Martin |
[Psf] | n | 1955 | The Inheritors |
Goldman, William
n | 1973 | The Princess Bride | |
But just the good parts... --
po |
Goldstein, Lisa
n | 1987 | A Mask for the General | |
NNom | s | 1992 | Alfred |
NNom | s | 1987 | Cassandra's Photographs |
[Pf] | n | 1985 | The Dream Years |
NNom | s | 1994 | The Narcissus Plague |
n | 1982 | The Red Magician |
Goonan, Kathleen Ann
NNom | s | 1996 | The String |
Gotleib, Phyllis
NNom | nv | 1972 | Son of the Morning |
Goulart, Ron
[i] | n | When the Waker Sleeps |
Gould, Steven
n | 1992 | Jumper | |
*Great* first novel -- po & mlo | |||
HNom NNom | nt | 1988 | Peaches for Mad Molly |
n | 1996 | Wild Side | |
Recommended by mlo |
Grahame, Kenneth
n | 1933 | The Wind in the Willows |
Grant, C. L.
HNom Neb | s | 1976 | A Crowd of Shadows |
Neb | nt | 1978 | A Glow of Candles, a Unicorn's Eye |
NNom | s | 1980 | Secrets of the Heart |
NNom | nv | 1974 | The Rest is Silence |
Grant, Richard
[g] | s | 1981 | Drode's Equations |
Graves, Robert
[a] | n | 1945 | Hercules My Shipmate |
[Pf] | n | 1949 | Seven Days in New Crete |
Gray, Alasdir
[Pf] | n | 1981 | Lanark |
Green Jr., Robert M.
HNom NNom | nt | 1966 | Apology to Inky |
Greenberg, Martin Harry
a | 1992 | After the King | |
An excellent original anthology -- a Festschrift for the
Tolkein Centenary -- mlo |
Greenhalgh, Zohra
n | 1989 | Contrarywise | |
Excellent and peculiar fantasy -- po &
mlo |
Gregor, Lee
[d] | s | 1939 | Heavy Planet |
Grendon, Edward
[f] | s | 1947 | The Figure |
Griffith, Nicola
Neb | n | 1995 | Slow River |
NNom | nv | 1995 | Yagura |
Grimm, Jacob Ludwig and Wilhelm
a | 1815 | The Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales | |
Be sure to read an unbowdlerlized
version! |
Guin, Wyman
[a] | nv | 1951 | Beyond Bedlam |
1950 | Trigger Tide | ||
Originally as by 'Norman Menasco'. Recommended by
arl |
Gunn, Eileen
HNom | s | 1989 | Computer Friendly |
HNom | s | 1988 | Stable Strategies for Middle Management |
Gunn, James
Hugo | nf | 1982 | Isaac Asimov: The Foundations of Science Fiction |
[a,f] | s | 1955 | The Cave of Night |
[f] | nv | 1958 | The Immortals |
[a] | nv | 1955 | The Joy Ride |
NNom | nt | 1968 | The Listeners |
[a] | s | 1952 | The Misogynist |
Guthridge, George
NNom | nt | 1995 | Mirror or Lop Nor |
Haggard, H. Rider
n | 1887 | Allan Quatermain | |
n | 1885 | King Solomon's Mines | |
[k] | n | 1886 | She |
Haldeman II, Jack C. and Jack Dann
NNom | s | 1982 | High Steel |
Haldeman, Joe
nv | 1995 | For White Hill | |
A wonderful love story -- mlo | |||
Neb | s | 1992 | Graves |
HNom | nv | 1972 | Hero |
HNom | n | 1976 | Mindbridge |
NNom | s | 1985 | More Than the Sum of His Parts |
Hugo NNom | s | 1994 | None So Blind |
Hugo Neb | n | 1975 | The Forever War |
Hugo Neb | nv | 1990 | The Hemingway Hoax |
Hugo NNom | s | 1976 | Tricentennial |
Hall, Austin and Homer Eon Flint
n | 1921 | The Blind Spot | |
Unreadable but important early work -- mlo. Hard slogging
but you can get through it -- arl. A great story in there, anyway --
po |
Hambly, Barbara
n | Ishmael | ||
IMHO the best Star Trek novel -- po | |||
n | 1988 | Those Who Hunt the Night | |
Recommended by cjh. Good --
arl |
Hamilton, Edmond
[f] | nt | 1949 | Alien Earth |
n | 1961 | Battle for the Stars | |
Pure space opera! -- mlo | |||
s | 1936 | Devolution | |
Recommended by arl | |||
[f] | s | 1943 | Exile |
HNom | n | 1945 | Red Sun of Danger |
n | Star Kings | ||
Space opera! | |||
[a] | s | 1945 | The Inn Outside the World |
s | 1964 | The Pro | |
Possibly Hamilton's best short -- arl | |||
[a,f] | nt | 1952 | What's It Like Out There? |
Hand, Elizabeth
Neb | nv | 1994 | Last Summer at Mars Hill |
Harness, Charles
HNom NNom | nt | 1966 | An Ornament to His Profession |
n | 1994 | Lunar Justice | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1990 | Lurid Dreams | |
Recommended by po | |||
NNom | nv | 1968 | Probable Cause |
HNom NNom | nt | 1966 | The Alchemist |
n | 1981 | The Firebird | |
[a,f] | nt | 1950 | The New Reality |
[Psf] | n | 1953 | The Paradox Men |
AKA 'Flight into Yesterday' | |||
n | 1968 | The Ring of Ritornel | |
Perfectly wonderful -- po | |||
[a] | nv | 1953 | The Rose |
n | 1982 | The Venetian Court | |
Recommended by po | |||
[a] | nv | 1948 | Time Trap |
Harrison, Harry
[j] | s | 1967 | A Criminal Act |
a | 1973 | Astounding - The John W. Campbell Memorial Anthology | |
Stories written for this book complete a half-dozen
important series | |||
NNom | s | 1970 | By the Falls |
HNom | n | 1960 | Deathworld |
[Psf] | n | 1966 | Make Room! Make Room! |
HNom | n | 1961 | Planet of the Damned |
Original title "Sense of Obligation" | |||
n | 1961 | The Stainless Steel Rat | |
This is the first in a long series: ignore all the rest --
mlo | |||
[f] | s | 1962 | The Streets of Ashkelon |
n | 1967 | The Technicolor Time Machine | |
n | 1984 | West of Eden |
Harrison, M. John
[Pf] | n | 1980 | A Storm of Wings |
[Psf] | n | 1974 | The Centauri Device |
Hartwell, David
a | 1989 | World Treasury of SF | |
A major modern collection |
Hartwell, David and Kathryn Cramer
c | 1994 | The Ascent of Wonder | |
A very large collection of hard
SF |
Harvard Lampoon
nv | 1969 | Bored of the Rings | |
A popular parody of Lord of the Rings. Mostly written by
Christopher Cerf. Tedious after a while --
arl |
Hasse, Henry
[d] | nt | 1936 | He Who Shrank |
Hawkins, Williard
[f] | s | 1940 | The Dwindling Sphere |
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
[g] | nv | 1844 | Rappaccini's Daughter |
Healy, Raymond J. and J. Francis McComas
a | 1946 | Famous SF Stories: Adventures in Time and Space | |
The definitive collection of early short
SF |
Heinlein, Robert A.
ps | See also pseudonym Anson MacDonald | ||
[a] | s | 1941 | ...And He Built a Crooked House |
s | 1959 | All You Zombies | |
[a] | n | 1942 | Beyond This Horizon |
[b] | nt | 1940 | Blowups Happen |
[a,d,f] | nt | 1941 | By His Bootstraps |
Written as by "Anson Macdonald" | |||
[i] | n | 1957 | Citizen of the Galaxy |
The best Heinlein novel -- mlo | |||
[a] | s | 1940 | Coventry |
Hugo [i] | n | 1955 | Double Star |
The best Heinlein novel -- arl | |||
n | 1950 | Farmer in the Sky | |
HNom NNom | n | 1982 | Friday |
Not bad for late Heinlein -- mlo | |||
HNom [i,Pf] | n | 1963 | Glory Road |
[a,e] | s | 1942 | Goldfish Bowl |
Written as by 'Anson MacDonald' | |||
[a] | nv | 1949 | Gulf |
HNom [i,Psf] | n | 1958 | Have Spacesuit - Will Travel |
[a,e,g] | s | 1947 | It's Great to Be Back! |
NNom | n | 1984 | Job: A Comedy of Justice |
[a,f] | s | 1939 | Life-Line |
nv | 1941 | Lost Legacy | |
[a] | n | 1940 | Magic, Inc. |
[a,i] | n | 1941 | Methuselah's Children |
[f] | nt | 1939 | Misfit |
[i] | n | 1963 | Podkayne of Mars |
Recommended by po | |||
s | 1953 | Project Nightmare | |
[a] | n | 1949 | Red Planet |
[a,d] | s | 1940 | Requiem |
[a] | s | 1941 | Solution Unsatisfactory |
According to Herman Kahn, one of the best pieces of
predictive SF ever written -- arl | |||
n | 1948 | Space Cadet | |
n | 1953 | Starman Jones | |
Hugo [i] | n | 1959 | Starship Troopers |
Hugo [i] | n | 1961 | Stranger in a Strange Land |
Originally published version only! -- mlo | |||
[i,Psf] | n | 1956 | The Door Into Summer |
[a,g] | nt | 1947 | The Green Hills of Earth |
[a] | nv | 1950 | The Man Who Sold the Moon |
s | 1957 | The Man Who Travelled in Elephants | |
nt | 1957 | The Menace from Earth | |
Hugo NNom [i] | n | 1966 | The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress |
Also nominated for 1965 due to serialization overlapping
two years! Best RAH novel -- jds | |||
[a,i,Psf] | n | 1951 | The Puppet Masters |
Originally published version only! -- mlo | |||
[c,d] | nt | 1940 | The Roads Must Roll |
n | 1952 | The Rolling Stones | |
[a,Pf] | nt | 1942 | The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag |
[a] | nt | 1952 | The Year of the Jackpot |
[a] | s | 1941 | They |
HNom NNom | n | 1973 | Time Enough for Love |
In this long book there are a couple of really good
novellas buried in among all the words -- mlo | |||
[i] | n | 1955 | Tunnel in the Sky |
A personal favorite -- po | |||
[a,c,e] | nv | 1941 | Universe |
Not the earliest, but one of the best of the generation
ship stories -- arl | |||
[a] | n | 1942 | Waldo |
[a] | s | 1941 | We Also Walk Dogs |
Helprin, Mark
[Pf] | n | 1983 | Winter's Tale |
Henderson, Zenna
[a] | s | 1952 | Ararat |
A "People" story | |||
HNom | nt | 1958 | Captivity |
A "People" story | |||
[a] | s | 1951 | Come On, Wagon! |
c | 1996 | Ingathering: The Complete People Stories of Zenna Henderson | |
[i] | c | 1961 | Pilgrimage: the Book of the People |
A fix-up novel consisting of about half of the "People"
stories | |||
[a] | nt | 1955 | Pottage |
A "People" story | |||
[i] | c | 1967 | The People: No Different Flesh |
A collection of most of the "People" stories not included
in "Pilgrimage" |
Henneberg, Nathalie-Charles
[g] | s | 1960 | The Blind Pilot |
Herbert, Frank
HNom | n | 1976 | Children of Dune |
Hugo Neb [i,Psf] | n | 1965 | Dune |
Dune was originally published in two parts, the first of
which, "Dune World" was nominated in 1964. A good, but over-rated book --
mlo | |||
HNom | n | 1963 | Dune World |
The first half of "Dune" | |||
n | 1973 | Hellstrom's Hive | |
n | 1956 | Under Pressure | |
Also titled "Twenty-First Century Sub" and "The Dragon in
the Sea" | |||
n | 1970 | Whipping Star | |
Recommended by arl |
Hersey, John
n | 1974 | My Petition for More Space | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1960 | The Child Buyer | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1965 | White Lotus | |
Recommended by po |
Hilton, James
[k] | n | 1933 | Lost Horizon |
Hinz, Christopher
n | 1987 | Liege-Killer |
Hoban, Russell
[Psf] | n | 1980 | Riddley Walker |
Hodgell, P. C.
n | 1982 | God Stalk | |
Recommended by po |
Hodgson, William Hope
n | 1907 | The Boats of the "Glen Carrig" | |
[k] | n | 1908 | The House on the Borderland |
[k] | n | 1912 | The Nightland |
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki
NNom | nv | 1993 | Haunted Humans |
NNom | nt | 1995 | Home for Christmas |
NNom | n | 1995 | The Silent Strength of Stones |
NNom | nt | 1993 | The Skeleton Key |
n | 1993 | The Thread that Binds the Bones | |
Recommended by po |
Hogan, James P.
n | 1977 | Inherit the Stars | |
A good first novel with a great picture of a momentous
scientific discovery in the making -- mlo | |||
[g] | s | 1981 | Making Light |
n | 1979 | The Two Faces of Tomorrow | |
Recommended by dgg |
Holdstock, Robert
[Pf] | n | 1984 | Mythago Wood |
Hollis, H. H.
NNom | s | 1968 | Sword Game |
NNom | nt | 1968 | The Guerrilla Trees |
Holt, Tom
[k] | n | 1987 | Expecting Someone Taller |
Minor -- arl. But better than the opera --
po. |
Horwood, W
n | 1980 | Duncton Wood |
Howard, Hayden
HNom NNom | nt | 1966 | The Eskimo Invasion |
Howard, Robert E.
se | Conan Series | ||
Especially the early ones. Few of the pastiches are worth
reading -- arl | |||
[Pf,k] | n | 1935 | Conan the Conquerer |
Hoyle, Fred
n | 1957 | The Black Cloud |
Hoyle, Fred and John Elliot
n | 1962 | A for Andromeda |
Hubbard, L. Ron
HNom | n | 1986 | Black Genesis |
It's amazing what garbage occasionally gets nominated --
mlo | |||
[a,k] | nv | 1940 | Fear |
[a] | n | 1940 | Final Blackout |
A great 'after the war' story -- arl | |||
se | Ole' Doc Methuselah stories | ||
Dreadful stories but very popular in their day -- mlo. As
by Rene Lafayette | |||
[a,k] | n | 1939 | Slaves of Sleep |
The original book is collected mainly for its Hannes Bok dj
-- arl. But *I* liked the story -- mlo | |||
nv | 1940 | Typewriter in the Sky |
Hughart, Barry
n | 1984 | Bridge of Birds |
Hughes, Zach
[i] | n | 1972 | The Book of Rack the Healer |
Hugi, Maurice A
[d,f] | nt | 1941 | Mechanical Mice |
Huxley, Aldous
[a] | n | 1939 | After Many a Summer Dies the Swan |
[i] | n | 1939 | Brave New World |
Huxley, Julian
[e] | nt | 1927 | The Tissue-Culture King |
Very early biological cloning and its ethical consequences
-- arl |
Ing, Dean
[g] | s | 1979 | Down & Out on Ellfive Prime |
HNom NNom | nt | 1978 | The Devil You Don't Know |
Israel, Peter
n | 1989 | I'll Cry When I Kill You | |
Mystery set at an SF conmvention. Quite nasty in its
characterization -- arl |
Jackson, Shirley
[a,l] | s | 1955 | One Ordinary Day, with Peanuts |
[k,Pf] | n | 1959 | The Haunting of Hill House |
s | 1949 | The Lottery | |
[a] | s | 1950 | The Summer People |
n | 1962 | We Have Always Lived in the Castle |
Jameson, Malcolm
n | Bullard of the Space Patrol | ||
Fixup novel classic space opera -- arl | |||
[e] | s | 1939 | Children of the "Betsy-B" |
nt | 1944 | Tricky Tonnage | |
Recommended by arl |
Janifer, Lawrence
ps | See also pseudonym Mark Phillips |
Jennings, Gary
HNom | nt | 1962 | Myrrha |
Jeter, K. W.
n | 1984 | Dr. Adder | |
[Pf] | n | 1983 | Soul Eater |
Jonas, Gerald
NNom | nt | 1970 | Shaker Revival |
Jones, Diana Wynne
nf | 1996 | The Tough Guide to Fantasyland | |
recommended by mlo |
Jones, Dianna Wynne
n | 1987 | A Tale of Time City | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1984 | Archer's Goon | |
n | 1975 | Eight Days of Luke | |
n | 1984 | Fire and Hemlock | |
s | 1990 | nad and Dan adn Quaffy | |
Recommended by arl & mlo | |||
n | 1981 | The Homeward Bounders | |
Spooky -- po | |||
n | 1988 | The Lives of Christopher Chant | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1979 | The Spell Coats | |
Recommended by po |
Jones, Guy and Constance
[a] | n | 1945 | Peabody's Mermaid |
Jones, Raymond F.
