Dungeon Crawl version 4.0.0 beta 26 character file. Boris the Dodger (Troll) (Level 13 Berserker) Play time: 13:13:35 Number of turns: 28195 Experience : 13/48178 Strength 35 Dexterity 8 Intelligence 7 Hit Points : 126 Magic Points : 11 AC : 16 Evasion : 17 Shield : 7 GP : 345 You are on level 11. You worship Trog. Trog is exalted by your worship. You are full. Inventory: Hand weapons e - a +4,+2 long sword of electrocution p - an uncursed glowing sabre of venom r - the -1,+0 halberd "Bugopuh" A truly terrible weapon, it drains the life of those it strikes. It affects your AC (-2). It protects you from fire. z - an uncursed giant spiked club C - the +0,+5 demon blade of Pypuhud (weapon) It emits flame when wielded, causing extra injury to most foes and up to double damage against particularly susceptible opponents. It enhances your eyesight. E - a +5,+1 giant spiked club Q - the +6,+1 knife "Ygos Su" It allows its wielder to attack twice when they would otherwise have struck only once. It affects your AC (+4). It affects your evasion (+3). It affects your strength (+1). It affects your dexterity (+4). T - an uncursed great sword of slicing Armour i - a +2 wizard's hat of intelligence (worn) u - a +2 robe H - a +2 robe (worn) S - a +2 dwarven shield (worn) Z - a +2 cloak of magic resistance (worn) Magical devices b - a wand of confusion s - a wand of slowing w - a wand of flame (3) J - a wand of enslavement (10) L - a wand of disintegration (5) M - a wand of polymorph other P - a wand of paralysis (7) V - a wand of random effects (7) Comestibles l - 5 meat rations F - a bread ration Scrolls c - a scroll labeled UF R KUNYK N d - a scroll of magic mapping h - 3 scrolls of remove curse n - 6 scrolls of detect curse t - a scroll of enchant weapon II Jewellery f - a ring of see invisible g - an amulet of resist mutation j - a +5 ring of protection (right hand) m - the ring of Tuqu This ring increases or decreases the mental ability of its wearer, depending on the degree to which it has been enchanted. It affects your intelligence (-3). It affects your evasion (+2). It affects your damage-dealing abilities (+2). q - a ring of intelligence v - an amulet of the gourmand (around neck) y - a ring of levitation A - a +5 ring of strength (left hand) D - a +2 ring of dexterity G - a ring of regeneration N - a ring of wizardry R - a +3 ring of intelligence Potions x - a potion of porridge B - a potion of restore abilities I - 3 potions of healing X - a potion of heal wounds Magical staves W - a staff of earth Miscellaneous a - a deck of cards O - a nondescript stone U - a deck of cards You have 1 experience left. Skills: + Level 9 Fighting - Level 3 Short Blades - Level 4 Long Blades - Level 2 Axes - Level 3 Maces & Flails - Level 1 Polearms - Level 5 Darts - Level 4 Throwing + Level 14 Dodging + Level 2 Stealth - Level 2 Shields - Level 3 Unarmed Combat + Level 1 Spellcasting + Level 2 Evocations You have 14 spell levels left. You don't know any spells. Mutations & Other Weirdness You are clumsy (Dex -2).