Crawl Keyboard Commands Note that Crawl commands are case sensitive. Always make sure that Num Lock is OFF. Press ? at any time during the game to see a complete key command list. Note that multiple commands exist for some actions and are separated by a slash "/" meaning "or." Movement Use numeric keypad directionally: 789 456 123 5/del/. - rest one turn Shift + 5 (keypad) - rest up to 100 turns < - ascend a stairway > - descend a stairway shift + direction - "long walk" bump door/o - open a door c - close a door Combat bump/ctrl + direction/* + direction - attack in that direction w - wield or ready a weapon or item t - throw (or alternately, shoot) an item f - fire first available missile weapon ' - switch item D - dissect a corpse Magic z - zap a wand Z - cast a spell M - memorize a spell E - evoke/invoke special power (if any) of wielded/readied item a - use a special ability Character Stuff i - inventory e - eat food q - quaff (drink) a potion 5/del/. - rest one turn Shift + 5 (keypad) - rest up to 100 turns ! - shout or give commands to allies n - check skills ctrl + direction - find/remove a trap p - pray = - reassign inventory/spell letters Items, Armor And Jewelry g/, - get or pick up an item d - drop an item P - put on jewelry R - remove jewelry W - wear armor including shields, gloves, boots, etc. T - take off armor including shields, gloves, boots, etc. ] - display worn armor Information x - examine surroundings within line of sight r - read a scroll or book v - view inventory item description s - search adjacent spaces for traps, secret doors, etc. X - view automap of level +/up arrow - scroll level map up -/down arrow - scroll level map down \ - known items list ; - examine occupied space O - overview/summary of current dungeon level @ - character health status A - list abilities or mutations C - check experience info ^ - character religion (if any) desription # - write charcter info to text file ctrl + P - see old messages Helpful Commands ? - evoke complete commands list Q - quit without saving S - save game and exit ctrl + X - save game without query ctrl + A - toggle autopickup of items on/off ctrl + R - redraw screen V - game version info