[i] | n | Colossus | |
Not that good, but one of the first computer takes over the
world stories -- jr | |||
HNom [d,f] | s | 1945 | Correspondence Course |
[e,g] | s | 1947 | Person from Porlock |
A personal favorite -- mlo | |||
HNom | s | 1966 | Rat Race |
n | 1952 | This Island Earth |
Juster, Norman
[i] | n | Phantom Tollbooth |
Kafka, Franz
In the Penal Colony | |||
recommended by arl | |||
s? | 1915 | The Metamorphosis |
Kagan, Janet
n | 1988 | Hellspark | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
Hugo NNom | nt | 1992 | The Nutcracker Coup |
Kahn, James
n | 1980 | World Enough and Time | |
Recommended by po. I didn't like this at all --
mlo |
Karr, Phyllis Ann
n | 1986 | At Amberleaf Fair | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
n | 1982 | The Idylls of the Queen | |
Recommended by po & mlo |
Kay, Guy Gavriel
n | 1992 | A Song for Arbonne | |
Recommended by po | |||
[Pf] | n | Silver on the Tree | |
Part of the Fionvar Tapestry trilogy | |||
[Pf] | n | 1985 | The Summer Tree |
Part of the Fionvar Tapestry trilogy | |||
[Pf] | n | 1986 | The Wandering Fire |
Part of the Fionvar Tapestry trilogy | |||
n | 1993 | Tigana |
Kaye, Marvin and Parke Godwin
n | 1978 | Masters of Solitude |
Kelleam, Joseph E.
[f] | s | 1939 | Rust |
Kelly, James Patrick
NNom | nv | 1990 | Mr. Boy |
HNom NNom | s | 1986 | Rat |
NNom | nt | 1984 | Saint Theresa of the Aliens |
NNom | nt | 1991 | Standing in Line with Mr. Jimmy |
Hugo NNom | nt | 1995 | Think Like a Dinosaur |
An even more contrived and less important answer to
Godwin's "The Cold Equations" -- mlo |
Kennedy, Leigh
NNom | s | 1983 | Her Furry Face |
NNom | n | 1986 | The Journal of Nicholas the American |
Kerr, Katherine
n | 1992 | Resurrection | |
Recommended by arl |
Kersh, Gerald
[a] | n | 1953 | Secret Masters |
Kessel, John
HNom Neb | nv | 1982 | Another Orphan |
HNom NNom | s | 1991 | Buffalo |
NNom | n | 1989 | Good News from Outer Space |
nt | 1990 | Invaders | |
Recommended by arl | |||
NNom | s | 1988 | Mrs. Shummel Exits a Winner |
HNom NNom | nt | 1993 | The Fanchise |
Key, Alexander
n | 1968 | Escape to Witch Mountain | |
Recommended by po Excellent juvenile -- po |
Keyes, Daniel
Hugo Neb [Psf] | n | 1966 | Flowers for Algernon |
Short story version won Hugo in '60! | |||
Hugo [c,i] | s | 1959 | Flowers for Algernon |
King, Stephen
Hugo | nf | 1981 | Danse Macabre |
n | 1986 | It | |
[Pf] | n | 1975 | Salem's Lot |
[Pf] | n | 1977 | The Shining |
[i] | n | 1978 | The Stand |
NNom | nt | 1980 | The Way Station |
Kingsbury, Donald M.
HNom | n | 1982 | Courtship Rite |
HNom | nv | 1979 | The Moon Goddess and the Son |
[g] | nt | 1978 | To Bring in the Steel |
Kipling, Rudyard
.007 | |||
Recommended by bz and jb | |||
A Habitation Enforced | |||
Recommended by bz and jb | |||
[j] | nt | 1912 | As Easy as ABC |
c | Puck of Pook's Hill | ||
Recommended by bz and jb | |||
c | Rewards & Fairies | ||
Recommended by bz and jb | |||
nv | 1898 | The Bridge-Builders | |
A surprisingly good fantasy in which the gods of India
debate the destruction of a bridge -- mlo | |||
The Brushwood Boy | |||
Recommended by bz and jb | |||
The Ship That Found Herself | |||
Recommended by bz and jb | |||
[g] | nv | 1909 | With the Night Mail |
Klein, Gerard
[g] | nt | 1976 | Party Line |
[g] | s | 1973 | The Valley of Echoes |
Knight, Damon
[a,f] | s | 1954 | Anachron |
[a] | nt | 1953 | Babel II |
nt | 1951 | Cabin Boy | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
[a] | nt | 1951 | Don't Live in the Past |
[a] | nv | 1953 | Double Meaning |
[f,l] | nt | 1953 | Four in One |
HNom | s | 1976 | I See You |
s | 1958 | Idiot Stick | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
nf | 1956 | In Search of Wonder | |
Pioneering criticism of SF | |||
HNom NNom | s | 1968 | Masks |
[a] | nv | 1954 | Natural State |
[f] | s | 1950 | Not with a Bang |
nv | 1954 | Rule Golden | |
[f,g] | nt | 1956 | Stranger Station |
[a] | s | 1952 | The Analogues |
c | The Best of Orbit | ||
[c,f] | s | 1956 | The Country of the Kind |
[a] | nv | 1955 | The Earth Quarter |
nf | 1977 | The Futurians | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
[f] | s | 1960 | The Handler |
[f] | s | 1950 | To Serve Man |
[f] | nt | 1959 | What Rough Beast |
[a] | nv | 1951 | World Without Children |
Koontz, Dean R.
HNom | nv | 1970 | Beastchild |
Kornbluth, C. M.
[a,g] | nt | 1954 | Gomez |
c | 1997 | His Share of Glory -- The Complete Short SF of C. M. Kornbluth | |
n | 1955 | Not This August | |
HNom | nt | 1958 | Shark Ship |
Originally titled "Reap the Dark Tide" | |||
[a] | nt | 1952 | That Share of Glory |
HNom | s | 1958 | The Advent on Channel Twelve |
[a,f] | s | 1952 | The Altar at Midnight |
[f] | s | 1957 | The Education of Tigress McCardle |
[a,c,f] | nt | 1950 | The Little Black Bag |
[a] | s | 1952 | The Luckiest Man in Denv |
[c,a,f] | s | 1951 | The Marching Morons |
[f] | s | 1950 | The Mindworm |
[f] | s | 1949 | The Only Thing We Learn |
[a] | s | 1953 | The Remorseful |
[a,f] | s | 1941 | The Rocket of 1955 |
[a,f] | s | 1950 | The Silly Season |
n | 1953 | The Syndic | |
[a,f] | s | 1941 | The Words of Guru |
HNom | s | 1958 | Theory of Rocketry |
[a] | nv | 1941 | Thirteen O'Clock |
[f,g,l] | nv | 1958 | Two Dooms |
[a,f] | nt | 1951 | With These Hands |
Kornbluth, C. M. and Judith Merril
n | 1952 | Gunner Cade | |
Writing as Cyril Judd |
Kosinski, Jerry
NNom | nv | 1971 | Being There |
Kotzwinkle, William
[Pf] | n | 1977 | Fata Morgana |
Kress, Nancy
HNom | nv | 1991 | And Wild for to Hold |
HNom NNom | N | 1994 | Beggars and Choosers |
HNom NNom | n | 1993 | Beggars in Spain |
Expanded from the novella of the same
name. | |||
Hugo Neb | nv | 1991 | Beggars in Spain |
HNom NNom | nt | 1993 | Dancing on Air |
HNom | nv | 1995 | Fault Lines |
Neb | s | 1985 | Out of All Them Bright Stars |
s | 1993 | The Battle of Long Island | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
HNom NNom | s | 1992 | The Mountains to Mohammed |
HNom | nt | 1989 | The Price of Oranges |
NNom | nv | 1984 | Trinity |
Kube-McDowell, Michael
HNom | n | 1990 | The Quiet Pools |
Kurland, Michael
n | 1969 | The Unicorn Girl |
Kurten, Bjorn
n | 1980 | Dance of the Tiger | |
Recommended by po |
Kurtz, Katherine
n | 1972 | Deryni Checkmate | |
Deryni 2 | |||
n | 1970 | Deryni Rising | |
Deryni 1 | |||
n | 1973 | High Deryni | |
Deryni 3. The rest of the series (another dozen plus books
(and still growing)) has become formulaic --
arl |
Kushner, Ellen
n | 1990 | Thomas the Rhymer | |
Recommended by po |
Kuttner, Henry
ps | See also pseudonyms Lawrence O'Donnell and Lewis Padgett | ||
[a,f] | s | 1941 | A Gnome There Was |
[a,f] | s | 1946 | Absalom |
[f] | nt | 1949 | Cold War |
[a] | n | 1946 | Dark World |
[a,f] | s | 1948 | Don't Look Now |
[a,i] | n | 1947 | Fury |
[a] | s | 1945 | Line to Tomorrow |
[a,f] | s | 1943 | The Iron Standard |
[f] | s | 1939 | The Misguided Halo |
[e,f] | s | 1945 | What You Need |
Kuttner, Henry and C. L. Moore
ps | see also pseudonyms Lawrence O'Donnell and Lewis Padgett | ||
[a,f] | nt | 1945 | Camouflage |
[a] | s | 1948 | Happy Ending |
[a] | nt | 1943 | Nothing But Gingerbread Left |
[a,f] | nt | 1949 | Private Eye |
[f] | nt | 1956 | Rite of Passage |
[a] | nt | 1944 | The Children's Hour |
[a,f] | nt | 1945 | The Piper's Son |
[a] | nv | 1947 | Tomorrow and Tomorrow |
[a] | s | 1955 | Two-Handed Engine |
Kuykendall, Roger
[b] | s | 0 | We Didn't Do Anything Wrong, Hardly |
L'Engle, Madeleine
n | 1978 | A Swiftly Tilting Planet | |
n | 1973 | A Wind in the Door | |
[i] | n | 1962 | A Wrinkle in Time |
n | 1986 | Many Waters |
Lafferty, R. A.
HNom NNom | s | 1970 | Continued on Next Rock |
NNom | s | 1970 | Entire and Perfect Chrysolite |
Hugo | s | 1972 | Eurema's Dam |
NNom [Pf] | n | 1970 | Fourth Mansions |
nt | 1966 | Narrow Valley | |
s | 1966 | Nine Hundred Grandmothers | |
HNom NNom | n | 1968 | Past Master |
[f] | s | 1961 | Rainbird |
[f] | s | 1962 | Seven-Day Terror |
HNom | s | 1971 | Sky |
s | 1965 | Slow Tuesday Night | |
n | 1971 | The Devil Is Dead |
Landis, Geoffrey A.
HNom | s | 1991 | A Walk in the Sun |
HNom Neb | s | 1988 | Ripples in the Dirac Sea |
NNom | s | 1994 | The Kingdom of Cats and Birds |
HNom | nt | 1994 | The Singular Habits of Wasps |
Langford, Dave
n | 1984 | The Leaky Establishment | |
An autobiography (sorta) -- mlo | |||
HNom | nf | 1996 | The Silence of the Langford |
Superb fan writing, and funny, too --
mlo |
Lanier, Sterling
n | 1973 | Hiero's Journey | |
se | The Brigadier ffellowes Series |
Latham, Philip
[a,g] | s | 1950 | The Xi Effect |
Laumer, Keith
n | 1965 | A Plague of Demons | |
[i] | 1976 | Bolo | |
nt | Diplomat at Arms | ||
The first and best of the Retief series --
arl | |||
c | 1965 | Galactic Diplomat | |
Probably the best collection of Retief stories --
mlo | |||
nv | 1968 | Greylorn | |
HNom NNom | nt | 1970 | In the Queue |
NNom | nt | 1968 | Once There Was a Giant |
n | 1965 | Retief's War | |
NNom | nv | 1968 | The Day Beyond Forever |
HNom | nv | 1977 | The Wonderful Secret |
n | 1963 | Trace of Memory | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1962 | Worlds of the Imperium |
Le Guin, Ursula K.
HNom | nv | 1995 | A Man of the People |
HNom NNom | nv | 1995 | A Woman's Liberation |
Hugo NNom | nt | 1987 | Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight |
HNom NNom | nt | 1976 | Diary of the Rose |
HNom NNom | NV | 1994 | Forgivness Day |
HNom | nt | 1996 | Mountain Ways |
NNom [g] | nt | 1969 | Nine Lives |
[j] | s | 1964 | Semley's Necklace |
Recommended by arl | |||
HNom Neb | nt | 1994 | Solitude |
HNom | s | 1982 | Sur |
Neb | n | 1990 | Tehanu |
The late, sad, sorry addition to the otherwise fine
Earthsea trilogy -- mlo | |||
[g] | s | 1974 | The Author of the Acacia Seeds |
HNom Neb | s | 1974 | The Day Before the Revolution |
Hugo Neb [Psf] | n | 1974 | The Dispossessed |
[i] | n | 1972 | The Farthest Shore |
Earthsea trilogy #3 | |||
HNom NNom [i] | n | 1971 | The Lathe of Heaven |
Hugo [i,Psf] | n | 1969 | The Left Hand of Darkness |
HNom NNom | nt | 1994 | The Matter of Seggri |
HNom | nt | 1975 | The New Atlantis |
Hugo | s | 1973 | The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas |
NNom | nt | 1979 | The Pathways of Desire |
NNom | nt | 1990 | The Shobies' Story |
[i] | n | 1971 | The Tombs of Atuan |
Earthsea trilogy #2. The best of the series --
po | |||
Hugo NNom | nv | 1972 | The Word for World Is Forest |
HNom | s | 1971 | Vaster than Empires and More Slow |
HNom | nt | 1969 | Winter's King |
[i,k,Pf] | n | 1968 | Wizard of Earthsea, A |
Earthsea trilogy #1 |
Lee, Tanith
NNom | s | 1979 | Red as Blood |
n | 1980 | Sabella | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1983 | Sung in Shadow | |
Recommended by po | |||
[i] | n | 1982 | The Silver Metal Lover |
Recommended by arl |
Leiber, Fritz
[a,f] | s | 1953 | A Bad Day for Sales |
HNom | nt | 1958 | A Deskful of Girls |
NNom | nt | 1976 | A Rite of Spring |
n | 1969 | A Spectre is Haunting Texas | |
NNom | s | 1967 | Answering Service |
Hugo Neb | s | 1975 | Catch That Zeppelin! |
[a,c,f] | s | 1950 | Coming Attraction |
See how much has come true....-- ?? | |||
[i,k,Pf] | n | 1953 | Conjure Wife |
HNom | n | 1945 | Destiny Times Three |
[i] | n | Fahfrd and the Grey Mouser | |
[a] | n | 1950 | Gather, Darkness! |
Hugo Neb | nt | 1967 | Gonna Roll the Bones |
NNom | nv | 1982 | Horrible Imaginings |
Hugo Neb | nv | 1970 | Ill Met in Lankhmar |
[a] | nv | 1950 | Let Freedom Ring |
[f] | s | 1960 | Mariana |
HNom | nt | 1974 | Midnight by the Morphy Watch |
[a] | s | 1951 | Nice Girl with Five Husbands |
[k,Pf] | n | 1977 | Our Lady of Darkness |
[a,f] | s | 1951 | Pail of Air, A |
[a,g] | nt | 1951 | Poor Superman |
HNom | s | 1958 | Rum-Titty-Titty-Tum-Ta-Tee |
[f] | s | 1944 | Sanity |
HNom | nt | 1961 | Scylla's Daughter |
Hugo NNom | nv | 1969 | Ship of Shadows |
[a] | s | 1941 | Smoke Ghost |
s | 1958 | Space-Time for Springers | |
HNom | nt | 1965 | Stardock |
[f] | s | 1940 | The Automatic Pistol |
[a,f] | s | 1953 | The Big Holiday |
Hugo [i] | nv | 1957 | The Big Time |
[a] | s | 1949 | The Girl with the Hungry Eyes |
[f] | s | 1962 | The Man Who Made Friends with Electricity |
[a] | s | 1947 | The Man Who Never Grew Young |
[a,f] | s | 1952 | The Moon Is Green |
n | 1961 | The Silver Eggheads | |
[Pf] | n | 1953 | The Sinful Ones |
[Pf] | n | 1968 | The Swords of Lankhmar |
HNom | nt | 1962 | The Unholy Grail |
Hugo [Psf] | n | 1964 | The Wanderer |
s | 1958 | Try and Change the Past | |
[f] | nt | 1945 | Wanted -- An Enemy |
[a,f] | nt | 1952 | Yesterday House |
Leinster, Murray
[a,f] | s | 1946 | A Logic Named Joe |
[f] | s | 1945 | De Profundis |
[a] | 1949 | Doomsday Deferred | |
Hugo [f] | nt | 1955 | Exploration Team |
Hugo [a,b,c,e,f] | nt | 1945 | First Contact |
An archetype!! and the aponym for a phylum of stories --
arl & mlo | |||
[b] | s | 1951 | Historical Note |
[a] | s | 1951 | Keyhole |
[a,e] | nt | 1944 | Plague |
One of the more pointed anti-bureaucracy stories --
arl | |||
s | 1935 | Proxima Centauri | |
nv | 1934 | Sidewise in Time | |
This story introduced alternate history to SF. And it still
holds up well today -- mlo | |||
[a] | s | 1947 | Symbiosis |
HNom [e] | s | 1945 | The Ethical Equations |
n | 1954 | The Forgotten Planet | |
A fix-up novel | |||
s | 1935 | The Fourth-Dimensional Demonstrator | |
n | 1949 | The Last Spaceship | |
Very minor -- mlo | |||
HNom | n | 1959 | The Pirates of Zan |
Also titled "The Pirates of Ersatz" | |||
[f] | s | 1945 | The Power |
[a,f] | s | 1948 | The Strange Case of John Kingman |
Lem, Stanislaw
[g] | s | 1977 | How Erg the Self-Inducting Slew a Paleface |
n | Solaris | ||
Described as "dull enough to be made into a Soviet
film" | |||
[g] | s | 1977 | Tale of the Computer That Fought a Dragon |
The Cyberiad | |||
Those who don't like Lem's serious novels should give this
one a try. |
Leman, Bob
NNom | s | 1980 | Window |
Lessing, Doris
[Pf] | n | 1971 | Briefing for a Descent into Hell |
Lethem, Jonathan
NNom | s | 1996 | Five Fvcks |
NNom | n | 1993 | Gun, with Occaisional Music |
NNom | nt | 1991 | The Happy Man |
Levin, Ira
[k,Pf] | n | 1967 | Rosemary's Baby |
Levinson, Paul
NNom | nt | 1995 | The Chronology Protection Case |
Lewis, C. S.
n | 1938 | Out of the Silent Planet | |
Book 1 of the 'Deep Space' trilogy | |||
[a] | n | 1944 | Perelandra |
Part of 'Deep Space' trilogy | |||
[i] | n | 1951 | Prince Caspian |
Part of 'Narnia' series | |||
HNom | n | 1946 | That Hideous Strength |
Part of 'Deep Space' trilogy | |||
[i] | n | 1954 | The Horse and His Boy |
Part of 'Narnia' series | |||
[i] | n | 1956 | The Last Battle |
Part of 'Narnia' series | |||
[i,Pf] | n | 1950 | The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe |
Part of 'Narnia' series | |||
[i] | n | 1955 | The Magician's Nephew |
Part of 'Narnia' series | |||
n | 1942 | The Screwtape Letters | |
Not exactly fantasy, but a must-read --
mlo | |||
[i] | n | 1953 | The Silver Chair |
Part of 'Narnia' series | |||
[i] | n | 1952 | The Voyage of the 'Dawn Treader' |
Part of 'Narnia' series | |||
n | 1956 | Till We have Faces | |
Superb retelling of the Psyche myth --
mlo |
Ley, Willy
[d] | nf | 0 | V-2: Rocket Cargo Ship |
Linaweaver, Brad
NNom | nv | 1982 | Moon of Ice |
n | 1972 | Much Better | |
Recommended by jr |
Lindholm, Megan
HNom NNom | nv | 1989 | A Touch of Lavender |
n | 1991 | Cloven Hooves | |
Moody and erotic fantasy -- po | |||
NNom | nt | 1989 | Silver Lady and The Fortish Man |
n | 1986 | The Wizard of the Pigeons |
Lindner, Robert
nf | 1954 | The Jet-Propelled Couch | |
Part of the 'Fifty-Minute Hour' psychological case studies
-- arl |
Lindsay, David
[k] | n | 1920 | A Voyage to Arcturus |
London, Jack
n | 1906 | Before Adam | |
Recommended by po | |||
s | The Flash and the Shadow | ||
Recommended by jr |
Long, Frank Belknap
[a] | s | 1942 | It Will Come to You |
c | 1946 | The Hounds of Tindalos | |
This is a collection | |||
nt | 1928 | The Space Eaters | |
Recommended by arl |
Longyear, Barry B.
Hugo Neb | nv | 1979 | Enemy Mine |
HNom | nt | 1979 | Homecoming |
HNom | nt | 1980 | Savage Planet |
Lovecraft, H. P.
[k] | nt | 1936 | At the Mountains of Madness |
se | Cthulhu Mythos Series | ||
s | 1936 | Haunter of the Dark | |
nt | 1941 | The Case of Charles Dexter Ward | |
[e] | s | 1927 | The Colour Out of Space |
Lupoff, Richard A.
HNom | nt | 1974 | After the Dreamtime |
HNom NNom | s | 1975 | Sail the Tides of Mourning |
NNom | n | 1976 | Sword of the Demon |
nt | 1985 | The Digital Wristwatch of Philip K. Dick | |
Recommened by arl | |||
nt | 1974 | Whatever Happened to Nick Neptune? | |
Recommended by arl | |||
NNom | nv | 1972 | With the Bentfin Boomer Boys on Little Old New
Alabama |
Lynn, Elizabeth
n | 1980 | The Northern Girl | |
Recommended by arl |
MacAvoy, R. A.
n | 1983 | Damiano | |
HNom NNom [Pf] | n | 1983 | Tea with the Black Dragon |
MacDonald, Anson
ps | Pseudonym of Robert A. Heinlein |
MacDonald, George
n | 1870 | At the Back of the North Wind | |
n | 1895 | Lilith | |
n | 1858 | Phantastes | |
n | 1882 | The Princess and Curdie | |
n | 1882 | The Princess and the Goblin |
MacDonald, John D.
[f] | s | 1948 | A Child Is Crying |
[f] | s | 1949 | Flaw |
[f] | s | 1952 | Game for Blondes |
n | 1951 | Planet of the Dreamers | |
[f] | s | 1948 | Ring Around the Redhead |
[f] | s | 1950 | Spectator Sport |
[Pf] | n | 1962 | The Girl, the Gold Watch, and Everything |
n | 1951 | Wine of the Dreamers | |
Recommended by eac &
arl |
MacDonald, Philip
[f] | s | 1949 | Private--Keep Out |
MacLean, Katherine
[a] | nt | 1950 | Contagion |
[a,e,f] | s | 1949 | Defense Mechanism |
[a,f] | s | 1951 | Pictures Don't Lie |
[a] | nv | 1953 | The Diploids |
Neb | nv | 1971 | The Missing Man |
[a,f,g] | s | 1952 | The Snowball Effect |
[f] | nt | 1958 | Unhuman Sacrifice |
MacLean, Katherine and Charles V. DeVet
HNom | nt | 1958 | Second Game |
MacLeish, Roderick
n | 1982 | Prince Ombra | |
Recommended by po |
MacLeod, Ian
NNom | nt | 1990 | 1/72nd Scale |
Malzberg, Barry N.
NNom | nt | 1975 | A Galaxy Called Rome |
This was expanded into a novel named 'Galaxies' which is
not as good -- arl | |||
n | 1972 | Beyond Apollo | |
NNom | s | 1982 | Corridors |
[Psf] | n | 1975 | Galaxies |
nv | 1971 | Gather in the Hall of Planets | |
n | 1973 | Herovit's World | |
HNom | nt | 1992 | In the Stone House |
s | 1993 | The Passage of the Light | |
NNom | n | 1985 | The Remaking of Sigmund Freud |
HNom NNom | s | 1994 | Understanding Entropy |
Manning, Lawrence
nv | The Man Who Awoke | ||
Recommended by ?? |
Marks, Laurie J.
n | 1992 | The Watcher's Mask | |
Recommended by po |
Marlowe, Webb
[d] | s | 1943 | Flight into Darkness |
Martin, George R. R.
HNom | nt | 1975 | ...And Seven Times Never Kill Man |
Hugo NNom | nv | 1974 | A Song for Lya |
HNom NNom | nv | 1996 | Blood of the Dragon |
HNom | n | 1977 | Dying of the Light |
n | 1982 | Fevre Dream | |
Recommended by po | |||
HNom | nt | 1981 | Guardians |
HNom | nv | 1980 | Nightflyers |
HNom Neb | nt | 1985 | Portraits of His Children |
Hugo Neb | nt | 1979 | Sandkings |
Nasty and scary and very good indeed -- po | |||
HNom NNom | nt | 1983 | The Monkey Treatment |
NNom | nt | 1976 | The Stone City |
Hugo NNom [j] | s | 1979 | The Way of Cross and Dragon |
HNom NNom | nv | 1982 | Unsound Variations |
HNom NNom | s | 1973 | With Morning Comes Mistfall |
Martin, George R. R. and Lisa Tuttle
HNom | nv | 1980 | One-Wing |
Part of the novel "Windhaven" | |||
HNom NNom | nv | 1975 | The Storms of Windhaven |
Part of the novel "Windhaven" | |||
n | 1981 | Windhaven |
Martin, Valerie
NNom | n | 1990 | Mary Reilly |
Martino, Joseph
[b] | s | 1960 | Pushbutton War |
Matheson, Richard
[c,f] | s | 1950 | Born of Man and Woman |
n | 1954 | I Am Legend | |
ss | 1955 | Pattern for Survival | |
Recommended by arl | |||
[Pf] | n | 1956 | The Shrinking Man |
[f] | s | 1954 | The Test |
May, Julian
n | 1994 | Diamond Mask | |
Recommended by po Galactic Millieu #3 | |||
[a,f] | nt | 1951 | Dune Roller |
n | 1987 | Intervention | |
Galactic Millieu #1. (Published in two volumes in
paperback.) | |||
n | 1992 | Jack the Bodiless | |
Recommended by po Galactic Millieu #2 | |||
n | 1984 | The Adversary | |
Pliocene Exile tetrology #4 | |||
n | 1982 | The Golden Torc | |
Pliocene Exile tetrology #2 | |||
HNom NNom | n | 1981 | The Many-Colored Land |
Pliocene Exile tetrology #1 | |||
n | 1983 | The Nonborn King | |
Pliocene Exile tetrology #3 |
McAllister, Bruce
HNom NNom | nt | 1987 | Dream Baby |
[f] | s | 1963 | The Faces Outside |
McAuley, Paul J.
[j] | s | 1986 | Karl and the Ogre |
Recommened by arl |
McCaffrey, Anne
HNom | n | 1991 | All the Weyrs of Pern |
n | 1979 | Dragondrums | |
[i] | n | 1968 | Dragonflight |
HNom | n | 1971 | Dragonquest |
HNom Neb | nv | 1968 | Dragonrider |
n | 1977 | Dragonsinger | |
n | 1976 | Dragonsong | |
HNom NNom | nv | 1969 | Dramatic Mission |
HNom | n | 1983 | Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern |
Appalling! -- mlo. No, worse than that! --
arl | |||
[f,i] | nv | 1961 | The Ship Who Sang |
HNom | n | 1978 | The White Dragon |
Hugo NNom [g] | nv | 1967 | Weyr Search |
McDevitt, Jack
NNom | s | 1983 | Cryptic |
HNom NNom | s | 1988 | The Fort Moxie Branch |
HNom NNom | nv | 1996 | Time Travelers Never Die |
McDonald, Ian
n | 1991 | King of Morning, Queen of Day | |
The best fantasy of its year -- po | |||
NNom | nt | 1988 | Unfinished Portrait of the King of Pain by Van Gogh |
McHugh, Maureen F.
HNom NNom | n | 1992 | China Mountain Zhang |
NNom | nt | 1993 | Nekropolis |
HNom NNom | nv | 1992 | Protection |
HNom NNom | nv | 1996 | The Cost to Be Wise |
Hugo NNom | s | 1995 | The Lincoln Train |
NNom | s | 1993 | Virtual Love |
McIntosh, J. T.
n | 1954 | One in Three Hundred | |
Recommended by arl | |||
[a] | nt | 1952 | The Bliss of Solitude |
n | 1953 | World Out of Mind | |
Recommended by arl |
McIntyre, Vonda N.
HNom NNom | nv | 1977 | Aztecs |
Hugo Neb | n | 1978 | Dreamsnake |
HNom | nt | 1979 | Fireflood |
HNom Neb | nt | 1973 | Of Mist, and Grass, and Sand |
NNom | nv | 1983 | Transit |
HNom NNom | s | 1973 | Wings |
McKenna, Bridget
HNom NNom | s | 1993 | The Good Pup |
McKenna, Richard
[f] | nt | 1960 | Mine Own Ways |
HNom Neb | s | 1966 | The Secret Place |
McKillip, Patricia
NNom | n | 1996 | Winter Rose |
McKillip, Patricia A.
HNom | n | 1979 | Harpist in the Wind |
Riddlemaster of Hed trilogy #3 | |||
n | 1977 | Heir of Sea and Fire | |
Riddlemaster of Hed trilogy #2 | |||
[Pf] | n | 1974 | The Forgotten Beasts of Eld |
n | 1976 | The Riddle-Master of Hed | |
Riddlemaster of Hed trilogy #1 | |||
n | 1991 | The Sorceress and the Cygnet | |
Recommended by po |
McKinley, Robin
n | 1978 | Beauty | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1984 | The Hero and the Crown | |
Recommended by po |
McLaughlin, Dean
HNom NNom | nv | 1968 | Hawk Among the Sparrows |
McLoughlin, John C.
n | 1983 | The Helix and the Sword | |
An excellent piece of SF very undervalued -- mlo | |||
n | 1987 | Toolmaker Koan | |
Flawed - but, remember the eyes! --
po |
Mead, Harold
n | 1956 | The Bright Phoenix | |
Recommended by arl |
Merril, Judith
[a] | nt | 1954 | Dead Center |
[a] | n | 1951 | Shadow on the Hearth |
[a] | s | 1951 | Survival Ship |
[a,c,f] | s | 1948 | That Only a Mother |
Merritt, A.
[k] | n | 1932 | Dwellers in the Mirage |
1919 | The Moon Pool | ||
Recommended by kp | |||
[k] | n | 1924 | The Ship of Ishtar |
Merwin, Jr., Sam
n | 1951 | The House of Many Worlds |
Miller Jr., Walter M.
Hugo [i,Psf] | n | 1960 | A Canticle for Leibowitz |
A fix-up novel | |||
[a] | nt | 1955 | A Canticle for Leibowitz |
Included in the fix-up novel of the same
name | |||
[f] | s | 1952 | Command Performance |
[a] | nv | 1952 | Conditionally Human |
[a,f] | s | 1953 | Crucifixus Etiam |
[a] | nt | 1952 | Dumb Waiter |
[a] | s | 1954 | I Made You |
Hugo [a,f] | nt | 1954 | The Darfsteller |
[g] | nv | 1957 | The Lineman |
Miller, P. Schuyler
[a,d] | s | 1944 | As Never Was |
[a] | 1951 | Dark Benediction | |
[a,f] | nt | 1940 | Old Man Mulligan |
[a] | s | 1941 | Over the River |
[f] | s | 1943 | The Cave |
[d] | nt | 1937 | The Sands of Time |
Miller, R. DeWitt
[d] | s | 1937 | Within the Pyramid |
Mirrlees, Hope
n | 1930 | Lud-in-the-Mist | |
Recommended by kp |
Mixon, Laura
n | 1992 | Glass Houses | |
Recommended by po |
Moffett, Judith
NNom | nt | 1986 | Surviving |
NNom | nt | 1988 | The Hob |
HNom NNom | nv | 1989 | Tiny Tango |
Monteleone, Thomas F.
NNom | s | 1976 | Breath's a Ware That Will Not Keep |
NNom | s | 1976 | Camera Obscura |
Moon, Elizabeth
HNom | n | 1996 | Remnant Population |
Moorcock, Michael
[Psf] | n | 1972 | An Alien Heat |
recommended by dgg / Dancers at the End of Time
trilogy | |||
Neb [i] | nv | 1967 | Behold the Man |
[Pf] | n | 1978 | Gloriana |
[k,Pf] | c | 1965 | Stormbringer |
Chilling last paragraph especially -- po | |||
[Psf] | n | 1976 | The End of All Songs |
recommended by dgg / Dancers at the End of Time
trilogy | |||
[Psf] | n | 1968 | The Final Programme |
[Psf] | n | 1974 | The Hollow Lands |
recommended by dgg / Dancers at the End of Time
trilogy | |||
[Pf] | n | 1981 | The War Hound and the World's Pain |
recommended by dgg |
Moorcock, Michael and Hilary Bailey
n | 1969 | The Black Corridor |
Moore, Brian
[Pf] | n | 1983 | Cold Heaven |
[Pf] | n | 1975 | The Great Victorian Collection |
Moore, C. L.
ps | See also pseudonyms Lawrence O'Donnell and Lewis Padgett | ||
[a] | nt | 1946 | Daemon |
[f] | s | 1943 | Doorway Into Time |
[a] | s | 1940 | Fruit of Knowledge |
[a,f] | nt | 1939 | Greater than Gods |
[a] | nt | 1943 | Judgment Night |
[a,e,f] | nt | 1944 | No Woman Born |
nt | 1933 | Shambleau |
Moore, Ward
[a,i,Psf] | n | 1953 | Bring the Jubilee |
[a] | n | 1947 | Greener Than You Think |
[a,f] | nt | 1953 | Lot |
[e] | s | 1950 | Peacebringer |
[f] | nt | 1960 | The Fellow Who Married the Maxill Girl |
More, St. Sir Thomas
n | 1516 | Utopia | |
The original |
Morris, William
n | 1896 | The Well at the World's End |
Morrison, William
[a] | nt | 1953 | Country Doctor |
[a,f] | s | 1953 | The Model of a Judge |
[a,f] | nt | 1950 | The Sack |
Morrow, James
Neb | s | 1988 | Bible Stories for Adults, No. 17: The Deluge |
Neb | nv | 1992 | City of Truth |
NNom | n | 1990 | Only Begotten Daughter |
NNom | n | 1986 | This Is the Way the World Ends |
HNom NNom | N | 1994 | Towing Jehovah |
Moskowitz, Sam
nf | The Immortal Storm | ||
A history of SF Fandom in the 30's. Said to be the only
book to which WW II came as an
anti-climax. |
Mullen, Stanley
HNom | s | 1958 | Space to Swing a Cat |
Mundy, Talbot
n | 1925 | Tros of Samothrace |
Murphy, Pat
HNom | nv | 1993 | An American Childhood |
HNom NNom | nv | 1990 | Bones |
NNom | s | 1988 | Dead Men on TV |
NNom | s | 1990 | Love and Sex Among the Invertebrates |
HNom Neb | nt | 1987 | Rachel in Love |
n | 1988 | The City, Not Long After | |
Neb | n | 1987 | The Falling Woman |
Myers, John Myers
[Pf] | n | 1949 | Silverlock |
Nahin, Paul J.
nf | 1993 | Time Machines | |
A physicist looks at time machines --
mlo |
Nathan, Robert
nv | 1956 | Digging the Weans | |
[a] | n | 1939 | Portrait of Jennie |
Nelson, Ray
[f] | nt | 1963 | Turn Off the Sky |
Nesvadba, Josef
[g] | nt | 1973 | Captain Nemo's Last Adventure |
Neville, Kris
[a] | nt | 1951 | Bettyann |
[b] | s | 1949 | Cold War |
Newman, Kim
n | 1992 | Anno Dracula |
Nichols, Peter
Hugo | nf | 1979 | The Science Fiction Encyclopedia |
Niven, Larry
HNom | s | 1968 | All the Myriad Ways |
HNom | nv | 1975 | ARM |
nt | At the Core | ||
Recommended by jam | |||
s | 1972 | Cloak of Anarchy | |
Recommended by arl | |||
NNom | nt | 1967 | Flatlander |
Hugo [g] | s | 1971 | Inconstant Moon |
Hugo | s | 1966 | Neutron Star |
HNom NNom | nt | 1969 | Not Long Before the End |
HNom | n | 1973 | Protector |
Hugo Neb [i] | n | 1970 | Ringworld |
Hugo | nt | 1975 | The Borderland of Sol |
nt | 1967 | The Ethics of Madness | |
HNom | nv | 1971 | The Fourth Profession |
Hugo [g] | s | 1974 | The Hole Man |
NNom | n | 1984 | The Integral Trees |
HNom | s | 1967 | The Jigsaw Man |
HNom | s | 1989 | The Return of William Proxmire |
HNom | n | 1980 | The Ringworld Engineers |
n | World of Ptavvs | ||
Recommended by jam |
Niven, Larry and Jerry Pournelle
HNom | n | 1985 | Footfall |
HNom NNom | n | 1975 | Inferno |
HNom | n | 1977 | Lucifer's Hammer |
[Psf] | n | 1981 | Oath of Fealty |
HNom NNom [i] | n | 1974 | The Mote in God's Eye |
Perhaps the best space opera ever written --
mlo |
Niven, Larry and Steven Barnes
HNom | nt | 1979 | The Locusts |
Nordley, G. David
HNom NNom | nv | 1993 | Into the Miranda Rift |
Norton, Andre
n | 1961 | Catseye | |
n | 1968 | Dark Piper | |
Recommended by kp | |||
n | 1959 | Galactic Derelict | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
n | 1963 | Judgment on Janus | |
Recommended by kp | |||
n | 1962 | Lord of Thunder | |
n | 1966 | Moon of Three Rings | |
Recommended by kp | |||
n | 1964 | Ordeal in Otherwhere | |
n | 1956 | Plague Ship | |
Part of Solar Queen series | |||
n | 1965 | Postmarked the Stars | |
Recommended by kp | |||
n | 1965 | Quest Crosstime | |
n | 1955 | Sargasso of Space | |
n | 1955 | Sargasso of Space | |
Recommended by kp | |||
n | 1960 | Sioux Spaceman | |
Very minor -- kp | |||
n | 1957 | Star Born | |
n | 1958 | Star Gate | |
[i] | n | 1950 | Starman's Son |
AKA 'Daybreak 2250 A.D.' A classic juvenile --
po | |||
n | 1960 | Storm Over Warlock | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
n | 1959 | The Beast Master | |
[i] | n | 1954 | The Stars Are Ours |
n | 1958 | The Time Traders | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
n | 1968 | The Zero Stone | |
Recommended by kp | |||
n | 1969 | Uncharted Stars | |
Recommended by kp | |||
n | 1966 | Victory on Janus | |
Recommended by kp | |||
n | 1959 | Voodoo Planet | |
Recommended by kp | |||
HNom [Pf] | n | 1963 | Witch World |
HNom | nt | 1967 | Wizard's World |
Nourse, Alan E.
n | 1974 | Bladerunner | |
NOT the same as the movie -- po | |||
[f] | nt | 1956 | Brightside Crossing |
nt | 1953 | Nightmare Brother | |
n | 1962 | Raiders from the Rings | |
n | 1959 | Star Surgeon | |
[f] | nt | 1951 | Tiger by the Tail |
Nowlan, Phillip Francis
nv | 1929 | Armageddon 2419 | |
Of historical interest -- the original Buck Rogers novel.
The 1962 work Armageddon 2419 A.D.:fixup | |||
nt | 1928 | The Airlords of Han |
O'Brien, Flann
[Pf] | n | 1967 | The Third Policeman |
O'Donnell, K. M.
NNom | nt | 1968 | Final War |
O'Donnell, Lawrence
ps | Pseudonym of Henry Kuttner and C. L. Moore | ||
[a,b,f] | nt | 1943 | Clash by Night |
[a,c,e,f,g] | nv | 1946 | Vintage Season |
Olden, Marc
n | 1978 | Poe Must Die |
Oliver, Chad
NNom | s | 1983 | Ghost Town |
n | 1971 | The Shores of Another Sea | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1957 | The Winds of Time | |
Recommended by po | |||
[f] | s | 1954 | Transformer |
Oltion, Jerry
HNom | nv | 1996 | Abandon in Place |
Oltion, Jerry and Lee Goodloe
NNom | nv | 1992 | Contact |
Orwell, George
[a,i,Psf] | n | 1949 | 1984 |
Probably the most famous SF book ever written --
mlo | |||
HNom [a] | n | 1946 | Animal Farm |
Padgett, Lewis
ps | Pseudonym of Henry Kuttner and C. L. Moore | ||
[a] | n | 1946 | Chessboard Planet |
Also titled the Fairy Chessmen | |||
[b] | s | 1948 | Ex Machina |
[f] | s | 1947 | Exit the Professor |
[a,c,e,f,g] | nt | 1943 | Mimsy Were the Borogoves |
[i] | nt | Robots have No Tails | |
HNom [f] | nt | 1945 | The Piper's Son |
Part of Mutant. Recommended by arl. | |||
[f] | nt | 1949 | The Prisoner in the Skull |
[d,f,g] | nt | 1943 | The Proud Robot |
[a,d,f] | s | 1942 | The Twonky |
[d] | s | 1943 | Time Locker |
[a,b,f] | nt | 1944 | When the Bough Breaks |
Palmer, David
[i] | n | 1984 | Emergence |
Expansion of novella. Don't believe the bit about the polar
bear -- mlo | |||
HNom | nv | 1981 | Emergence |
Incorporated in the novel of the same name | |||
HNom | nv | 1983 | Seeking |
Pangborn, Edgar
[a,f,i,Psf] | n | 1954 | A Mirror for Observers |
Pangborn's best -- po | |||
[a,f] | nt | 1951 | Angel's Egg |
HNom [i] | n | 1964 | Davy |
NNom | nt | 1971 | Mount Charity |
n | 1975 | The Company of Glory | |
Recommended by po | |||
[a] | nt | 1954 | The Music Master of Babylon |
n | 1953 | West of the Sun | |
Recommended by po |
Panshin, Alexi
n | 1969 | Masque World | |
Anthony Villiars #3 | |||
HNom Neb | n | 1968 | Rite of Passage |
In RAH's style and (one of his better novels) --
po | |||
n | 1968 | Star Well | |
Anthony Villiars #1 | |||
n | 1968 | Thurb Revolution | |
Anthony Villiars #2 |
Panshin, Alexi and Cory
Hugo | nf | 1989 | The World Beyond the Hill |
Panshin, Alexie
nf | Heinlein in Dimension |
Park, Paul
NNom | n | 1995 | Celestis |
Padgett, Lewis
HNom | s | 1945 | What You Need |
Peake, Mervyn
nt | 1956 | Boy in Darkness | |
A Titus Groan story. Recommended by arl | |||
[i,k,Pf] | n | 1950 | Gormenghast |
This series reads as if Charles Dickens' stories were
written by Franz Kafka -- arl | |||
[i,k,Pf] | n | 1959 | Titus Alone |
Ghormenghast #3 | |||
[i,k,Pf] | n | 1956 | Titus Groan |
Ghormenghast #2 |
Petrey, Susan C.
HNom | s | 1980 | Spidersong |
Phillips, A. M.
[d] | nf | 1939 | Time-Travel Happens! |
Phillips, Mark
ps | Pseudonym of Randall Garrett and Lawrence Jannifer | ||
HNom | n | 1959 | Brain Twister |
Originally titled "That Sweet Little Old
Lady". | |||
n | 1960 | The Impossibles | |
n | Twisted |
Phillips, Peter
[a,f] | s | 1948 | Dreams Are Sacred |
[f] | nt | 1949 | Manna |
Phillips, Rog
[a,f] | s | 1952 | Lost Memory |
HNom | nt | 1958 | Rat in the Skull |
[f] | s | 1958 | The Yellow Pill |
Phillpotts, Eden
[a] | n | 1938 | Saurus |
Pierce, John R.
ps | See also pseudonym J. J. Coupling | ||
[a,b,f] | s | 1944 | Invariant |
s | 1962 | John Sze's Future | |
A loving jab at John W. Campbell's foibles --
mlo |
Pierce, Meredith Ann
n | 1985 | The Woman Who Loved Reindeer | |
Recommended by po |
Piercy, Marge
[Psf] | n | 1976 | Woman on the Edge of Time |
Pinkwater, Daniel M.
n | 1979 | Alan Mendelsohn, the Boy From Mars | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
n | 1976 | Lizard Music | |
Recommended by po & mlo | |||
n | The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death | ||
Recommended by jam |
Piper, H. Beam
[a,f] | nt | 1948 | He Walked Around the Horses |
A particularly understated and fine alternate history story
-- mlo | |||
HNom [i] | n | 1962 | Little Fuzzy |
[i] | n | 1965 | Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen |
[b,f] | nt | 1957 | Omnilingual |
[b] | nt | 1948 | Police Operation |
n | 1963 | Space Viking | |
Quintessential space opera! -- mlo | |||
n | 1963 | The Cosmic Computer | |
Also titled "Junkyard Planet" Good, hard SF -- mlo | |||
[b] | nv | 1950 | The Last Enemy |
[i] | n | 1964 | The Other Human Race |
[a,e,f] | s | 1947 | Time and Time Again |
Plauger, P. J.
HNom NNom | s | 1975 | Child of All Ages |
Poe, Edgar Allan
[g] | s | 1841 | A Descent into the Maelstrom |
[e] | s | A Tale of the Ragged Mountains | |
Recommened by arl | |||
[k] | n | 1838 | The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym |
Pohl, Frederik
HNom NNom | n | 1980 | Beyond the Blue Event Horizon |
[g] | s | 1966 | Day Million |
Hugo | s | 1985 | Fermi and Frost |
Hugo Neb [i] | n | 1977 | Gateway |
HNom NNom | n | 1979 | JEM |
HNom Neb [Psf] | n | 1976 | Man Plus |
NNom | nv | 1979 | Mars Masked |
HNom | s | 1983 | Servant of the People |
NNom | s | 1972 | Shaffery Among the Immortals |
HNom | nv | 1992 | Stopping at Slowyear |
[f] | nv | 1960 | The Day the Icicle Works Closed |
HNom NNom [g] | nv | 1972 | The Gold at Starbow's End |
NNom | nv | 1984 | The Greening of Bed-Stuy |
[c] | nv | 1954 | The Midas Plague |
[a,f,j] | nt | 1955 | The Tunnel Under the World |
Pohl, Frederik and C. M. Kornbluth
[i] | n | 1955 | Gladiator at Law |
s | 1974 | Mute, Inglorious Tam | |
Hugo | s | 1972 | The Meeting |
[f] | nt | 1961 | The Quaker Cannon |
[i,Psf] | n | 1952 | The Space Merchants |
n | 1959 | Wolfbane |
Pollack, Frank
s | 1906 | Finis | |
Recommended by arl |
Pollack, Rachel
NNom | n | 1993 | Temporary Agency |
Popkes, Steven
NNom | s | 1988 | The Color Winter |
Pournelle, Jerry
HNom | nt | 1974 | Extreme Prejudice |
HNom | nt | 1973 | He Fell into a Dark Hole |
HNom | nv | 1972 | The Mercenary |
HNom | nt | 1975 | Tinker |
Powers, Tim
NNom | n | 1985 | Dinner at Deviant's Palace |
NNom | n | 1995 | Expiration Date |
n | 1992 | Last Call | |
n | 1987 | On Stranger Tides | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
[Pf] | n | 1983 | The Anubis Gates |
Recommended by mlo | |||
[k] | n | 1979 | The Drawing of the Dark |
Recommended by mlo | |||
n | 1989 | The Stress of Her Regard | |
Recommened by arl |
Pratchett, Terry
n | 1992 | Lords and Ladies | |
May be the best Discworld novel -- po | |||
n | Strata | ||
A comic sendup of mega-engineering books like Ringworld.
Recommended by cjh | |||
[k] | n | 1985 | The Colour of Magic |
Recommended by kp First of at least a dozen Discworld books |
Pratt, Fletcher
n | 1952 | The Blue Star | |
[a,k,Pf] | n | 1948 | Well of the Unicorn |
Price, Meredith
n | The Dark Angel |
Priest, Christopher
HNom [Psf] | n | 1974 | Inverted World |
HNom | nt | 1979 | Palely Loitering |
[Pf] | n | 1984 | The Glamour |
HNom | nv | 1978 | The Watched |
Priestley, J. B.
[a] | n | 1938 | The Doomsday Men |
n | 1961 | The Thirty-First of June | |
Recommended by arl |
Pronzini, Bill and Barry N. Malzberg
n | 1980 | Prose Bowl | |
Novel version - the shorter version is better --
arl |
Ptacek, Kathryn
n | 1988 | In Silence Sealed | |
Recommended by arl |
Pynchon, Thomas
NNom | n | 1973 | Gravity's Rainbow |
[Pf] | n | 1966 | The Crying of Lot 49 |
Rand, Ayn
n | 1946 | Anthem |
Randall, Marta
NNom | nv | 1980 | Dangerous Games |
NNom | n | 1976 | Islands |
n | 1983 | The Sword of Winter | |
Recommended by arl |
Randall, Robert
ps | Pseudonym of Robert Silverberg and Randall Garrett | ||
n | 1959 | The Dawning Light | |
n | 1957 | The Shrouded Planet |
Raphael, Rick
[b] | s | 1959 | A Filbert Is a Nut |
HNom | nt | 1963 | Code Three |
[f] | nv | 1960 | Make Mine...Homogenized |
HNom | s | 1964 | Once a Cop |
Reamy, Tom
HNom NNom | n | 1978 | Blind Voices |
HNom Neb | nt | 1975 | San Diego Lightfoot Sue |
NNom | nv | 1974 | Twilla |
Reaves, Michael
n | 1982 | Darkworld Detective | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1991 | Street Magic | |
Recommended by po |
Rebetez-Cortes, Rene
[g] | s | 1972 | The New Prehistory |
Reed, Kit
s | 1962 | Mister Da V. | |
Recommended by po |
Reed, Robert
HNom | s | 1996 | Decency |
HNom | s | 1990 | The Utility Man |
Resnick, Mike
HNom | nt | 1994 | A Little Knowledge |
HNom | s | 1994 | Barnaby in Exile |
HNom NNom | nv | 1990 | Bully! |
HNom NNom | nt | 1989 | For I Have Touched the Sky |
n | 1988 | Ivory | |
Hugo NNom | s | 1988 | Kirinyaga |
HNom | s | 1993 | Mwalimu in the Squared Circle |
HNom | s | 1991 | One Perfect Morning, With Jackals |
n | 1989 | Paradise | |
n | 1986 | Santiago | |
Hugo Neb | NV | 1994 | Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge |
nv | 1987 | Stalking the Unicorn | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1987 | The Dark Lady | |
HNom | nt | 1996 | The Land of Nod |
HNom | s | 1992 | The Lotus and the Spear |
Hugo | nt | 1990 | The Manamouki |
HNom NNom | nt | 1995 | When the Old Gods Die |
HNom | s | 1991 | Winter Solstice |
Resnick, Mike and Susan Schwartz
HNom NNom | nv | 1994 | Bibi |
Reynolds, Mack
[f] | s | 1956 | Compounded Interest |
[f] | s | 1962 | Earthlings Go Home! |
[e] | s | 1950 | Isolationist |
[Psf] | n | 1973 | Looking Backward from the Year 2000 |
[a] | s | 1954 | Prone |
HNom | nt | 1961 | Status Quo |
nt | 1965 | The Adventure of the Extraterrestrial | |
[f] | s | 1952 | The Business, as Usual |
Reynolds, Ted
HNom | s | 1979 | Can These Bones Live? |
HNom | nv | 1979 | Ker-Plop |
Rice, Ann
[a] | 1943 | The Refugee |
Rice, Jane
[a] | s | 1942 | Idol of the Flies |
Riley, Frank and Mark Clifton
Hugo | n | 1954 | They'd Rather Be Right |
Easily the weakest novel ever to win a Hugo --
mlo |
Roberts, Keith
n | 1970 | Anita | |
[Psf] | n | 1966 | Pavane |
NNom | nv | 1971 | The God House |
n | 1970 | The Inner Wheel | |
Recommended by po | |||
HNom | nt | 1980 | The Lordly Ones |
NNom | nv | 1987 | The Tiger Sweater |
[g] | nt | 1972 | Weihnachtsabend |
Robinson, Frank M.
n | 1958 | The Power | |
Recommended by arl |
Robinson, Kim Stanley
HNom | nv | 1990 | A Short, Sharp Shock |
NNom | s | 1990 | Before I Wake |
HNom NNom | nt | 1983 | Black Air |
Hugo | n | 1996 | Blue Mars |
HNom NNom | nv | 1986 | Escape from Kathmandu |
Hugo NNom | n | 1993 | Green Mars |
This is *not* an expansion of the novella of the same name,
but a separate work which is a direct sequel to 'Red
Mars'. | |||
HNom | nv | 1985 | Green Mars |
n | Icehenge | ||
Three interlocking but independent stories | |||
HNom | nv | 1987 | Mother Goddess of the World |
HNom Neb | n | 1992 | Red Mars |
HNom Neb | nv | 1987 | The Blind Geometer |
NNom | nt | 1984 | The Lucky Strike |
NNom | n | 1984 | The Wild Shore |
HNom | nv | 1982 | To Leave a Mark |
NNom | s | 1981 | Venice Drowned |
NNom | s | 1992 | Vinland the Dream |
Recommended by mlo |
Robinson, Spider
Hugo | nv | 1976 | By Any Other Name |
HNom | s | 1977 | Dog Day Evening |
Hugo | s | 1982 | Melancholy Elephants |
Robinson, Spider and Jeanne
Hugo Neb | nv | 1977 | Stardance |
Rocklynne, Ross
[a,f] | nt | 1940 | Into the Darkness |
[e] | nt | 1942 | Jackdaw |
Recommended by arl | |||
[d,f] | s | 1940 | Quietus |
s | 1938 | The Men in the Mirror | |
Recommended by arl | |||
[a,f] | nv | 1941 | Time Wants a Skeleton |
Rogers, Bruce Holland
Neb | nt | 1995 | Lifeboat on a Burning Sea |
NNom | s | 1996 | These Shoes Strangers Have Died Of |
Rohmer, Sax
n | 1913 | The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu |
Rosenblum, Mary
HNom | nv | 1996 | Gas Fish |
Rothman, Milton A.
[a,f] | s | 1939 | Heavy Planet |
Rotsler, William
HNom NNom | nt | 1972 | Patron of the Arts |
Rucker, Rudy
[g] | s | 1983 | Message Found in a Copy of Flatland |
n | 1990 | The Hollow Earth | |
Recommended by arl | |||
[Pf] | n | 1980 | White Light |
Rusch, Kristine Kathryn
NNom | nt | 1990 | A Time for Every Furpose |
NNom | nt | 1989 | Fast Cars |
NNom | s | 1990 | Story Child |
HNom NNom | nv | 1991 | The Gallery of His Dreams |
Rushdie, Salman
[Pf] | n | 1975 | Grimus |
n | 1980 | Midnight's Children | |
Recommended by dgg |
Russ, Joanna
NNom | n | 1970 | And Chaos Died |
NNom | nt | 1982 | Mystery of the Young Gentleman |
[g] | s | 1972 | Nobody's Home |
NNom | n | 1968 | Picnic on Paradise |
NNom | nt | 1971 | Poor Man, Beggar Man |
Hugo NNom | nv | 1982 | Souls |
NNom | s | 1979 | The Extraordinary Voyages of Amelie Bertrand |
NNom [Psf] | n | 1975 | The Female Man |
NNom | nt | 1970 | The Second Inquisition |
HNom Neb | s | 1972 | When It Changed |
Classic Planet Stories yarn turned inside out --
arl |
Russell, Eric Frank
[a,c] | nv | 1951 | ...And Then There Were None |
Incorporated in "The Great Explosion" A classic -- mlo | |||
Hugo [f] | s | 1955 | Allamagoosa |
[a,e,f] | nt | 1950 | Dear Devil |
[a] | n | 1948 | Dreadful Sanctuary |
[f] | s | 1952 | Fast Falls the Eventide |
[a,b,f] | nt | 1947 | Hobbyist |
[f] | s | 1941 | Jay Score |
Incorporated in Men, Martians and Machines | |||
[a,b,f] | nv | 1948 | Late Night Final |
[i] | c | 1955 | Men, Martians and Machines |
A collection | |||
[a] | nv | 1946 | Metamorphosite |
[b] | s | 0 | Minor Ingredient |
[a,i] | n | 1939 | Sinister Barrier |
[a,d,f] | nt | 1943 | Symbiotica |
Incorporated in "Men, Martians and
Machines" | |||
n | 1962 | The Great Explosion | |
A fix-up novel | |||
nv | 1959 | The Space Willies | |
Also titled "Plus X" and "Next of Kin". Hilarious -- po
& mlo | |||
[i] | n | 1957 | Wasp |
A lot of fun -- mlo |
Russell, Mary Doria
n | 1996 | The Sparrow | |
The best book of the year and it didn't even get nominated.
A superb First Contact novel. -- mlo |
Ryan, Thomas P.
[i] | n | Adolescence of P1 |
Ryman, Geoff
NNom | nv | 1993 | Fan |
NNom [Pf] | nv | 1987 | The Unconquered Country |
Saberhagen, Fred
n | 1992 | A Question of Time | |
Recommended by po | |||
[i] | se | 0 | Berserker Series |
n | 1982 | Dominion | |
[i] | n | 1973 | Empire of the East |
A trilogy (The Broken Lands, xx and xx) begun in
1968 | |||
[f] | s | 1963 | Fortress Ship |
HNom | s | 1966 | Mr. Jester |
Sallis, James
NNom | s | 1970 | The Creation of Bennie Good |
[Pf] | n | 1952 | The Sound of His Horn |
Sargent, Pamela
HNom Neb | nt | 1992 | Danny Goes to Mars |
Saunders, Jake
NNom | s | 1976 | Back to the Stone Age |
Sawyer, Robert J.
NNom | n | 1996 | Starplex |
HNom Neb | n | 1995 | The Terminal Experiement / Hobson's Choice |
Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann
Neb | n | 1989 | The Healer's War |
Schachner, Nat
[e] | nv | 1938 | The Ultimate Metal |
Great combination of speculation and purple prose --
arl |
Schenck, Hilbert
n | 1982 | A Rose for Armageddon | |
n | 1981 | At the Eye of the Ocean | |
n | 1988 | Chronosequence | |
Recommended by po & mlo | |||
HNom | nv | 1983 | Hurricane Claude |
[g] | s | 1984 | Send Me a Kiss by Wire |
[j] | s | 1984 | Silicon Muse |
Recommended by arl | |||
HNom NNom | nv | 1979 | The Battle of the Abaco Reef |
HNom NNom | s | 1983 | The Geometry of Narrative |
[g] | nt | 1978 | The Morphology of the Kirkham Wreck |
Schmitz, James H.
n | 1960 | Agent of Vega | |
Classic space opera. A fix-up novel | |||
s | 1965 | Balanced Ecology | |
nt | 1965 | Goblin Night | |
An early Telzey story | |||
nv | 0 | Gone Fishing | |
[a,f] | s | 1955 | Grandpa |
s | 1968 | Just Curious | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
HNom | nv | 1961 | Lion Loose |
nt | 1962 | Novice | |
The first Telzey story. Recommended by mlo | |||
n | 1962 | Tale of Two Clocks, A | |
Also titled "Legacy" Recommended by mlo | |||
nt | 1968 | The Custodians | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
n | 1968 | The Demon Breed | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
[a] | nt | 1951 | The End of the Line |
[j] | nt | 1960 | The Second Night of Summer |
Part of "Agent of Vega". Probably the best part -- arl
& mlo | |||
nt | 1964 | The Universe Against Her | |
An early Telzey story | |||
[i] | n | 1966 | The Witches of Karres |
Superb! -- mlo | |||
[a,b,c,f] | nt | 1949 | The Witches of Karres |
Expanded into novel of the same
name |
Schoenfeld, Howard
[a] | 1949 | Built Up Logically |
Scholz, Carter
HNom NNom | nt | 1977 | The Ninth Symphony of Ludwig van Beethoven and Other Lost
Songs |
Scott, Melissa
n | 1985 | Five-Twelfths of Heaven |
Shaara, Michael
[g] | s | 1956 | 2066: Election Day |
[This is not in Hartwell] | |||
[a] | nt | 1952 | Orphans of the Void |
Sharkey, Jack
[f] | s | 1959 | Multum in Parvo |
Shaver, Richard S.
HNom | nv | 1945 | I Remember Lemuria |
Pretty awful, but important in its day --
mlo |
Shaw, Bob
NNom [g] | s | 1966 | Light of Other Days |
[Psf] | n | 1975 | Orbitsville |
nv | 1976 | The Gianconda Caper | |
Recommended by kp & kb | |||
[Psf] | n | 1969 | The Palace of Eternity |
HNom | n | 1986 | The Ragged Astronauts |
Shea, Michael
[Pf] | n | 1982 | Nifft the Lean |
Recommended by kp | |||
NNom | nt | 1979 | The Angel of Death |
HNom NNom | nt | 1980 | The Autopsy |
Sheckley, Robert
[f] | s | 1952 | Cost of Living |
n | 1969 | Dimension of Miracles | |
Recommended by po | |||
[g] | s | 1957 | Ghost V |
[Psf] | n | 1963 | Journey Beyond Tomorrow |
n | 1966 | Mindswap | |
Recommended by po | |||
[a] | nt | 1953 | Shape |
[f] | s | 1952 | The Impacted Man |
[f] | s | 1958 | The Prize of Peril |
[f] | s | 1959 | The World of Heart's Desire |
HNom | n | 1958 | Time Killer |
Also titled "Immortality Delivered" and "Immortality,
Inc." | |||
[a,f] | s | 1953 | Warm |
nt | 1953 | Watchbird | |
Recommended by arl |
Sheffield, Charles
HNom | nt | 1990 | A Braver Thing |
Hugo Neb | nt | 1993 | Georgia on My Mind |
HNom | s | 1990 | Godspeed |
Sheffield, Charles and David Bischoff
n | 1982 | The Selkie | |
Scary, nasty, erotic contemporary piece --
po |
Sheldon, Alice
ps | See pseudonyms James Tiptree, Jr. and Raccoona
Sheldon |
Sheldon, Raccoona
ps | Pseudonym of Alice Sheldon | ||
See stories under James Tiptree,
Jr. |
Shelley, Mary
[i,k] | n | 1818 | Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus |
Shepard, Lucius
NNom | nv | 1984 | A Traveler's tale |
NNom | nt | 1986 | Aymara |
Hugo NNom | nv | 1992 | Barnacle Bill the Spacer |
n | 1987 | Life During Wartime | |
NNom | nt | 1984 | Man Who Painted the Dragon Griaule |
HNom Neb | nv | 1986 | R&R |
NNom | s | 1984 | Salvador |
HNom | nv | 1989 | The Father of Stones |
NNom | nt | 1985 | The Jaguar Hunter |
HNom NNom | nv | 1988 | The Scalehunter's Beautiful Daughter |
Shepard, Lucius and Robert Frazier
NNom | nt | 1991 | The All-Consuming |
Sherred, T. L.
[a,b,c,e,f] | nt | 1947 | E for Effort |
Shiner, Lewis
NNom | n | 1988 | Deserted Cities of the Heart |
NNom | n | 1984 | Frontera |
Shiras, Wilmar H.
[i] | nt | 1953 | Children of the Atom |
Fixup novel | |||
[a,c,f] | nt | 1948 | In Hiding |
Incorporated in "Children of the
Atom" |
Shute, Nevile
[a] | n | 1940 | An Old Captivity |
n | 1957 | On the Beach |
Shwartz, Susan
NNom | nt | 1991 | Getting Real |
NNom | nt | 1990 | Loose Cannon |
HNom NNom | nt | 1992 | Suppose They Gave a Peace... |
NNom | s | 1987 | Temple to a Minor Goddess |
n | 1992 | The Grail of Hearts | |
Recommended by po |
Silverberg, Robert
nv | 1992 | A Long Night's Vigil at the Temple | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
HNom Neb | n | 1971 | A Time of Changes |
c | Alpha series | ||
An excellent reprint anthology series | |||
HNom Neb | nv | 1974 | Born with the Dead |
[Psf] | n | 1970 | Downward to the Earth |
HNom NNom | n | 1972 | Dying Inside |
Hugo NNom | nt | 1989 | Enter a Soldier. Later: Enter Another |
Hugo NNom | nv | 1986 | Gilgamesh in the Outback |
Best of the overdone 'Heroes in Hell' series --
jr | |||
Neb | s | 1971 | Good News from the Vatican |
HNom NNom | nv | 1967 | Hawksbill Station |
NNom | nv | 1983 | Homefaring |
HNom | n | 1980 | Lord Valentine's Castle |
Hugo NNom [i] | nv | 1968 | Nightwings |
HNom | s | 1980 | Our Lady of the Sauropods |
HNom Neb | s | 1969 | Passengers |
n | 1964 | Regan's Planet | |
HNom Neb | nv | 1985 | Sailing to Byzantium |
HNom | s | 1974 | Schwartz Between the Galaxies |
a | 1970 | SF Hall of Fame Vol 1 | |
HNom NNom | n | 1976 | Shadrach in the Furnace |
n | 1986 | Star of Gypsies | |
Recommended by po | |||
s? | 1969 | Sundance | |
Recommended by dgg | |||
HNom NNom [i] | n | 1972 | The Book of Skulls |
s? | 1972 | The Feast of St. Dionysus | |
recommended by David Grubb | |||
[a] | nt | 1958 | The Iron Chancellor |
c | 1981 | The Majipoor Chronicles | |
Recommended by po. Nearly a fixup novel. | |||
[i] | n | 1969 | The Man in the Maze |
NNom | n | 1968 | The Masks of Time |
[f] | s | 1963 | The Pain Peddlers |
NNom | s | 1982 | The Pope of the Chimps |
HNom NNom | nv | 1987 | The Secret Sharer |
HNom | n | 1975 | The Stochastic Man |
HNom | n | 1971 | The World Inside |
Nominated, but withdrawn from Hugo competition by
Silverberg | |||
HNom | nv | 1970 | The World Outside |
HNom NNom | n | 1967 | Thorns |
HNom NNom | nv | 1969 | To Jorslem |
HNom NNom | n | 1970 | Tower of Glass |
HNom NNom | n | 1969 | Up the Line |
HNom | s | 1972 | When We Went to See the End of the World |
[f] | s | 1957 | World of a Thousand Colors |
Simak, Clifford D.
HNom | n | 1972 | A Choice of Gods |
[f] | nt | 1959 | A Death in the House |
[a] | nt | 1947 | Aesop |
nt | 1960 | All the Traps of Earth | |
[i] | c | 1952 | City |
[a,f] | nt | 1944 | City |
Included in collection of same name | |||
HNom | s | 1973 | Construction Shack |
[a,e,f,g,j] | s | 1944 | Desertion |
Included in "City" | |||
[a,b,f] | s | 1949 | Eternity Lost |
HNom | n | 1968 | Goblin Reservation |
[a,c,f] | s | 1944 | Huddling Place |
Incorporated in "City" | |||
nt | 1954 | Immigrant | |
[f] | nt | 1963 | New Folks' Home |
A pastoral Recommended by mlo | |||
[b] | nv | 1944 | Ogre |
HNom | n | 1981 | Project Pope |
[Psf] | n | 1953 | Ring Around the Sun |
HNom | s | 1971 | The Autumn Land |
Hugo [c,f] | nt | 1958 | The Big Front Yard |
nt | 1974 | The Birch Clump Cylinder | |
Hugo Neb | s | 1980 | The Grotto of the Dancing Deer |
nt | 1974 | The Marathon Photograph | |
HNom NNom | nv | 1970 | The Thing in the Stone |
[a] | n | 1951 | Time and Again |
HNom | n | 1961 | Time Is the Simplest Thing |
Original title "The Fisherman" | |||
Hugo [i,Psf] | n | 1963 | Way Station |
Originally titled "Here Gather the Stars" A personal favorite -- mlo |
Simmons, Dan
Hugo | n | 1989 | Hyperion |
HNom NNom | n | 1990 | The Fall of Hyperion |
Sinclair, Andrew
[Pf] | n | 1967 | Gog |
Siodmak, Curt
[a] | n | 1942 | Donovan's Brain |
Not the movie novelization, the original novel --
jr |
Sladek, John
[Psf] | n | 1980 | Roderick |
recommended by dgg | |||
[Psf] | c | 1983 | Roderick at Random |
[g] | s | 1988 | Stop Evolution in Its Tracks! |
Sleator, William
n | 1974 | House of Stairs | |
Recommended by po |
Slesar, Henry
[f] | s | 1960 | Chief |
Smeds, Dave
NNom | s | 1994 | Short Timer |
Smith, Cordwainer
[f] | nt | 1961 | A Planet Named Shayol |
nt | 1961 | Alpha Ralpha Boulevard | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
s | 1963 | Drunkboat | |
nt | 1961 | Mother Hitton's Littul Kittons | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
[f,g] | nt | 1959 | No, No, Not Rogov! |
[i,Psf] | n | 1975 | Norstrilia |
[a,c,f] | nt | 1948 | Scanners Live in Vain |
Earliest cyberpunk stpry -- arl | |||
[c,f,j] | nv | 1962 | The Ballad of Lost C'mell |
[f] | s | 1958 | The Burning of the Brain |
nv | 1964 | The Dead Lady of Clown Town | |
A personal favorite -- mlo. The best title in sf & a
good story, too -- po | |||
[a,f] | s | 1955 | The Game of Rat and Dragon |
[f] | nt | 1960 | The Lady Who Sailed the Soul |
HNom | n | 1964 | The Planet Buyer |
Original title: "The Boy Who Bought Old
Earth" | |||
s | 1963 | Think Blue, Count Two | |
Recommended by po |
Smith, Dean Wesley
NNom | s | 1996 | In the Shade of the Slowboat Man |
[i] | se | 0 | "Lensmen Series" |
Quintessential Space Opera! -- mlo | |||
se | 0 | "Skylark" series | |
Nearly unreadable, but seminal to the field. You should try
to read it! -- mlo | |||
n | 1954 | Children of the Lens | |
Lensman #6 | |||
n | 1950 | First Lensman | |
Lensman #3 | |||
n | 1950 | Galactic Patrol | |
Lensman #2 | |||
n | 1951 | Grey Lensman | |
Seminal but bad (though not as bad as Skylark). Lensman
#4 | |||
n | 1953 | Second Stage Lensman | |
Lensman #5 | |||
HNom | n | 1965 | Skylark DuQuesne |
The last "Skylark" story and the only thing written by the
beloved Doc Smith eligible for nomination for a Hugo. | |||
n | 1930 | Skylark of Three | |
Skylark #2 | |||
n | 1935 | Skylark of Valeron | |
Skylark #3 | |||
n | 1928 | The Skylark of Space | |
The first book of the "Skylark" series and the very first
space opera! Seminal but awful -- read it anyway! -- mlo | |||
n | 1948 | Triplanetary | |
Lensman #1 |
Smith, George O.
[a] | nt | 1943 | Lost Art |
[a,f] | nt | 1942 | QRM-Interplanetary |
Incorporated in "Venus Equilateral" | |||
[i] | c | 1947 | Venus Equilateral |
Collection of all the "Venus Equilateral" stories except
the last one in the Campbell Memorial
Anthology |
Smith, Thorne
[k] | n | 1931 | Night Life of the Gods |
n | 1926 | Topper | |
[k] | n | 1931 | Turnabout |
More a 30s comedy than fantasy, but contains a distinct
fantastic element - - mlo |
Sohl, Jerry
n | 1953 | Costigan's Needle | |
Recommended by arl |
Somtow, S. P.
ps | Pseudonym of Somtow Sucharitkul |
Soukup, Martha
Neb | s | 1994 | A Defense of the Social Contract |
HNom NNom | s | 1991 | Dog's Life |
HNom | nt | 1990 | Over the Long Haul |
HNom | s | 1992 | The Arbitrary Placement of Walls |
HNom | s | 1993 | The Story So Far |
NNom | nt | 1992 | Things Not Seen |
Spinrad, Norman
NNom [j] | s | 1973 | A Thing of Beauty |
HNom NNom [Psf] | n | 1969 | Bug Jack Barron |
s? | 1967 | Carcinoma Angels | |
recommended by David Grubb | |||
HNom NNom | nv | 1988 | Journals of the Plague Years |
s | 1964 | Last of the Romany | |
Recommended by arl | |||
HNom | nv | 1974 | Riding the Torch |
Excellent! -- arl & mlo | |||
NNom | nt | 1969 | The Big Flash |
n | 1972 | The Iron Dream | |
nt | The Lost Continent | ||
Recommended by jcook@aaas.org | |||
1967 | The Men in the Jungle | ||
NNom | n | 1983 | The Void Captain's Tale |
Springer, Nancy
HNom NNom | s | 1986 | The Boy Who Plaited Manes |
St. Clair, Margaret
[f] | s | 1956 | Horrer Howce |
[a] | s | 1954 | Short in the Chest |
Stableford, Brian
nt | 1992 | Complications | |
Recommended by arl | |||
HNom | NV | 1994 | Les Fleurs Du Mal |
NNom | nv | 1995 | Mortimer Gray's History of Death |
[Psf] | n | 1979 | The Walking Shadow |
Stallman, Robert
NNom | n | 1980 | The Orphan |
Stanton, Mary
n | 1988 | The Heavenly Horse from the Uttermost West | |
Recommended by po |
Stapledon, Olaf
[i] | n | 1931 | Last & First Men |
[i] | n | 1935 | Odd John |
[a] | n | 1944 | Sirius |
n | 1937 | Star Maker | |
Recommended by mlo |
Steele, Allen
Hugo NNom | nv | 1995 | The Death of Captain Future |
HNom | nt | 1995 | The Good Rat |
Stephensen, Neal
Hugo NNom | n | 1995 | The Diamond Age |
Sterling, Bruce
HNom | nt | 1996 | Bicycle Repairman |
NNom | nt | 1983 | Cicada Queen |
HNom | nt | 1993 | Deep Eddy |
HNom | s | 1985 | Dinner in Audoghast |
HNom NNom | s | 1989 | Dori Bangs |
HNom NNom | nt | 1987 | Flowers of Edo |
NNom | nv | 1985 | Green Days in Brunei |
HNom | n | 1996 | Holy Fire |
HNom | n | 1988 | Islands in the Net |
HNom | s | 1988 | Our Neural Chernobyl |
NNom | n | 1985 | Schismatrix |
HNom | s | 1982 | Spider Rose |
NNom | s | 1984 | Sunken Gardens |
HNom NNom [j] | nt | 1982 | Swarm |
n | The Artificial Kid | ||
Probably the first cyberpunk novel -
jds |
Stevenson, Robert Louis
[i,k] | nv | 1886 | Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde |
Stevermer, Caroline
n | 1994 | A College of Magics | |
Recommended by mlo |
Stewart, George R.
[a,i,Psf] | n | 1949 | Earth Abides |
Stewart, Mary
n | 1970 | The Crystal Cave | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1973 | The Hollow Hills | |
Recommended by po |
Stewart, W. Gregory
NNom | s | 1991 | The button, and what you know |
[Check capitalization] |
Stith, John E.
NNom | n | 1990 | Redshift Rendezvous |
Stockton, Frank
n | 1889 | The Great War Syndicate | |
nv | The Lady or the Tiger | ||
Recommended by jr |
Stoker, Bram
[i,k] | n | 1897 | Dracula |
Strete, Craig
The Squaw | |||
NNom | s | 1975 | Time Deer |
Strugatsky, Arkady and Boris
[g] | nv | 1984 | Way to Amalteia |
Stuart, Don A.
ps | Pseudonym of John W. Campbell, Jr. |
Sturgeon, Theodore
[a] | nv | 1953 | ...And My Fear Is Great |
[a,f] | s | 1953 | A Saucer of Loneliness |
[a] | nt | 1953 | A Way of Thinking |
[f] | s | 1956 | And Now the News... |
[a,c] | nv | 1952 | Baby Is Three |
Incorporated into "More Than Human" | |||
[a] | s | 1947 | Bianca's Hands |
[a] | nt | 1955 | Bulkhead |
[f] | nt | 1940 | Butyl and the Breather |
NNom | nt | 1973 | Case and the Dreamer |
[f] | s | 1939 | Ether Breather |
[a,l] | nv | 1954 | Golden Helix |
[a] | nv | 1954 | Granny Won't Knit |
NNom | nv | 1967 | If All Men Were Brothers, Would You Let One Marry Your Sister? |
[a,f] | nt | 1940 | It |
[a,e,f] | nv | 1944 | Killdozer! |
[a] | nt | 1947 | Maturity |
[f] | s | 1946 | Memorial |
[a,e,f] | nt | 1946 | Mewhu's Jet |
[a,c,f] | nt | 1941 | Microcosmic God |
[a,i,Psf] | n | 1953 | More Than Human |
A fix-up novel | |||
[a] | s | 1953 | Mr. Costello, Hero |
HNom | nt | 1960 | Need |
[g] | s | 1971 | Occam's Scalpel |
[a] | nt | 1951 | Rule of Three |
[f] | nt | 1941 | Shottle Bop |
Hugo Neb | nt | 1970 | Slow Sculpture |
[a] | nv | 1955 | The [Widget], the [Wadget], and Boff |
[a] | nt | 1946 | The Chromium Helmet |
[a,i] | n | 1950 | The Dreaming Jewels |
[f,g] | s | 1949 | The Hurkle Is a Happy Beast |
NNom | s | 1969 | The Man Who Learned Loving |
HNom [f,g] | nt | 1959 | The Man Who Lost the Sea |
[a] | nv | 1948 | The Perfect Host |
[a,f] | s | 1953 | The World Well Lost |
[a,b,f] | s | 1947 | Thunder and Roses |
[f] | nt | 1947 | Tiny and the Monster |
[a] | nv | 1954 | To Here and the Easel |
[a] | s | 1955 | Twink |
HNom [Psf] | n | 1960 | Venus Plus X |
HNom [f] | nt | 1962 | When You Care, When You Love |
[a] | nt | 1955 | When You're Smiling |
[f] | nt | 1955 | Who? |
Sucharitkul, Somtow
HNom | s | 1981 | Absent Thee from Felicity a While |
HNom | nt | 1982 | Aquila |
Sullivan, Timothy Robert
NNom | s | 1981 | Zeke |
Swann, Thomas Burnett
HNom [Pf] | n | 1966 | Day of the Minotaur |
n | 1974 | How Are the Mighty Fallen | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1968 | Moondust | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1977 | Queens Walk in the Dusk | |
n | 1971 | The Forest of Forever | |
Recommended by po | |||
HNom | nt | 1966 | The Manor of Roses |
HNom [l] | nt | 1962 | Where Is the Bird of Fire? |
Swanwick, Michael
NNom | nv | 1993 | Cold Iron |
NNom | nt | 1980 | Ginnungagap |
HNom | nv | 1991 | Griffin's Egg |
In the Drift | |||
Recommended by po | |||
NNom | nv | 1984 | Marrow Death |
NNom | nt | 1981 | Mummer Kiss |
HNom Neb | n | 1991 | Stations of the Tide |
HNom | s | 1996 | The Dead |
HNom | s | 1989 | The Edge of the World |
NNom | nt | 1980 | The Feast of St. Janis |
NNom | nt | 1984 | Trojan Horse |
n | 1987 | Vacuum Flowers | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
HNom | s | 1995 | Walking Out |
Swanwick, Michael and William Gibson
HNom NNom | nt | 1985 | Dogfight |
Swift, Jonathan
[i,k] | n | 1726 | Gulliver's Travels |
Sykes, S. C.
NNom | nt | 1985 | Rockabye Baby |
Taine, John
[f] | nt | 1939 | The Ultimate Catalyst |
Tall, Stephen
ps | Pseudonym of Compton Crook | ||
HNom | s | 1971 | The Bear with a Knot on His Tail |
Included in 'The Stardust Voyages' | |||
n | 1975 | The Stardust Voyages | |
Fix-up novel |
Tanner, Charles R.
nv | 1931 | Tumithak of the Corridors | |
Important for its day --
mlo |
Tarr, Judith
n | 1989 | A Wind in Cairo | |
Minor, but fun -- po | |||
n | 1992 | Lord of the Two Lands | |
An excellent historial fantasy -- mlo | |||
n | 1995 | Pillar of Fire | |
A brilliant historical novel which is just barely a
fantasy, too -- mlo |
Taylor, Robert
NNom | s | 1968 | Idiot's Mate |
Temple, William F.
[a,f] | nt | 1939 | The Four-Sided Triangle |
Tenn, William
[f] | nt | 1963 | Bernie the Faust |
[a] | s | 1951 | Betelgeuse Bridge |
[a,f] | s | 1948 | Brooklyn Project |
[a,b,e,f] | s | 1947 | Child's Play |
[a,f] | nt | 1954 | Down Among the Dead Men |
Great story -- arl | |||
[a,h] | nv | 1952 | Firewater |
[f] | s | 1951 | Null-P |
n | 1968 | Of Men and Monsters | |
Recommended by po | |||
[a] | nt | 1954 | Party of the Two Parts |
[a,f] | s | 1953 | The Liberation of Earth |
[f] | nt | 1959 | The Malted Milk Monster |
[a] | nt | 1949 | Venus and the Seven Sexes |
nt | 1957 | Winthrop Was Stubborn | |
Recommended by po. AKA "Time Waits for
Winthrop" |
Tennant, Emma
[Pf] | n | 1976 | Hotel de Dream |
Tensei, Kono
[g] | s | 1982 | Triceratops |
Tepper, Sheri S.
HNom | n | 1989 | Grass |
s | 1988 | Marianne, the Madame and the Momentary Gods | |
Recommended by po. | |||
n | 1989 | Marianne, the Matchbox and the Malachite Mouse | |
n | 0 | The Awakener | |
Recommended by po. | |||
n | 1988 | The Gate to Women's Country | |
Recommended by po. | |||
n | 1985 | The Song of Mavin Manyshaped | |
Recommended by po. |
Tevis, Walter
NNom | n | 1980 | Mockingbird |
Thomas, Theodore L.
NNom | s | 1967 | The Doctor |
[f,g] | nt | 1962 | The Weather Man |
Thompson, W. R.
HNom | s | 1990 | VRM-547 |
Tiptree Jr., James
ps | Pseudonym of Alice Sheldon | ||
NNom | nv | 1975 | A Momentary Taste of Being |
HNom NNom | s | 1972 | And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Cold Hill's Side |
nt | 1969 | Beam Us Home | |
Yes! -- po | |||
s | 1989 | Color of .... Eyes | |
Recommended by jr | |||
s? | 1974 | Her Smoke Rose Up Forever | |
Hugo Neb | nv | 1976 | Houston, Houston, Do You Read? |
NNom | nt | 1981 | Lirios: A Tale of the Quintana Roo |
HNom Neb | s | 1973 | Love Is the Plan, the Plan Is Death |
HNom | nt | 1972 | Painwise |
HNom | s | 1982 | The Boy Who Waterskied to Forever |
Hugo NNom | nv | 1973 | The Girl Who Was Plugged In |
NNom | s | 1969 | The Last Flight of Dr. Ain |
HNom NNom | nv | 1985 | The Only Neat Thing to Do |
[g] | s | 1976 | The Psychologist Who Wouldn't Do Awful Things to Rats |
HNom Neb [j] | nt | 1977 | The Screwfly Solution |
Recommended by arl | |||
HNom | s | 1977 | Time-Sharing Angel |
HNom | n | 1978 | Up the Walls of the World |
Tolkien, J. R. R.
[a] | nv | 1949 | Farmer Giles of Ham |
nt | 1947 | Leaf by Niggle | |
nf | 1939 | On Fairy-Stories | |
[k,Pf] | n | 1952 | The Fellowship of the Ring |
Lord of the Rings #1 | |||
[i] | n | 1937 | The Hobbit |
[k,i] | n | 1954 | The Lord of the Rings |
Published in three volumes the progenitor of most modern fantasy and still the best ever written -- mlo | |||
[k,Pf] | n | 1954 | The Return of the King |
Lord of the Rings #3 | |||
n | 1977 | The Silmarillion | |
[k,Pf] | n | 1953 | The Two Towers |
Lord of the Rings #2 |
Treece, Henry
n | 1966 | The Green Man | |
Recommended by arl |
Tubb, E. C.
n | 1957 | Alien Dust | |
Recommended by arl |
Tuck, Donald
nf | Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy | ||
In three volumes the first comprehensive encyclopedia of
the field. It took 15 years to publish. | |||
Hugo | nf | 1983 | Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy, vol
Tucker, Wilson
n | 1974 | Ice and Iron | |
Recommended by arl | |||
n | 1958 | The Lincoln Hunters | |
n | 1952 | The Long Loud Silence | |
Reccomended by arl | |||
[a] | s | 1951 | The Tourist Trade |
n | 1954 | Wild Talent | |
Recommended by po. | |||
HNom NNom [Psf] | n | 1970 | Year of the Quiet Sun |
Turner, George
NNom | n | 1988 | Drowning Towers |
[g] | nt | 1978 | In a Petri Dish Upstairs |
Turtledove, Harry
After the Last Elf is Dead | |||
Nasty! -- mlo | |||
nt | 1986 | And So to Bed | |
Hugo | nv | 1993 | Down in the Bottomlands |
n | 1992 | Guns of the South | |
An excellent alternate history novel --
mlo | |||
s | 1984 | Hindsight | |
HNom NNom | nt | 1995 | Must and Shall |
nt | 1985 | The Road Not Taken | |
A fascinating retelling of Anvil's "Pandora's Planet" --
mlo |
Tuttle, Lisa
NNom | s | 1976 | Stone Circle |
Neb | s | 1982 | The Bone Flute |
Tutuola, Amos
[a] | n | 1953 | Palm Wine Drunkard |
Twain, Mark
[i] | n | 1889 | A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court |
[i] | n | 0 | Letters from Earth |
1916 | The Mysterious Stranger |
Updike, John
[g] | s | 1983 | The Chaste Planet |
[Pf] | n | 1984 | The Witches of Eastwick |
Utley, Steven and Howard Waldrop
NNom | nt | 1976 | Custer's Last Jump |
van Ewyck, Annemarie
[g] | s | 1984 | The Lens |
van Loggem, Manuel
[g] | s | 1974 | Pairpuppets |
Van Scyoc, Sydney
n | 1971 | Saltflower | |
Reccomended by arl |
Van Vogt, A. E.
[a,d,f] | nv | 1942 | Asylum |
[d,f] | nt | 1939 | Black Destroyer |
Incorporated in 'Voyage of the Space
Beagle' | |||
[f] | nt | 1942 | Cooperate -- Or Else! |
Incorporated in "The War Against the Rull" | |||
[a,f] | s | 1948 | Dormant |
n | 1956 | Empire of the Atom | |
'I, Claudius', revisited -- mlo | |||
[a,f] | s | 1950 | Enchanted Village |
[a,f] | nt | 1944 | Far Centaurus |
Excellent idea story -- mlo | |||
[f] | s | 1950 | Process |
nv | 1942 | Secret Unattainable | |
[a,i] | n | 1940 | Slan |
[k,Pf] | n | 1947 | The Book of Ptath |
HNom | nt | 1945 | The Mixed Men |
[f] | s | 1948 | The Monster |
[f] | nt | 1941 | The Seesaw |
Incorporated into 'The Weapon Shops of
Isher' | |||
[f] | nt | 1943 | The Storm |
[i] | n | 1963 | The Voyage of the Space Beagle |
A fix-up novel | |||
n | 1959 | The War Against the Rull | |
A fix-up novel Recommended by mlo | |||
n | 1947 | The Weapon Makers | |
[a,c,d,f] | nt | 1942 | The Weapon Shop |
n | 1951 | The Weapon Shops of Isher | |
Sequel to 'Empire of the Atom', but not as good --
mlo | |||
n | 1962 | The Wizard of Linn | |
HNom [a,i] | n | 1945 | The World of Null-A |
[b,f] | s | 1940 | Vault of the Beast |
Vance, Jack
HNom | nv | 1974 | Assault on a City |
n | 1952 | Big Planet | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
n | 1969 | Emphyrio | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
s | 1963 | Green Magic | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
NNom | n | 1983 | Lyonesse |
n | 1996 | Night Lamp | |
Quintessential Vance -- mlo | |||
[a] | nv | 1952 | Telek |
n | 1981 | The Book of Dreams | |
Demon Princes #5 | |||
Hugo | nt | 1962 | The Dragon Masters |
[a,i,k,Pf] | n | 1950 | The Dying Earth |
[Pf] | n | 1965 | The Eyes of the Overworld |
Recommended by kp | |||
n | 1979 | The Face | |
Demon Princes #4 | |||
[a] | nt | 1955 | The Gift of Gab |
n | 1964 | The Killing Machine | |
Demon Princes #2 | |||
n | 1957 | The Languages of Pao | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
Hugo Neb | nv | 1966 | The Last Castle |
HNom | nt | 1958 | The Miracle-Workers |
[c,f] | nv | 1961 | The Moon Moth |
n | 1964 | The Palace of Love | |
Demon Princes #3 | |||
nt | 1950 | The Potters of Firsk | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
n | 1964 | The Star King | |
Demon Princes #1 |
Varley, Jack
s | 1986 | The Unprocessed Word | |
Recommended by arl |
Varley, John
HNom NNom | s | 1977 | Air Raid |
Written as Herb Boehm | |||
HNom NNom | nt | 1980 | Beatnik Bayou |
HNom | nv | 1981 | Blue Champagne |
HNom | nt | 1976 | Gotta Sing, Gotta Dance |
NNom | nt | 1976 | In the Bowl |
HNom | nv | 1977 | In the Hall of the Martian Kings |
HNom | n | 1983 | Millennium |
HNom NNom | nt | 1979 | Options |
Hugo Neb | nv | 1984 | Press Enter [] |
NNom | nt | 1975 | Retrograde Summer |
HNom | n | 1992 | Steel Beach |
HNom | nt | 1978 | The Barbie Murders |
[Psf] | n | 1977 | The Ophiuchi Hotline |
Hugo Neb | nv | 1978 | The Persistence of Vision |
HNom [g] | nt | 1976 | The Phantom of Kansas |
Hugo NNom | s | 1981 | The Pusher |
HNom NNom | n | 1979 | Titan |
HNom | n | 1980 | Wizard |
HNom | n | 1961 | Sylva |
Verne, Jules
[i] | n | 1870 | 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea |
n | 1873 | Around the World in Eighty Days | |
n | 1862 | Five Weeks in a Balloon | |
[i] | n | 1865 | From the Earth to the Moon |
[g] | s | In the Year 2889 | |
[i] | n | 1863 | Journey to the Center of the Earth |
n | The Mysterious Island |
Vian, Boris
[g] | s | 1955 | The Dead Fish |
Vidal, Gore
NNom | n | 1978 | Kalki |
[a] | n | 1954 | Messiah |
Vinge, Joan D.
Hugo | nt | 1977 | Eyes of Amber |
HNom NNom | nv | 1978 | Fireship |
Hugo NNom [i] | n | 1980 | The Snow Queen |
HNom | n | 1991 | The Summer Queen |
nt | 1974 | The Tin Soldier | |
Recommended by po | |||
HNom | s | 1978 | View from a Height |
n | 1984 | World's End | |
A very interesting middle-of-series item --
po |
Vinge, Vernor
Hugo | n | 1992 | A Fire Upon the Deep |
[g] | nv | 1966 | Bookworm Run! |
nt | 1968 | Grimm's Story | |
Included in 'Grimm's World' | |||
HNom | n | 1986 | Marooned in Real Time |
nt | 1970 | Original Sin | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
HNom | nt | 1986 | The Barbarian Princess |
Included in 'Grimm's World' | |||
n | 1984 | The Peace War | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
HNom NNom | nv | 1981 | True Names |
Volsky, Paula
n | 1992 | Illusion | |
Recommended by po |
Vonnegut Jr., Kurt
HNom [Psf] | n | 1963 | Cat's Cradle |
n | 1965 | God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater | |
[g] | s | 1961 | Harrison Bergeron |
n | 1952 | Player Piano | |
[a] | s | 1950 | Report on the Barnhouse Effect |
HNom NNom | n | 1969 | Slaughterhouse-Five |
[a] | s | 1954 | The Big Trip Up Yonder |
HNom [i,Psf] | n | 1959 | The Sirens of Titan |
[a] | s | 1953 | Unready to Wear |
Waldrop, Howard
NNom | nv | 1989 | A Dozen Tough Jobs |
HNom NNom | nt | 1988 | Do Ya, Do Ya, Wanna Dance |
HNom | nt | 1991 | Fin de Cycle |
HNom NNom | s | 1985 | Flying Saucer Rock and Roll |
NNom | s | 1982 | God's Hooks |
NNom | s | 1985 | Heirs of the Perisphere |
HNom | s | 1982 | Ike at the Mike |
NNom | s | 1976 | Mary Margaret Road-Grader |
HNom | s | 1987 | Night of the Cooters |
NNom | s | 1986 | The Lions Are Asleep This Night |
HNom Neb | nt | 1980 | The Ugly Chickens |
Wallace, F. L.
[a,f] | nv | 1952 | Delay in Transit |
[a] | nt | 1953 | Student Body |
Wallace, Ian
n | 1955 | Address Centauri | |
Recommended by arl | |||
n | 1967 | Croyd | |
Recommended by arl |
Walling, William
HNom | nt | 1974 | Nix Olympica |
Walpole, Horace
[k] | n | 1765 | Castle of Otranto |
The great granddaddy of the
gothic |
Walton, Evangeline
n | 1936 | The Island of the Mighty | |
AKA 'The Virgin and the
Swine' |
Wandrei, Donald
nt | 1934 | Colossus | |
Recommended by arl |
Warner Jr., Harry
Hugo | nf | 1992 | A Wealth of Fable |
Excellent history of SF fandom in the 50's --
mlo | |||
nf | 1969 | All Our Yesterdays | |
Classic history of SF fandom in the 40's --
mlo |
Watkins, William John
NNom | s | 1993 | The Beggar in the Living Room |
Watson, Ian
[Psf] | n | 1978 | Miracle Visitors |
HNom NNom | nt | 1983 | Slow Birds |
[Psf] | n | 1973 | The Embedding |
HNom [g] | s | 1978 | The Very Slow Time Machine |
Watt-Evans, Lawrence
nv | 1992 | The Rebirth of Wonder | |
Recommended by arl | |||
Hugo NNom | s | 1987 | Why I Left Harry's All-Night Hamburgers |
Wei, Vahua
nt | 1984 | Conjugal Happiness in the Arms of Morpheus | |
Recommended by arl |
Weinbaum, Stanley G.
[c,j] | nt | 1934 | A Martian Odyssey |
nv | 1938 | The Black Flame | |
Recommended by arl | |||
n | 1939 | The New Adam |
Wellman, Manly Wade
HNom | s | 1958 | Nine Yards of Other Cloth |
[a] | n | 1938 | The Dark Destroyers |
[a] | s | 1955 | Walk Like a Mountain |
Wells, H. G.
Men Like Gods | |||
The Door in the Wall | |||
Recommended by pt | |||
n | 1901 | The First Men in the Moon | |
n | 1903 | The Food of the Gods | |
The Glass Egg | |||
[i] | n | 1897 | The Invisible Man |
nv | 1896 | The Island of Dr. Moreau | |
[g,j] | nv | 1903 | The Land Ironclads |
s | 1901 | The New Accelerator | |
The Shape of Things to Come | |||
s | 1897 | The Star | |
[c,i] | nv | 1895 | The Time Machine |
[i] | n | 1898 | The War of the Worlds |
[i] | n | 1898 | When the Sleeper Wakes |
Whelan, Michael
Hugo | nf | 1987 | Michael Whelan's Works of Wonder |
White, James
HNom | s | 1996 | Un-Birthday Boy |
White, James A.
[f] | nt | 1962 | Christmas Treason |
HNom | s | 1976 | Custom Fitting |
[i] | a | 1962 | Hospital Station |
HNom | n | 1961 | Second Ending |
[i] | n | 1963 | Star Surgeon |
[a] | nt | 1954 | The Conspirators |
White, T. H.
[i,k,Pf] | n | 1958 | The Once and Future King |
n | 1937 | The Sword in the Stone | |
Included in 'The Once and Future
King' |
Wilde, Oscar
[k] | nt | 1891 | The Picture of Dorian Gray |
Wilder, Cherry
n | 1977 | The Luck of Brin's Five | |
Fine YA fantasy -- po |
Wilhelm, Kate
HNom | nt | 1974 | A Brother to Dragons, a Companion to Owls |
NNom | s | 1970 | A Cold Dark Night With Snow |
NNom | nv | 1970 | April Fool's Day Forever |
NNom | nt | 1967 | Baby, You Were Great |
NNom | nt | 1971 | Encounter |
HNom Neb | s | 1987 | Forever Yours, Anna |
HNom NNom | s | 1994 | I Know What You're Thinking |
NNom [Psf] | n | 1979 | Juniper Time |
NNom | n | 1971 | Margaret and I |
NNom | n | 1992 | Naming the Flowers |
NNom | nt | 1972 | The Funeral |
Neb | nt | 1986 | The Girl Who Fell Into the Sky |
NNom | nv | 1985 | The Gorgon Field |
NNom | nv | 1971 | The Infinity Box |
[f,l] | s | 1957 | The Mile-Long Spaceship |
Neb [g] | s | 1968 | The Planners |
NNom | nv | 1971 | The Plastic Abyss |
NNom | nv | 1981 | The Winter Beach |
Hugo NNom | n | 1976 | Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang |
HNom | nv | 1981 | With Thimbles, With Forks and Hope |
Willey, Elizabeth
n | 1995 | A Sorcerer and a Gentleman | |
Recommend by mlo | |||
n | 1994 | The Well-Favored Man | |
Amber done better -- po |
Williams, Charles
[k] | n | 1930 | War in Heaven |
Williams, Ralph
[b] | s | 1958 | Business as Usual, During Alterations |
HNom | nt | 1959 | Cat and Mouse |
Williams, Robert Moore
[a,d] | s | 1938 | Robot's Return |
Williams, Tad
n | 1985 | Tailchaser's Song | |
Recommended by arl |
Williams, Walter Jon
n | 1992 | Aristoi | |
One of the best novels in an exceptional year -- po &
mlo | |||
n | 1997 | City on Fire | |
recommended by mlo | |||
HNom | nt | 1987 | Dinosaurs |
n | 1986 | Hardwired | |
n | 1985 | Knight Moves | |
Very reminiscent of some of Zelazny's stories, but better
-- mlo | |||
NNom | n | 1995 | Metropolitan |
NNom | nt | 1992 | Prayers on the Wind |
HNom NNom | nv | 1988 | Surfacing |
HNom NNom | nv | 1993 | Wall, Stone, Craft |
NNom | nv | 1987 | Witness |
Williamson, Jack
nv | 1948 | ...And Searching Mind | |
Incorporated in "The Humanoids" | |||
nt | 1934 | Born of the Sun | |
Recommended by arl | |||
[a,k,Pf] | n | 1940 | Darker Than You Think |
[a] | s | 1954 | Guinivere For Everybody |
[a,b,f] | s | 1940 | Hindsight |
[a] | n | 1940 | Realm of Wizardry |
[a,f] | nt | 1939 | Star Bright |
[a,i] | n | 1948 | The Humanoids |
n | 1935 | The Legion of Space | |
Classic very early space opera | |||
[j] | s | 1928 | The Metal Man |
Recommended by arl | |||
[a,c,e,f] | nv | 1947 | With Folded Hands... |
Incorporated in "The
Humanoids" |
Willis, Connie
Neb | s | 1982 | A Letter from the Clearys |
s | 0 | All My Darling Daughters | |
Recommended by jr | |||
HNom Neb | nt | 1989 | At the Rialto |
HNom | s | 1990 | Cibola |
HNom | s | 1979 | Daisy, in the Sun |
Hugo NNom | n | 1993 | Death on the Nile |
Hugo Neb | n | 1992 | Doomsday Book |
Hugo Neb | s | 1992 | Even the Queen |
Hugo Neb | nt | 1982 | Fire Watch |
HNom | s | 1991 | In the Late Cretaceous |
HNom NNom | nv | 1991 | Jack |
HNom | nt | 1991 | Miracle |
HNom | n | 1995 | Remake |
NNom | nt | 1987 | Schwarzschild Radius |
HNom | nv | 1986 | Spice Pogrom |
Hugo Neb | nv | 1988 | The Last of the Winnebagos |
HNom NNom | nt | 1983 | The Sidon in the Mirror |
HNom | s | 1996 | The Soul Selects Her Own Society |
HNom | nv | 1989 | Time-Out |
Willis, Walt
nf | Warhoon 28 | ||
A huge, hardbound 'fanzine' which collects some of the best
fan writing (not fan fiction!) ever written --
mlo |
Wilson, F. Paul
NNom | nv | 1986 | Dydeetown Girl |
Wilson, Richard
[a] | s | 1952 | Love |
[Is this actually *Richard* Wilson?] | |||
HNom Neb | nt | 1968 | Mother to the World |
NNom | nv | 1979 | The Story Writer |
Wilson, Robert Charles
n | 1991 | A Bridge of Years | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1989 | Gypsies | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1994 | Mysterium | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1990 | The Divide | |
Recommended by po | |||
n | 1993 | The Harvest | |
Recommended by po | |||
NNom | nt | 1995 | The Perseids |
Wolfe, Bernard
[a,Psf] | n | 1953 | Limbo |
[a] | nt | 1951 | Self-Portrait |
Wolfe, Gene
NNom | s | 1984 | A Cabin on the Coast |
NNom | s | 1972 | Against the Lafayette Escadrille |
[g] | s | 1987 | All the Hues of Hell |
NNom | n | 1994 | Calde of the Long Sun |
nt | 1984 | Detective of Dreams | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
NNom | n | 1986 | Free Live Free |
NNom | s | 1973 | How I Lost the Second World War and Helped Turn Back the German
Invasion |
s | 1970 | How the Whip Came Back | |
Recommended by arl | |||
NNom | s | 1970 | Island of Dr. Death and Other Stories |
NNom | n | 1993 | Nightside the Long Sun |
[Pf] | n | 1975 | Peace |
[g] | s | 1984 | Procreation |
HNom NNom | nv | 1978 | Seven American Nights |
n | 1989 | Soldier of Arete | |
NNom | n | 1987 | Soldier of the Mist |
NNom [Psf] | n | 1983 | The Citadel of the Autarch |
HNom Neb [Psf] | n | 1981 | The Claw of the Conciliator |
HNom Neb | nv | 1973 | The Death of Dr. Island |
NNom | nv | 1976 | The Eyeflash Miracles |
HNom NNom [g,i,Psf] | nv | 1972 | The Fifth Head of Cerberus |
NNom [Psf] | n | 1980 | The Shadow of the Torturer |
HNom NNom [Psf] | n | 1982 | The Sword of the Lictor |
HNom NNom | n | 1987 | The Urth of the New Sun |
HNom | s | 1981 | The Woman the Unicorn Loved |
NNom | s | 1980 | War Beneath the Trees |
s | 1976 | When I Was Ming the Merciless | |
Recommended by jr |
Wollheim, Donald A.
[f] | s | 1942 | Mimic |
[f] | s | 1954 | The Lysenko Maze |
Wolverton, Dave
NNom | nt | 1996 | After a Lean Winter |
Wrede, Patricia C.
n | 1989 | Snow White and Rose Red | |
Reccomended by arl |
Wrede, Patricia D.
n | 1991 | Mairelon the Magician | |
Recommended by po |
Wrede, Patricia D. and Caroline Stevermer
n | 1988 | Sorcerery and Cecelia | |
Quirky and delightful -- po |
Wright, Austin Tappan
n | 1942 | Islandia |
Wright, S. Fowler
[d] | s | 0 | Brain |
n | 1928 | Deluge |
Wu, William F.
HNom NNom | s | 1985 | Hong's Bluff |
HNom NNom | s | 1983 | Wong's Lost and Found Emporium |
Wyndham, John
n | 1968 | Chocky | |
Recommended by po | |||
s | 1956 | Consider Her Ways | |
Recommended by po | |||
[a,i,Psf] | n | 1951 | Day of the Triffids |
[a] | n | 1953 | Out of the Deeps |
[i] | n | 1955 | Rebirth |
Also titled "The Chrysalids". Really good --
po | |||
[a] | nt | 1953 | The Chronoclasm |
[Psf] | n | 1957 | The Midwich Cookoos |
nt | 1952 | The Perfect Creature | |
Recommended by arl | |||
n | 1960 | Trouble with Lichen |
Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn
[Pf] | n | 1980 | Ariosto |
Recommended by po | |||
se | 0 | St. Germain series | |
A classic vampire series. Recommended by
arl |
Yefremov, Ivan
nv | 1959 | Heart of the Serpent | |
Retelling of Leinster's "First Contact" from a proper
Communist perspective |
Yolen, Jane
NNom | n | 1992 | Briar Rose |
NNom | n | 1989 | Sister Light, Sister Dark |
NNom | nv | 1988 | The Devil's Arithmetic |
NNom | n | 1990 | White Jenna |
Young, Robert F.
HNom | s | 1964 | Little Dog Gone |
Yulsman, Jerry
n | 1984 | Elleander Morning |
Zahn, Timothy
n | 1985 | A Coming of Age | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
Hugo | nv | 1983 | Cascade Point |
HNom | nt | 1982 | Pawn's Gambit |
Zamayatin, Victor
n | 1972 | "We" |
Zebrowski, George
NNom | s | 1971 | Heathen God |
NNom | s | 1984 | The Eichmann Variations |
Zelazny, Roger
NNom | n | 1993 | A Night in the Lonseome October |
HNom [c,f] | nt | 1963 | A Rose for Ecclesiastes |
HNom | s | 1966 | Comes Now the Power |
n | 1969 | Creatures of Light and Darkness | |
Recommended by mlo | |||
HNom | nv | 1967 | Damnation Alley |
In perspective, trivial even before rotten movie --
cjh | |||
HNom | n | 1975 | Doorways in the Sand |
HNom | nt | 1966 | For a Breath I Tarry |
Neb | nv | 1965 | He Who Shapes |
Expanded into 'The Dream Master' | |||
Hugo Neb | nv | 1975 | Home Is the Hangman |
NNom | n | 1969 | Isle of the Dead |
HNom [Pf] | n | 1971 | Jack of Shadows |
s | 1989 | Loki 7281 | |
Recommended by arl | |||
Hugo NNom | n | 1967 | Lord of Light |
n | 1970 | Nine Princes in Amber | |
A good, ground-breaking fantasy. The nine (at least!)
sequels went downhill pretty fast -- mlo & cjh | |||
Hugo NNom | nt | 1986 | Permafrost |
HNom Neb | nt | 1965 | The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth |
[Psf] | n | 1966 | The Dream Master |
Expanded from 'He Who Shapes' | |||
NNom | s | 1974 | The Engine at Heartspring's Center |
NNom | nt | 1967 | The Keys to December |
NNom | nt | 1966 | The Moment of the Storm |
Hugo | n | 1965 | This Immortal |
Originally titled "...And Call Me Conrad" | |||
HNom | nt | 1966 | This Moment of the Storm |
NNom | nt | 1967 | This Mortal Mountain |
Hugo NNom | nv | 1985 | Twenty-Four Views of Mount Fuji, by Hokusai |
Hugo | nt | 1981 | Unicorn Variation |
Zelazny, Roger and Fred Saberhagen
n | 1990 | The Black Throne | |
Recommended by
arl |